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58pages, 3,435 results in yourGeographicsearch for"California"Advanced Search
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'Serra Palm. The First Palm Tree in California', c1941. Artist: Unknown.
'U.S. Naval Training Station, Administration Building. San Diego, California', c1941. Artist: Unknown.
'The Lily Pond', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'Museum of Natural History', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'The Pacific Relations Group', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'Intriguing Pathways', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'Entrance to American Tel. and Tel. Exhibit', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'The Palace of Photography', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'The California Tower', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'The Imposing Doorway of Fine Arts Gallery', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'The Avenue of Palaces', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'The Botanical Building', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'Cafe of the World and Casa del Rey Moro', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'Patio of the House of Hospitality', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'Right Wing of Fine Arts Gallery', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'Patio of the Palace of Photography.', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'Palace of Science and California Tower', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
'California Pacific International Exposition - U.S. Postage Stamp', c1935. Artist: Unknown.
The Standard Oil Building, San Francisco, California, 1924. Artist: Unknown.
View of lounge, Gaylord Apartments, Los Angeles, California. 1924. Artist: Unknown.
Lving room bay window, house of William Clarkson Van Antwerp, Burlingame, California, 1922. Artist: Unknown.
The California Theatre, San Francisco, California, 1922. Artist: Unknown.
Plaisance on the balcony level, the California Theatre, San Francisco, California, 1922. Artist: Unknown.
Granada Theatre, San Francisco, California, 1922. Artist: Unknown.
Auditorium, California Theatre, San Francisco, California, 1922. Artist: Unknown.
Detail of the auditorium, Granada Theatre, San Francisco, California, 1922. Artist: Unknown.
Gullfoss, Iceland, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Ofaerofoss Waterfall in Eldgja (Fire Gorge), Central Iceland, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Black volcanic landscape near Tungnaa River, Iceland , 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Ofaerfoss waterfall and Eldgja forge, Central Iceland, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Geyser at Hverageroi, Iceland, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Kaldakvisl with a view towards Hofsjokull (ice-cap), Central Iceland, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Eyjafjallajokull Glacier lake, Iceland, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Front elevation, Los Angeles Tennis Club, Los Angeles, California, 1925. Artist: Unknown.
Entrance detail, Los Angeles Tennis Club, Los Angeles, California, 1925. Artist: Unknown.
End of Assembly Room, Los Angeles Tennis Club, Los Angeles, California, 1925. Artist: Unknown.
Waiting room, Redlands Station, California, 1926. Artist: Unknown.
Women's Athletic Club, Los Angeles, California, 1926. Artist: Unknown.
Main dining room, University Club Building, Los Angeles, California, 1923. Artist: Unknown.
Floor plans, University Club Building, Los Angeles, California, 1923. Artist: Unknown.
Detail of main dining room, University Club Building, Los Angeles, California, 1923. Artist: Unknown.
End of lobby, Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California, 1923. Artist: Unknown.
Detail of main entrance, Los Angeles Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California, 1923. Artist: Unknown.
General view of the exterior, Los Angeles-Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California, 1923. Artist: Unknown.
Main dining room, Los Angeles-Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California, 1923. Artist: Unknown.
Detail of ballroom, Los Angeles-Biltmore Hotel, Los Angeles, California, 1923. Artist: Unknown.
Front elevation, the Forum Theatre, Los Angeles, California, 1925. Artist: Unknown.
Front elevation, the Golden Gate Theatre, San Francisco, California, 1925. Artist: Unknown.
Entrance facade, the Curran Theatre, San Francisco, California, 1925. Artist: Unknown.
Tyrolean influence in the exterior design of the Winema Theater, Scotia, California, 1925. Artist: Unknown.
Church-like design of the Auditorium of te Winema Theatre, Scotia, California, 1925. Artist: Unknown.
Husavik, a fishing town, Northern Iceland, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Fishermen in Husavik, Iceland, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Dettifoss from NE, Iceland, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Basalt cliffs beside Dettifoss, North Iceland, 20th century.  Artist: CM Dixon.
Dettifoss, North Iceland, 20th century.  Artist: CM Dixon.
Columnar Basalt at Hljodaklettar (echo cliffs), Northern Iceland, 20th century.  Artist: CM Dixon.
Landmannalaugar, Iceland, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Herdubreid with old lava, Iceland 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.
Midnight sky at Herdubreidarlindir in Summer, Iceland, 20th century. Artist: CM Dixon.