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2pages, 70 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Abu Simbel"Advanced Search
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'Great Temple of Ramesses II, Abu Simbel', 1846. Artist: Louis M. A. Linant de Bellefonds,
'Excavation of the Great Temple of Ramesses II, Abu Simbel', 1819. Artist: Louis M. A. Linant de Bellefonds,
'Egypt', 19th century. Artist: Frances Anne Lee
'Front of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel', Egypt, c1845. Artist: GF Weston
'Temple of Abu Simbel', 1842-1845. Artist: E Weidenbach
'Interior of the Temple of Abou Simbel', Egypt, 1842-1845. Artist: E Weidenbach
'Abu Simbel', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Nestor l'Hote
'Interior of the Great Temple, Abu Simbel', 19th century. Artist: George Moore
The Temple of Abu Simbel, Nubia, Egypt, 1878. Artist: Felix Bonfils
'Temple of Abou Simbel', Egypt, 1897-1934. Artist: Robert Talbot Kelly