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The New Vauxhall Bridge looking north towards Victoria, London, 1906. Artist: Unknown.
Old Waterloo Bridge and the South Bank, London, 1895. Artist: Unknown.
Westminster Bridge and the Palace of Westminster with Big Ben, London, 1934. Artist: Unknown.
Great Eastern Railway Bridge over the Bow Road, Poplar, London, 1915. Artist: Unknown.
Train passing over the Chelsea Road, London, 1936. Artist: Unknown.
Railway bridge across Deptford Creek, London, 1913. Artist: Unknown.
Railway bridge across Globe Road, Bethnal Green, London, 1914. Artist: Unknown.
Cars parked outside London Bridge Station, 1931. Artist: Unknown.
Temporary bridge over the River Thames being dismantled, London, 1948. Artist: Unknown.
Erection of Emergency Thames Bridge, London, 1942. Artist: Unknown.
Men on the Hydraulic Lever Platform of the Woolwich Ferry, London, 1896. Artist: Unknown.
Traffic driving on to the Woolwich Ferry, London, 1945. Artist: Unknown.
Official opening of the Blackwall Tunnel, Poplar, London, 1897. Artist: Unknown.
The Rotherhithe Tunnel under construction, London, March 1905. Artist: Unknown.
The Rotherhithe Tunnel under construction, London, 1906. Artist: Unknown.
Construction of the bridge approach to Rotherhithe Tunnel, Bermondsey, London, 1906. Artist: Unknown.
Southern approach to the Rotherhithe Tunnel, Bermondsey, London, September 1906. Artist: Unknown.
Bulkhead to retain compressed air in the Rotherhithe Tunnel, London, October 1906. Artist: Unknown.
Bulkhead to retain compressed air in Rotherhithe Tunnel, London, October 1906. Artist: Unknown.
Construction of the Rotherhithe Tunnel, Bermondsey, London, November 1906. Artist: Unknown.
Miners at work on the construction of the Rotherhithe Tunnel, Bermondsey, London, February 1907. Artist: Unknown.
Men pushing railway trucks along the Rotherhithe Tunnel, Stepney, London, June 1907. Artist: Unknown.
Men standing in the shield used to cut Rotherhithe Tunnel, Bermondsey, London, July 1907. Artist: Unknown.
Men standing in the cutting shield, Rotherhithe Tunnel, Stepney, London, August 1907. Artist: Unknown.
Workmen tiling the Rotherhithe Tunnel, London, December 1907. Artist: Unknown.
Official Opening of the Rotherhithe Tunnel, Bermondsey, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown.
The Prince of Wales officially opening the Rotherhithe Tunnel, Bermondsey, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown.
Boys on parade at the Boys Home Industrial School, London, 1900. Artist: Unknown.
Boys playing dominoes and reading at the Boys Home Industrial School, London, 1900. Artist: Unknown.
Boys sewing at the Boys Home Industrial School, London, 1900. Artist: Unknown.
Gymnastics display at the Boys Home Industrial School, London, 1900. Artist: Unknown.
Cricket team at the Boys Home Industrial School, London, 1900. Artist: Unknown.
Geography lesson at Elm Lodge Residential School for Elder Blind Girls, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown.
Girls knitting socks by machine at the Elm Lodge School for Blind Girls, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown.
Basketry workshop at Elm Lodge Residential School for Elder Blind Girls, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown.
Gymnastic display at Elm Lodge Residential School for Elder Blind Girls, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown.
Boys' tailoring class at Highbury Truant School, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown.
Boys making baskets at Linden Lodge Residential School, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown.
Young children asleep at Mitcham Residential School, London, 1931. Artist: Unknown.
Language lesson on daffodils at Oak Lodge School for Deaf Girls, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown.
Boys making bread at Upton House Truant School, Hackney, London, 1908. Artist: Unknown.
Children and carers in a garden, Hampstead, London, 1960. Artist: Unknown.
Men sitting in the library at Cedars Lodge old people's home, Wandsworth, London, 1939. Artist: Unknown.
Hair dressing class for men at the Bromley Non-Residential Training Centre, London, 1934. Artist: Unknown.
Display of posters at a training centre, Deptford, London, 1935. Artist: Unknown.
Pensioners playing cards in the Men's Day Room, Lambeth Home for Aged Poor, London, 1935. Artist: Unknown.
Pensioners in the Women's Day Room at the Lambeth Home for Aged Poor, London, 1935. Artist: Unknown.
Kitchen at the Fulham Hostel, London, 1947. Artist: Unknown.
Children drawing water from the Aldgate pump, London, August 1908. Artist: Unknown.
Shops on Bishopsgate, London, October 1909. Artist: Unknown.
Shop windows, looking south from Cheapside, London, May 1912. Artist: Unknown.
Pedestrians and traffic, Victoria Street, London, April 1912. Artist: Unknown.
Horse-drawn vehicles in High Holborn, London, 1898. Creator: Unknown.
Interior of an office with a man on the telephone, Greenwich, London, November 1936. Artist: Unknown.
Vanbrugh Castle, Westcombe Park Road, Greenwich, London, May 1933. Artist: Unknown.
Row of derelict houses, Hackney, London, August 1937. Artist: Unknown.
Row of shops with advertising hoardings, Balls Pond Road, Hackney, London, September 1913. Artist: Unknown.
Row of shops in Lea Bridge Road, Hackney, London, September 1909. Artist: Unknown.
Scrapyard by Cat and Mutton Bridge, Shoreditch, London, January 1903. Artist: Unknown.
Busy street by Stamford Bridge Stadium, (Chelsea Football Ground), Fulham, London, 1912. Artist: Unknown.