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5pages, 282 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Vienna state"Advanced Search
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In the garden of Schönbrunn Palace in Vienna, undated. Creator: Carl Goebel.
The Knaffelsche Stiftungshaus at Jacobergasse No. 807 in Vienna, 1858. Creator: Carl L. Wiesböck.
The Ringstrasse in Vienna, 1905. Creator: Carl Müller.
At the Eichelhof in Nussdorf, 1933. Creator: Carl Moll.
Ernst Rüdiger Graf Starhemberg visits the defense work on the Lion Bastion 1683, (1868).  Creator: Carl Wurzinger.
Vienna in a hundred years, 1887. Creator: Edmund-Frédéric-Arthur Krenn.
The executioner's house in Vienna, undated. Creator: Emil Hutter.
The Stubenbastei and the Stubentor in Vienna, undated. Creator: Emil Hutter.
Old houses in Gaudenzdorf, 1907. Creator: Ferdinand Brunner.
On the Danube lands, 1903. Creator: Franz Jaschke.
Decoration design for Empress Elisabeth's bedroom in the Hermesvilla..., 1882. Creator: Hans Makart.
The Mayor of Vienna Dr. Richard Weiskirchner, 1910. Creator: Hans Temple.
The Botanical Garden in Vienna, 1891. Creator: Hermine Lang-Laris.
St. Stephen's Cathedral in Vienna, 1850. Creator: Jakob Alt.
View of the capital and residential city of Vienna from the vantage point near Nussdorf, 1822. Creator: Joseph Fischer.
Leopold von Babenberg hands over his treasures to the citizens of Vienna, 1836. Creator: Leander Russ.
The field fair on the outer castle square on April 13, 1826, (1826).  Creator: Peter Fendi.
Early spring in the Penzinger Au, 1887. Creator: Robert Russ.
Lady with Child, 1881. Creator: Tina Blau.
Street in Pötzleinsdorf, 1940. Creator: Viktor Planckh.
Emperor Franz Joseph in the Vienna Prater, 1931/1933. Creator: Wilhelm Thony.
Sunday in the Lobau, 1925. Creator: Anton Hans Karlinsky.
Lusthaus in the Prater, 1929. Creator: Anton Hans Karlinsky.
Danube bank in the Prater, 1873. Creator: Eduard Peithner von Lichtenfels.
Meadow at Dreimarkstein in Sievering, 1919. Creator: Egge Sturm-Skrla.
Schwender's Colosseum, around 1897. Creator: Ernst Graner.
Wine harvest in front of Vienna with a view of Klosterneuburg, the Leopoldsberg, Bisamberg..., 1779. Creator: Josef Heideloff.
Horse racing in Freudenau in Vienna 1884, 1884. Creator: Moritz Ledeli.
Funeral of the Mayor of Vienna Dr. Karl Lueger, 1910. Creator: Oskar Laske.
Facade of the National Library, Vienna, 1840-1849. Creator: Rudolf von Alt.
Costumes de Différents Pays, 'Homme Femme et Fille de Passan près Vienne en Autriche', c1797. Creator: Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur.
Costumes de Différents Pays, 'Marchand et Marchande de Vienne en Autriche', c1797. Creators: Jacques Grasset de Saint-Sauveur, LF Labrousse.
Ladies and gentlemen admire paintings at an exhibition in Vienna, 1829-1848.  Creator: Andreas Geiger.
View of the Stadtpalais Liechtenstein on a square in Vienna, 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
View of the Stadtpalais Liechtenstein in Vienna, 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
View of a street with wooden stalls in Vienna, 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
View of the Platz am Hof in Vienna, 1780-c.1830. Creators: Anon, Josef Carmine.
View of the Palais Schwarzenberg in the vicinity of the city of Vienna, 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
View of the Palais Visendic and the Academy of Painting and Sculpture in Vienna, 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
View of the Hohe Markt in Vienna, 1755-1779. Creator: Johann Sigrist.
View of the garden and the palace of an officer of the Queen of Hungary in a suburb..., 1735-1805. Creator: Unknown.
View of the Garden of a Palace of the Count of Althan in Vienna, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of an imperial palace in a suburb in Vienna, 1745-1775. Creator: Anon.
View of the Stadtpalais Liechtenstein on a square in Vienna, 1755-1779. Creator: Johann Sigrist.
View of the Stadtpalais Liechtenstein on a square in Vienna, 1755-1779. Creator: Johann Sigrist.
View of the Platz Am Hof in Vienna, 1755-1779.  Creator: Johann Sigrist.
View of the Hoher Markt in Vienna, 1755-1779. Creator: Johann Sigrist.
View of the fountain of the garden of the Palais Schwarzenberg in the vicinity..., 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
View of the fountain of the garden of the Palais Schwarzenberg in the vicinity..., 1700-1799. Creator: Anon.
View of a riding school in a suburb of Vienna, 1700-1799.  Creator: Anon.
View of a riding school in a suburb of Vienna, 1700-1799.  Creator: Anon.
''La Chute des Habsbourg; Proclamation de la Republique de l'Autriche allemande, devant..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.
'Le nouvel Empereur. Dernier portrait de l'archiduc Charles-Francois-Joseph...1914', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Derriere le cercueil de Francois-Joseph; le nouveau couple imperial, suivi de souverains..., 1916. Creator: Unknown.
D.R. Pollak and Son, Wien, Austro-Hungary, between 1895 and 1910. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Funerailles a La Hofburg', 1914.. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Funerailles a La Hofburg; Au palais de la Hofburg, les cercueils', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Funerailles a La Hofburg; La foule est admise a defiler devant la catafalque', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
Opern-Ring No. 19, Wohnhaus des Herrn Karl Herzfeld, 1860s. Creator: Unknown.
Albrechtsgasse No. 3, Portal am Wohnhause des Friedrich Ritter von Schey, 1860s. Creator: Unknown.