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 54 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Damascus"Advanced Search
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In Damascus, between c1915 and c1920. Creator: Bain News Service.
Damascus, 1880. Creator: Alberto Pasini.
View of Damascus from the Hill of Salahiyeh - from a drawing by E. Harker, 1860. Creator: Smyth.
''L'occupation de Damas; La cavalerie arabe dans les faubourgs de la ville, ou les..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.
''L'occupation de Damas; L'emir Feycal, fils du cherif Hussein, roi du Hedjaz, entre..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.
Damascus, 1857. Creator: Francis Frith.
Distant View of Damascus, 1857. Creator: Francis Frith.
100. Un Iwân, à Damas, 1843. Creator: H. Clerget.
The Conversion of Saint Paul, ca. 1587-89. Creator: Lodovico Carracci.
Men Playing Chess, Damascus, 1888. Creator: Unknown.
Damascus, 1857. Creator: Francis Frith.
Conversion of Paul, ca. 1514. Creator: Hans Baldung.
'Rome v. Parthia, circa 50 B.C.', c1915.  Creator: Emery Walker Ltd.
'Rome v. Persia (Sassanian), circa 300 A.D.', c1915.  Creator: Emery Walker Ltd.
'The Omayyad Caliphate v. Byzantine Empire, circa 748 A.D.', c1915.  Creator: Emery Walker Ltd.
'Omaiyade, the Grand Mosque of Damascus, Syria', c1930s. Creator: Unknown.
'Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?', c1830s. Creator: GH Adcock.
'Damascus', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.
'Damascus', 1890. Creator: Unknown.
City panorama from Sulhieh, Damascus, Ottoman Syria, 1895.  Creator: W & S Ltd.
Tower from which St Paul descended in a basket, Damascus, Ottoman Syria, 1895. Creator: W & S Ltd.
'Chaffering Oriental Crowds That Throng The Street Markets', c1935. Artist: Charles H Gabriel.
'Courtyard in Damascus', 1903. Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
'The House of Ananias, Damascus', 1903. Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
16th-17th Century Old Panelled Room from Damascus, 1913. Artist: Unknown
A Camel Train bound for Damascus, 1936. Artist: Unknown
The street called straight, Damascus, Syria, 1936. Artist: Unknown
Bronze coin minted at Damascus, 7th century. Artist: Unknown
Bronze fals showing a figure holding a cross, 7th century. Artist: Unknown
Byzantine silk with a motif of a hero and lion. Artist: Unknown
Damascus, Syria, late 19th century. Artist: John L Stoddard
The environs of Damascus, Syria, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Damascus, Syria, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Council of Acre and the Siege of Damascus, 1147-1148 (late 12th century) Artist: Unknown
'Damascus', Syria, 19th century. Artist: J H Kernot
Ganem's mother and sister leaving Damascus, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
A lemonade vendor, Damascus, Syria, c1920s-c1930s(?). Artist: Unknown
Street scene, Damascus, Syria, c1920s-c1930s(?). Artist: Unknown
A water carrier in Damascus, Syria, c1920s-c1930s(?). Artist: Unknown
Damascus, Syria, 1841.Artist: H Jorden
A Turkish divan, Damascus, Syria, 1841.Artist: George Presbury
The Barrada River, (the ancient Pharpar), Damascus, Syria, 1841.Artist: Robert Sands
'The Great Khan at Damascus', 1841. Artist: W Kelsall
Cafes on a branch of the Barrada River (the ancient Pharpar), Damascus, Syria, 1841.Artist: S Smith
The reception room of a Pasha, Damascus, Syria, 1905.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
2 Kings 16:9-16: the people of Damascus are taken captive. Artist: Unknown
Damascus and its gardens, as seen from the north-west, Syria, 1900.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
An open bazaar in Damascus, Syria, 1900s.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
The inner court of a Damascus home, Syria, 1900.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Damascus, Syria, 1900s.Artist: Keystone
Damascus, Syria, 1900s.Artist: Keystone
Damascus, Syria, 1926. Artist: Unknown
'The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus', 1926.Artist: Frederic Shields
General Gouraud escapes an assassination attempt on route from Damascas to Kunaitra, 1921. Artist: Unknown