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75pages, 4,489 results in yourKeywordsearch for"allegory and literature"Advanced Search
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Worker of a Hamburg Shipyard (Hamburg Comrade), 1928. Creator: Vogeler, Heinrich (1872-1942).
Muse Euterpe, Early 1770s. Creator: Torelli, Stefano (1712-1784).
Muse Calliope, Early 1770s. Creator: Torelli, Stefano (1712-1784).
Muse Erato, Early 1770s. Creator: Torelli, Stefano (1712-1784).
Muse Terpsichore, Early 1770s. Creator: Torelli, Stefano (1712-1784).
From pacifier to car, 1930s. Creator: Fridrich, Arkady Nikolaevich (1902-1942).
Dido burning herself at the stake. Creator: Elliger, Ottmar (Ottomar), the Younger (1666-1735).
Venus Anadyomene, 1838. Creator: Chassériau, Théodore (1819-1856).
Desdemona Retiring to her Bed, 1849. Creator: Chassériau, Théodore (1819-1856).
Allegory of the Revolution of 1789, 1796. Creator: Wilbault (Wilbaut), Jacques (1729-1816).
The poet and his muse, 1925. Creator: Schwarzschild, Alfred (1874-1948).
A la bonne bouteille. Signboard of a wine merchant, Between 1780 and 1800. Creator: Anonymous.
Jean Valjean before the Assize Court in Arras, 1904. Creator: Devambez, André Victor Édouard (1867-1943).
The Round of the Sabbath, c. 1861. Creator: Boulanger, Louis Candide (1806-1867).
Empress Theodora, ca 1887. Creator: Benjamin-Constant, Jean-Joseph (1845-1902).
The Poor Kitchen (After Pieter Brueghel I), ca 1563. Creator: Liefrinck, Hans, the Elder (1518-1573).
The Punishment of Cupid. Creator: Suavius, Lambert (ca 1515/20-1568).
The Rage of Achilles, 1757. Creator: Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770).
The Rape of Ganymede, End of 17th-Early 18th cen.. Creator: Anonymous.
The sinking of the Nibelungen Hoard in the Rhine, 1882-1884. Creator: Makart, Hans (1840-1884).
The Skeleton Painter, 1896. Creator: Ensor, James (1860-1949).
The Torture of Prometheus, c. 1647-1648. Creator: Rosa, Salvatore (1615-1673).
The Tower of Babel. Creator: Brentel, Friedrich (1580-1651).
The Tribunal of the Brabant Mint in Antwerp, 1594. Creator: Vos, Maerten, de (1532-1603).
The tribute the Caliph Harun al-Rashid to Charlemagne, ca 1663. Creator: Jordaens, Jacob (1593-1678).
The Triumph of Aurelian. Creator: Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770).
The Triumph of Death, c. 1565. Creator: Galle, Philipp (Philips) (1537-1612).
The Triumph of Zephyr and Flora, ca 1735. Creator: Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770).
The Wolf of Gubbio, 1877. Creator: Merson, Luc-Olivier (1846-1920).
Theagenes. Creator: Anonymous.
Theory of Colours (Zur Farbenlehre), 1810. Creator: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832).
Theory of Colours (Zur Farbenlehre), 1810. Creator: Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von (1749-1832).
Thetis Consoling Achilles, 1757. Creator: Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770).
Time abducts Beauty (Pluto Abducting Persephone), ca 1746. Creator: Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770).
Tomyris Receiving the Head of Cyrus, 1610. Creator: Pieters, Pieter (Petrus) (?-1614).
Triumph of Galatea. Creator: De Matteis, Paolo (1662-1728).
Trois femmes et trois loups (Three women and three wolves), ca 1892. Creator: Grasset, Eugène (1841-1917).
Truth punishing Falsehood. Creator: Ravesteyn, Dirck de Quade van (1565/70-1619).
Untitled, c. 1900-1910. Creator: Urban, Frantisek (1868-1919).
Untitled, c. 1900-1910. Creator: Urban, Frantisek (1868-1919).
Untitled, c. 1900-1910. Creator: Urban, Frantisek (1868-1919).
Untitled, c. 1900-1910. Creator: Urban, Frantisek (1868-1919).
Vanitas (Vanity), ca 1535-1540. Creator: Hemessen, Jan Sanders, van (c. 1500-c. 1566).
Venus Disarming Cupid. Creator: Palma il Giovane, Jacopo, the Younger (1544-1628).
Venus mourns Adonis, 1626. Creator: Poussin, Nicolas (1594-1665).
Vertumnus and Pomona, ca 1710-1722. Creator: Ranc, Jean (1674-1735).
Vilinski Ples (Dance of the fairies), Mid of the 19th cen.. Creator: Stroj, Mihael (1803-1871).
Visez au coeur, belles dames! From Le Bonheur du Jour ou, Les Graces à la Mode, 1924. Creator: Barbier, George (1882-1932).
War Striding over a Locality, 1914. Creator: Klee, Paul (1879-1940).
Wind Gods, ca 1746. Creator: Tiepolo, Giambattista (1696-1770).
Witch and Bat, 1880. Creator: Klinger, Max (1857-1920).
Wotan's farewell to Brunhilde, c. 1910. Creator: Leeke, Ferdinand (1859-1937).
Zwiegespräch (Anklage), ca 1924-1925. Creator: Schlemmer, Oskar (1888-1943).
The Italian Unification (Unità d'Italia), ca 1866. Creator: Casa, Giacomo (1827-1887).
The Judgment of Cambyses, 1620. Creator: Heck, Claes Jacobsz van der (1575-1652).
The king's daughter, before 1902. Creator: Veith, Eduard (1856-1925).
The Legend of Polydoros (The Forest of Polydorus), ca 1506-1508. Creator: Titian (1488-1576).
The lighthouse, 1910. Creator: Spilliaert, Léon (1881-1946).
The Muse Polyhymnia, 1892. Creator: Griepenkerl, Christian (1839-1916).
Seraph, 1904-1905. Creator: Vrubel, Mikhail Alexandrovich (1856-1910).