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Parole in libertà, 1932. Creator: Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso (1876-1944).
Parole in libertà, 1932. Creator: Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso (1876-1944).
Parole in libertà, 1932. Creator: Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso (1876-1944).
Parole in libertà, 1932. Creator: Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso (1876-1944).
In the Evening, Lying on Her Bed, She Reread the Letter from Her Artilleryman at the Front, 1917. Creator: Marinetti, Filippo Tommaso (1876-1944).
The Valkyrie, 1881. Creator: Bürck, Heinrich (1850-1906).
Parsifal, 1892. Creator: Redon, Odilon (1840-1916).
The Rhinemaidens, 1913. Creator: Leeke, Ferdinand (1859-1937).
Siegfried in the forge, 1900. Creator: Leeke, Ferdinand (1859-1937).
Allegory of Tulip Mania, Mid of 17th cen. Creator: Brueghel, Jan, the Younger (1601-1678).
Allegory of the triune Russian nation. Postcard, 1914. Creator: Sharapov, Dmitry Philippovich (1875-1942).
Peoples of Europe, Guard your Dearest Goods. Postcard (after a sketch by Emperor Wilhelm II), 1895. Creator: Knackfuss, Hermann (1848-1915).
The Werewolf, ca 1510-1515. Creator: Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553).
Ortus et origo Papae (Birth and Origin of the Pope), 1545. Creator: Cranach, Lucas, the Elder (1472-1553).
Ex Libris Felice Bauer, Early 1910s. Creator: Anonymous.
A Flemish Proverb , End of 16th cen. Creator: Brueghel, Pieter, the Younger (1564-1638).
I Mourn because the World is so Untrustworthy , End of 16th cen. Creator: Brueghel, Pieter, the Younger (1564-1638).
Who Knows why Geese Walk Barefoot? , End of 16th cen. Creator: Brueghel, Pieter, the Younger (1564-1638).
It is too Late to Fill in the Well After the Calf has Drowned , End of 16th cen. Creator: Brueghel, Pieter, the Younger (1564-1638).
If the Blind Lead the Blind Both shall Fall into the Ditch , End of 16th cen. Creator: Brueghel, Pieter, the Younger (1564-1638).
Saint Romuald Forbidding Entry to the Monastery to Emperor Otto III, ca 1430-1435. Creator: Angelico, Fra Giovanni, da Fiesole (ca. 1400-1455).
Pegasus and Bellerophon, 1st century. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Female Figure (Calliope) , 1st century. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Female herm and fragment with Iliad scene, 1st century. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Nilotic landscape scene with pygmies and phallic boat, 1st century. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Childhood of Adonis , 1st century. Creator: Roman-Pompeian wall painting.
Achelous Defeated by Hercules. The Origin of the Cornucopia. (Allegory of Fruitfulness) , 1649. Creator: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678).
The Apotheosis of Aeneas, 1615-1618. Creator: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678).
Sleeping Venus with Cupid Watched by Satyrs , ca 1600-1625 . Creator: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640).
Qaran slays Barman. (Manuscript illumination from the epic Shahname by Ferdowsi), ca 1523-1530. Creator: Anonymous.
The Grimly Hagen, c. 1930. Creator: Rothaug, Alexander (1870-1946).
Pan and Nymph Syrinx. Creator: Rössler, Rudolf (1864-1934).
Radha and Krishna in the boat of love, 1755. Creator: Anonymous.
King William III of England, holding the Bill of Rights in his hand, and Queen Mary II, Mid 18th cen Creator: Anonymous.
King William III of England, holding the Bill of Rights in his hand, and Queen Mary II, Mid 18th cen Creator: Anonymous.
Bread making. From the tomb of Pharaoh Ramesses III in the Valley of the Kings, 1837. Creator: Wilkinson, Sir John Gardner (1797-1875).
Bread making. From the tomb of Kenamun, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, 1550-1295 BC. Creator: Ancient Egypt.
Parsifal on the Way to the Grail Castle, 1920. Creator: Leeke, Ferdinand (1859-1937).
Queen Nefertari presenting offerings to the goddess Hathor, ca 1298-1235 BC. Creator: Ancient Egypt.
Pharaoh Seti I (on right) with the Goddess Hathor, ca 1290 BC. Creator: Ancient Egypt.
Dangun, the founder of the first Korean kingdom, on the Baekdu Mountain, First half of 19th cent. Creator: Anonymous.
Idly Watching Children Catch Willow Flowers, Early16th cen. Creator: Zhou Chen, (Chou Ch'en) (ca. 1460-after 1535).
Trois grâces à Porquerolles, 1902. Creator: Auburtin, Jean Francis (1866-1930).
Le Matin (Calanque de Porquerolles), 1894. Creator: Auburtin, Jean Francis (1866-1930).
Thalassa, 1896. Creator: Auburtin, Jean Francis (1866-1930).
Sirène renversée soufflant dans une conque. Creator: Auburtin, Jean Francis (1866-1930).
Figurine marine soufflant dans une conque (golfe de Porto), c. 1908. Creator: Auburtin, Jean Francis (1866-1930).
Chants sur l'eau, 1912. Creator: Auburtin, Jean Francis (1866-1930).
De sanctificatione septime diei (from the Schedel's Chronicle of the World), ca 1493. Creator: Wolgemut, Michael (1434-1519).
De opere serte diei (from the Schedel's Chronicle of the World), ca 1493. Creator: Wolgemut, Michael (1434-1519).
Genealogia divi heinrici imperatoris. The family tree of Emperor Henry II..., ca 1493. Creator: Wolgemut, Michael (1434-1519).
Evening, From the Series "The Four Times of the Day", 1738. Creator: Hogarth, William (1697-1764).
Night, From the Series "The Four Times of the Day", 1738. Creator: Hogarth, William (1697-1764).
Morning, From the Series "The Four Times of the Day", 1738. Creator: Hogarth, William (1697-1764).
Noon, From the Series "The Four Times of the Day", 1738. Creator: Hogarth, William (1697-1764).
First stage of cruelty. Series "The four stages of cruelty", 1751. Creator: Hogarth, William (1697-1764).
Second stage of cruelty. Series "The four stages of cruelty", 1751. Creator: Hogarth, William (1697-1764).
The reward of cruelty. Series "The four stages of cruelty", 1751. Creator: Hogarth, William (1697-1764).
Cruelty in Perfection. Series "The four stages of cruelty", 1751. Creator: Hogarth, William (1697-1764).
Marriage a la Mode. Plate I: The Marriage Settlement, 1745. Creator: Hogarth, William (1697-1764).