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3pages, 179 results in yourGeographicsearch for"Emilia-Romagna"Advanced Search
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The Emblem of the City of Bologna, 1625-1629. Artist: Guercino.
Roman Boat-Builder at work, on stele of Publius Longidienus, c2nd century.  Artist: Unknown.
Dome Mosaic in Orthodox Baptistry, Ravenna, Italy, 5th century. Artist: Unknown.
Soldier of the 4th Crusade, Mosaic in church of San Giovanni Evangelista, 13th century. Artist: Unknown.
Earthenware Vessel, Villanova Culture, from Bologna, Italy, 8th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Bronze Situla with incised decoration showing warriors, Etruscan, Bologna, c6th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
'Kaiser Heinrich IV. 1050-1106', 1934. Creator: Unknown.
'Bologne - Bologna', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
'Modena', 1838. Artist: Unknown.
Four topographical drawings, c1472-c1519 (1883). Artist: Leonardo da Vinci.
A map representing the town of Imola, Italy, c1472-c1519 (1883). Artist: Leonardo da Vinci.
British 8th Army troops and tanks on the road to Ferrara, Italy, April 1945. Artist: Unknown
The sarcophagus of Bishop Theodorus, 5th century. Artist: Unknown
A mosaic of Christ dressed as a soldier, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
A mosaic of the baptism of Christ, 5th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaics in the dome of the Baptistry of the Arians, 5th century. Artist: Unknown
A byzantine mosaic of St Peter, 5th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of St Paul and St Peter in the Mausoleum of Galla Placidia, 5th century. Artist: Unknown
Gold Roman fibula, 1st century. Artist: Unknown
Medieval mosaic of the sack of Constantinople, 5th century. Artist: Unknown
Mausoleum of Theodoric, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of Christ dressed as a Roman soldier, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of the Empress Theodora and her court, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of the Emperor Justinian and his court, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
Early Christian Sarcophagus, 5th century. Artist: Unknown
'Portrait of a Woman', c1518. Artist: Correggio
Mosaic of an angel, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
Roof mosaic of peacocks and other birds, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
Ravenna on election day. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of Christ the Good Shepherd, 5th century BC.. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of Frankish soldiers of the fourth crusade, 13th century. Artist: Unknown
Depiction of the sack of Constantinople in the Fourth Crusade, 13th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of a griffon in the church of San Giovanni Evangelista, 13th century. Artist: Unknown
The Basilica of Sant' Apollinare in Classe, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
The Mausoleum of Theodoric, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of Christ the Good Shepherd from Sant' Apollinare in Classe. Artist: Unknown
Interior of Sant' Apollinare Nuovo. Artist: Unknown
Tower of Sant'Apollinare Nuovo, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of the adoration of the magi, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaics of the Dome in the Bapistry of the Arians, 5th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of Christ dressed as a soldier, 6th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic detail showing St Paul, 5th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic detail showing St Peter, 5th century. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic in the dome of the Bapistry of the Arians, 5th century. Artist: Unknown
Roman relief of an oculist at work. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian relief of men moving a stone lintel. Artist: Unknown
'The Child's Bath', 16th century.  Artist: Parmigianino
'Conjurers', 16th century. Artist: Dosso Dossi
'Landscape with Scenes from Lives of the Saints', c1530. Artist: Circle of Dosso Dossi
Castello Estense, Ferrara, Italy, 1879. Artist: Unknown
'Canossa', 1878 (1882). Artist: Unknown
Henry IV of Germany outside the gates of Canossa, Italy, 1077 (1913). Artist: Arthur C Michael
Plan of Imola, Italy, c1502 (1954). Artist: Leonardo da Vinci
'Bridge over the River and Santa Giustina', c1740-1780. Artist: Bernardo Bellotto
Changing the rims on a De Dietrich car, Coppa Florio Race, Italy, 1908. Artist: Unknown
Coppa Florio, Bologna, Italy, 1908. Artist: Unknown
Vincenzo Trucco driving a De Dietrich, in the Coupe Florio, Bologna, Italy, 1908. Artist: Unknown
Garcet refuelling his Mors, Coppa Florio, Bologna, Italy, 1908. Artist: Unknown
Louis Wagner driving a Fiat, Coppa Fiorio motor race, Bologna, Italy, 1908 Artist: Unknown