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View of the interior of the Royal Exchange in London, 1745-1753. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the interior of the Saint Stephen Walbrook church in London, 1753. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of The Mall in Saint James's Park in London, 1752. Creator: William Henry Toms.
View of the Mansion House in London, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Mansion House in London, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Mansion House in London, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Rotunda and the Chinese Pavilion on the Canal in London's Ranelagh Gardens..., 1752. Creator: Charles Grignion.
View of the Rotunda in London's Ranelagh Gardens with a masquerade ball on the occasion... 1751. Creator: Fabr. Parr.
View of the Rotunda in Ranelagh Gardens in London, 1751. Creator: Nathaniel Parr.
View of the Royal Exchange, London, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Royal Exchange, London, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Royal Exchange, London, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Royal Hospital Chelsea and the Rotunda in London's Ranelagh Gardens, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Royal Hospital Chelsea and the Rotunda in London's Ranelagh Gardens, 1751. Creator: Thomas Bowles.
View of the Temple of Comus in Vauxhall Gardens in London, 1751. Creator: Johann Michael Muller.
View of the Banqueting House and Horse Guards Building in London, 1753. Creator: Unknown.
Portion of an old broadcloth manufactury, Cranbrook, Kent, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Map of the London Postal District with its Subdivisions, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Shipwreck of "The Northern Belle": the Crew of "The Mary White", in their Life-boat, drawn through B Creator: Unknown.
New Church of St. John the Baptist, Isleworth, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Whale stranded at Winterton, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Progress of the Embankment of the Thames at Chelsea, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
New Buckingham-Gate, St. James's Park, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Cowthorpe Oak, near Wetherby, York, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Citizens of London walking in the Pleasant Pastures of Smethefelde, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
New School-Church of St. Peter's, Stepney, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Halstead Hall, near Horncastle, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Clergy Orphan Schools, Canterbury: the Chapel, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Procession to the Mausoleum, 1857. Creator: Edmund Evans.
Roman Catholic Church of St. Thomas of Canterbury, Fulham, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Lancashire Militia New Depot, at Preston, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Altar-tomb and Sculpture in Ledbury Church, 1857.  Creator: Unknown.
Skating in Hyde-Park - drawn by John Leech, 1857. Creator: Joseph Swain.
St. Ann's Royal Asylum, Brixton, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Devonport Borough Prison, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Hall of Childrey Down Manor-house, Berks., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Great Western Docks, Plymouth: the Floating Dock, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Great Western Docks, Plymouth: the Graving Dock, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
"The Strangers' Home", West India Dock Road, Limehouse, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Lundhill Colliery, Barnsley, the Scene of the Recent Explosion, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Explosion at Lund Hill Colliery, Barnsley, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of the Barnsley Branch Railway: the Procession entering the Regent-Street Station, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Lund Hill Colliery Explosion: Mouth of the Downcast Shaft, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Atlantic Cable, ready for shipment, Morden Wharf, East Greenwich, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The House in which Chatterton died, Brook-Street, Holborn, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Asylum for the Temporary Reception of Insane Soldiers, at Fort Pitt, Chatham, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Ceremony of Placing the Guards' Crimean Colours in the Chapel of the Wellington Barracks, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The "Strand Buildings" (Model Lodging-House) to be erected in Eagle-Court, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Manchester Election: the Hustings in St. Anne's-Square, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Improvements in Fleet-Street - the Union Bank of London, Temple Bar Branch, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Old Chambers in Middle-Temple-Lane, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Clock-Tower and Speaker's Residence, New Houses of Parliament, 1857. Creator: J. & A.W..
The New Townhall, Blackburn, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Members of the House of Commons Taking the Oaths, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Division Lobby, House of Commons: Taking the Votes, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Farm Buildings erected for the Earl of Macclesfield, at Shirburn, Oxon., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Plan of New Farm Buildings at Shirburn, Oxon., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Christ's Hospital and Christmas Eve - drawn by John Gilbert, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Seventh Prize Design for the War and Foreign Offices (John Dwyer, Architect): Premium, £100, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Scene of the Geological Discoveries at Swanage, Dorset - from a photograph by F. Briggs, 1857. Creator: Richard Principal Leitch.