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75pages, 4,489 results in yourKeywordsearch for"allegory and literature"Advanced Search
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The Knight, the Young Girl and Death, Between 1500 and 1524. Creator: Baldung (Baldung Grien), Hans (1484-1545).
King Sigurd I the Crusader, 1862. Creator: Burne-Jones, Sir Edward Coley (1833-1898).
The Entry of King Sigurd and his men into Miklagard, 1899. Creator: Munthe, Gerhard (1849-1929).
King Sigurd and King Baldwin of Jerusalem ride to the river Jordan, 1899. Creator: Munthe, Gerhard (1849-1929).
Portrait of a Married Couple as Medea and Jason (Leonhard Winnincx and Helena van Heuvel?), 1664. Creator: Bol, Ferdinand (1616-1680).
Cloelia Passing the Tiber, Between 1630 and 1640. Creator: Rubens, Peter Paul, (School)  .
Venus Presenting Aeneas with Armour Forged by Vulcan, 1748. Creator: Batoni, Pompeo Girolamo (1708-1787).
Aeneas and Dido, 17th century. Creator: Pasinelli, Lorenzo (1629-1700).
The Appearance of the Holy Grail. From Queste del Saint-Graal, 15th century. Creator: Anonymous.
Procession du Saint Graal. From Roman de Perceval le Gallois et continuations, ca 1330. Creator: Anonymous.
Lancelot at the Chapel of the Holy Grail. From Tristan de Léonois, Early 15th cen.. Creator: Anonymous.
Lancelot at the Chapel of the Holy Grail, 15th century. Creator: Anonymous.
The Childhood of Zeus (Infant Zeus Fed by the Goat Amalthea), c. 1640. Creator: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678).
Actor Ichikawa Danjuro VIII as the brigand Jiraiya (Views of Fuji from Edo), 1852. Creator: Kuniyoshi, Utagawa (1797-1861).
Ono no Komachi, from the Series "One Hundred Aspects of the Moon", 1886. Creator: Yoshitoshi, Tsukioka (1839-1892).
Combat between an Amazon and a Greek. (Nolan amphora) , ca 470-460 BC. Creator: Alcimachus Painter (active c. 460 BC).
Amazonomachy (Battle of Greeks against Amazons). Lekythos, ca 420-410 BC. Creator: Eretria Painter (active final quarter of the 5th cen. BC.).
Amazons in battle. From "Histoires Roger", c. 1280. Creator: Anonymous.
Amazons in battle. From Speculum historiale by Vincent de Beauvais, 1334. Creator: Maître de Fauvel (active 1314-1340).
Amazons in battle. From Speculum historiale by Vincent de Beauvais, 1463. Creator: Anonymous.
Amazons. From Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César by Wauchier de Denain, c. 1260-1270. Creator: Anonymous.
Amazons in battle. From Histoire ancienne jusqu'à César by Wauchier de Denain, ca. 1470-1480. Creator: Anonymous.
Amazons in battle. From Liber de natura rerum by Thomas de Cantimpré, um 1290. Creator: Anonymous.
Portrait of Andrea Doria as a Sea God, 1540s. Creator: Bronzino, Agnolo (1503-1572).
San Gennaro protects Naples , 1652. Creator: Palumbo, Onofrio (active ca 1650).
Minerva Visits the Nine Muses, 1608. Creator: Balen, Hendrik I, van (1575-1632).
An Allegory of Trade and Commerce, ca 1590. Creator: Fiammingo, Paolo (c. 1540-1596).
Flore caressée par Zéphyr (Flora Caressed by Zephyr), 1802. Creator: Gérard, François Pascal Simon (1770-1837).
Uisang's Seal-diagram Symbolizing the Dharma Realm, 7th century. Creator: Historic Object.
The Murderess, 1907. Creator: Munch, Edvard (1863-1944).
So the Treasure Was Divided. From "The Fate of a Treasure Town", 1905. Creator: Pyle, Howard (1853-1911).
Illustration for "Treasure Island" by Robert Stevenson, 1911. Creator: Wyeth, N. C. (Newell Convers) (1882-1945).
Apollo Driving the Chariot of the Sun, Between 1680 and 1690. Creator: Jouvenet, Jean (1644-1717).
The Visit of Venus to Vulcan, 1641. Creator: Le Nain, Antoine (1588-1648).
The Sunrise (Le Lever), 1898. Creator: Fantin-Latour, Henri (1836-1904).
Pour la France, ca 1918-1919. Creator: Denis, Maurice (1870-1943).
Joan of Arc, 1863. Creator: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882).
A Decorative Spot in Red and Green, 1898. Creator: Moser, Koloman (1868-1918).
Radogost the God, 1913. Creator: Masek, Karel Vitezslav (1865-1927).
1915, 1915. Creator: Egger-Lienz, Albin (1868-1926).
Allegory of the Seven Liberal Arts, Second half of the16th cen.. Creator: Vos, Maerten, de (1532-1603).
The Death of Dido, First third of 17th cen.. Creator: De Rosa (Annella di Massimo), Diana (1602-1643).
Bacchanalia, ca 1665-1669. Creator: Carpioni, Giulio (1613-1678).
Count Ugolino (Il conte Ugolino), 1836. Creator: Diotti, Giuseppe (1779-1846).
The Deluge. Deucalion and Pyrrha, ca 1675. Creator: Carpioni, Giulio (1613-1678).
The grape harvest, c. 1550. Creator: Bordone, Paris (1500-1571).
Perseus Freeing Andromeda, 1594-1595. Creator: Cesari, Giuseppe (1568-1640).
The Donation of Charlemagne, c. 1565. Creator: Zuccari, Taddeo (1529-1566).
The Visit of Venus to Vulcan, 1631-1632. Creator: Dyck, Sir Anthony van (1599-1641).
The Wild Army, ca 1513-1515. Creator: Graf, Urs (c. 1485-1527/28).
Riches and the Death of the Miser, Still Life, ca. 1600. Creator: Francken, Hieronymus II  .
The Forging of the Sampo, 1891. Creator: Gallen-Kallela, Akseli (1865-1931).
The Valkyrie, 1877. Creator: Makart, Hans (1840-1884).
Christine de Pizan builds her city. Miniature from Cité des dames by Christine de Pizan, 1400-1410. Creator: Maître de la Cité des Dames (active ca 1400-1415).
Saint Louis IX of France between History and Faith, 1677-1679. Creator: Bricci, Plautilla (1616-1705).
Rinaldo and Armida, First Half of 17th cen. Creator: Tiarini, Alessandro (1577-1668).
Marsyas and Apollo. Creator: Guercino (1591-1666).
Allegoria del Buon Governo (Allegory of the good Govern), 1592-1593. Creator: Venturini, Gaspare (active 1576-1593).
The Triumph of Venus, c. 1745. Creator: Boucher, François (1703-1770).
Sampolaiva, Koru-Kalevala, 1922. Creator: Gallen-Kallela, Akseli (1865-1931).