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Black-Figure Neck Amphora, about 510 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Attic Black-Figure Neck-Amphora, about 520 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Fragmentary Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora (comprised of 34 fragments), about 510 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora, about 500-480 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Panathenaic Prize Amphora with Lid, 363-362 BC. Creators: Painter of the Wedding Procession, Nikodemos.
Attic Black-Figure Neck Amphora Fragment, about 530 BC. Creator: The Affecter.
Attic Black-Figure Amphora Fragment, 550-500 BC. Creator: Unknown.
Caryatids, Athens, late 1850s-1860s. Creator: Konstantinos Dimitriou.
Necropolis, Athens, late 1850s-1860s. Creator: Konstantinos Dimitriou.
Col. Doherty, Officers and Men. 13th Light Dragoons., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Major Burton and Officers of the 5th Dragoon Guards, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lt. General Barnard, C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Self-Portrait in Zouave Uniform, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Chicago Fire Department, Amoskeag engine, 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Marechal Pelissier, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Officers of the 42nd Highlanders, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Portrait of an Unidentified Black Servant, about 1775. Creator: Unknown.
A Boy Holding a Pear (Giacomo Piazzetta?), about 1737. Creator: Giovanni Battista Piazzetta.
Portrait of a Man, about 1490. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of a Woman, late 19th century. Creator: Adolphe Beau.
Portrait of a Woman with Book, late 19th century. Creator: Adolphe Beau.
Old Man in Smock, about 1855-1865. Creator: John Whistler.
Granville George Leveson-Gower, 2nd Earl Granville, about 1860-1862. Creator: Caldesi, Blanford & Co..
Sir George Grey, 2nd Baronet, about 1860-1862. Creator: Caldesi, Blanford & Co..
John Russell, 1st Earl Russell, about 1860-1862. Creator: Caldesi, Blanford & Co..
William Ewart Gladstone, 1863. Creator: Caldesi, Blanford & Co..
Cheik bédouin du Palmyre, about 1870-1880. Creator: Felix Bonfils.
Portrait of John Hutton Balfour, about 1860-1884. Creator: Horatio Nelson King.
George Hamilton Gordon, 4th Earl of Aberdeen, 1860. Creator: John Jabez Edwin Mayall.
Portrait of an old woman, 1878-1896. Creator: Samuel Alexander Walker.
Portrait of a man, 1878-1896. Creator: Samuel Alexander Walker.
Harriet Pelham as Jupiter in 'Ixion', 1863. Creator: Southwell Brothers.
Portrait of a Woman, late 19th-early 20th century. Creator: Alexander Bassano.
Salem, about 1880-1890. Creator: Alexandre Leroux.
Gladys de Grey, 1889. Creator: Henry van der Weyde.
Seated Man, about 1855-1865. Creator: John Whistler.
Old Woman with Baskets outside a House, about 1855-1865. Creator: John Whistler.
Seated Young Man, about 1855-1865. Creator: John Whistler.
Lt. Colonel Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Maréchal Pelissier, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Omar Pacha, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lt. Gen. Sir Burgoyne, G.C.B. Seated in Dress Uniform with Aide to his Right, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lt. General Sir Richard England, K.C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Captain Brown, 4th Light Dragoons and Servant, in Winter Dress., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lt. Colonel Prince Edward of Saxe Weimar, 1856. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lt. General Sir W.J. Codrington, H.C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Cantiniere, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Major General Lockyer, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Colonel Harding, Commandant at Balaklava, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lt. Colonel Vico, 1856. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Lt. General Barnard, C.B., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Dr. Sutherland, Sanitary Commissioner;Crimea Series, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Officers on the Staff of Lt. General Sir G. Brown., 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Major General Lockyer, and Two of his Staff, 1855. Creator: Roger Fenton.
Choragic Monument of Lysicrates, about 1860. Creator: Konstantinos Dimitriou.
Syra, Greece, about 1865. Creator: Konstantinos Dimitriou.
Propylaea of the Acropolis, Athens, about 1880. Creator: Konstantinos Dimitriou.
Athens - view of the Acropolis from the southeast, including temple of Zeus Olympios..., 1865. Creator: Konstantinos Dimitriou.
Athens - temple of Zeus Olypmpios, 1865. Creator: Konstantinos Dimitriou.
Athens - Acropolis, Propylea from the west, 1865. Creator: Konstantinos Dimitriou.