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58pages, 3,426 results in yourGeographicsearch for"California"Advanced Search
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California - Pasadena - Taylor home, 1922. Creator: Unknown.
Freight train going up Cajon Pass through the San Bernardino Mountains, Cajon, Calif., 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Freight train with two helper engines climbing the steep grade of Cajon Pass (westbound), CA., 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
One of the cuts through the mountains, near Cajon, Calif., Cajon Pass, Calif., 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Mojave Desert country, crossed by Santa Fe R.R., Cadiz, Calif., 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Mojave Desert country, crossed by the Santa Fe R.R., Cadiz, Calif., 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Flagman standing at a distance behind a Santa Fe R.R. west bound freight..., Bagdad, Calif., 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Santa Fe R.R. line leaving Cadiz, Calif. , 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Activity in the Santa Fe R.R. yard, Los Angeles, Calif. , 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Activity in the Santa Fe R.R. yard, Los Angeles, Calif. , 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Automatic dumper at the co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif., 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. , 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Drying oranges at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif., 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Grading oranges at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif., 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Grading oranges at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. , 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Growers bringing in their crop to a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. , 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Loading oranges into refrigerator car at a co-op orange packing plant, 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Operating a machine for putting tops on crates, co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. , 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Packing oranges at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif. , 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Washing oranges at an orange packing co-op, Redlands, Calif. , 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
View of Mount Shasta, Calif., 1942. Creator: Russell Lee.
Central tower from which cable buckets carry materials used in...of Shasta dam, CA, 1942. Creator: Russell Lee.
Shasta dam under construction, California, 1942. Creator: Russell Lee.
Shasta dam under construction, California, 1942. Creator: Russell Lee.
Shasta dam under construction, California, 1942. Creator: Russell Lee.
Shasta dam under construction, California, 1942. Creator: Russell Lee.
Shasta dam under construction, California, 1942. Creator: Russell Lee.
Shasta dam under construction, California, 1942. Creator: Russell Lee.
Loading oranges into a refrigerator car at a co-op orange packing plant, Redlands, Calif., 1943. Creator: Jack Delano.
Mounting motor on a Fairfax B-25 bomber, North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
A wing brace assembly for a B-25 bomber is prepared...North American Aviation, Inc., Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Making wiring assemblies at a junction box..., North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, CA, 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Riveting team working on the cockpit shell of a...Douglas Aircraft Co., Long Beach, Calif. , 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Punching rivet holes in a frame member for a B-25 bomber...North American Aviation, Inc., CA, 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Woman working on an airplane motor at North American Aviation, Inc., plant in Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
New B-25 bombers lined up for final inspection..., North American Aviation, Inc., Calif. , 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
North American B-25 bomber is prepared...North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Another North American B-25 bomber rolls off the final assembly line to join other ships..., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
View of the B-25 final assembly line at North American Aviation's Inglewood, California, plant, 1942 Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Employees on the "Sunshine" assembly line at North American's plant..., Inglewood, Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Two women employees of North American Aviation, Incorporated, assembling a section of a..., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Sheet metal parts are numbered with this pneu...North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, CA, 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
A young woman employee of North American Aviation, Incorporated..., Inglewood, Calif. , 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
A young woman employee of North American Aviation, Incorporated..., Inglewood, Calif. , 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Clerk in one of the stock rooms of North American Aviation, Inc..., Inglewood, Calif. , 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
On North American's outdoor assembly line..., North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif., 1942 Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Cowling and control rods are added to motors for...North American Inc., Inglewood, Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
An employee in the drill-press section of North American's huge machine..., Inglewood, Calif. , 1942 Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Metal parts are placed on masonite by..., North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
In North American's modern machine shop...North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Operating a hand drill at North American Aviation, Inc..., Inglewood, Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Part of the cowling for one of the motors for a B-25...North American Aviation, Inglewood, CA., 1942 Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Switch boxes on the firewalls of B-25 bombers... North American Aviation, Inglewood, Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Operating a hand drill at the North American Aviation, Inc., a woman is in the control..., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
A nose wheel and landing gear assembly for a B-25..., North American Aviation, Inc., Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Part of the cowling for one of the motors...North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Huge drop hammers work day and night form...North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif. , 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
Members of the experimental staff...North American Aviation, Inc, plant, Inglewood, Calif. , 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
An experimental scale model of the B-25...North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.
An experimental scale model of the B-25...North American Aviation, Inc., Inglewood, Calif., 1942. Creator: Alfred T Palmer.