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Cupid and Psyche. Artist: Gérard, François Pascal Simon (1770-1837)
The Fall of the Giants (Sala dei Giganti). Artist: Romano, Giulio (1499-1546)
Wedding Feast of Cupid and Psyche, detail. Artist: Romano, Giulio (1499-1546)
Wedding Feast of Cupid and Psyche, detail. Artist: Romano, Giulio (1499-1546)
Wedding Feast of Cupid and Psyche, detail. Artist: Romano, Giulio (1499-1546)
Wedding Feast of Cupid and Psyche, detail. Artist: Romano, Giulio (1499-1546)
Futurist Strongman. Costume design for the opera Victory over the sun after A. Kruchenykh. Artist: Malevich, Kasimir Severinovich (1878-1935)
Tatlin at Work. Illustration for the book Six Tales with Easy Endings, by Ilya Ehrenburg. Artist: Lissitzky, El (1890-1941)
Alexander Entering Babylon (The Triumph of Alexander the Great). Artist: Le Brun, Charles (1619-1690)
Joan of Arc at the Coronation of Charles VII in the Cathedral at Reims. Artist: Ingres, Jean Auguste Dominique (1780-1867)
Apotheosis of  the French Heroes Who Died for Their Country During the War for Freedom. Artist: Girodet de Roucy Trioson, Anne Louis (1767-1824)
Caryatid. Artist: Modigliani, Amedeo (1884-1920)
Cover Design for the Buch Six Masks. Artist: Yermolayeva, Vera Mikhailovna (1893-1938)
Francesco Petrarca in his study. Artist: Anonymous
Funeral of a Roman emperor (Cremation ceremony). Artist: Lanfranco, Giovanni (1582-1647)
Perspective of a Roman amphitheatre. Artist: Gargiulo, Domenico (1609-1675)
Saturn devouring his son. Artist: Goya, Francisco, de (1746-1828)
The Ascension of Saint Rose of Lima. Artist: Beardsley, Aubrey (1872–1898)
Lady Macbeth Walking in her Sleep. Artist: Füssli (Fuseli), Johann Heinrich (1741-1825)
Daphnis and Chloë. Artist: Gérard, François Pascal Simon (1770-1837)
The Rape of the Sabine Women. Artist: David, Jacques Louis (1748-1825)
The Oreads. Artist: Bourgeois, Sir Peter Francis (1756-1811)
The Kiss Ceremony. Boyar Morozov, his Wife Yelena and Prince Serebrenni. Artist: Buchholz, Fyodor Fyodorovich (1857-1942)
Illustration for the Fairy tale of the Tsar Saltan by A. Pushkin. Artist: Bilibin, Ivan Yakovlevich (1876-1942)
Prophet Muhammad Preaching (from Maqtal-i al-i Rasul). Artist: Anonymous
The Crusaders. Artist: Kandinsky, Wassily Vasilyevich (1866-1944)
Proserpine. Artist: Rossetti, Dante Gabriel (1828-1882)
Shipwrecked beggar. Artist: Siemiradzki, Henryk (1843-1902)
The Toilet of Venus. Artist: Boulogne, Bon de, L'aîné (1649-1717)
Allegory of Louis XIV, Protector of Arts and Sciences. Artist: Garnier, Jean (1632-1705)
The Ship. Artist: Bilibin, Ivan Yakovlevich (1876-1942)
Illustration for the Fairy tale Vasilisa the Beautiful. Artist: Bilibin, Ivan Yakovlevich (1876-1942)
Charles Louis Auguste Fouquet, duc de Belle-Isle (1684-1761). Artist: Valade, Jean (1710-1787)
Allegory of the Treaty of the Pyrenees (Allegory of the Marriage of Louis XIV). Artist: Deruet, Claude (1588-1660)
The Crystal Ball. Artist: Waterhouse, John William (1849-1917)
Boccaccio and Petrarch (From: De casibus virorum illustrium by Giovanni Boccaccio). Artist: Master of the White inscriptions (active ca 1480)
The Haywain, Allegory of the Vanity of the World. Artist: Mostaert, Gillis (1534-1598)
The High Priest Coresus Sacrificing Himself to Save Callirhoe. Artist: Fragonard, Jean Honoré (1732-1806)
Cupid and Psyche. Artist: Picot, François-Édouard (1786-1868)
Lost Illusions (The Evening). Artist: Gleyre, Charles (1808-1874)
Ave atque vale (Hail and Farewell). Artist: Beardsley, Aubrey (1872–1898)
The glorification of Louis XIV. Artist: Coypel, Antoine (1661-1722)
Jupiter and Aegina. Artist: Greuze, Jean-Baptiste (1725-1805)
Minerva and Arachne. Artist: Houasse, René-Antoine (c. 1645-1710)
The Stages of Life. Artist: Friedrich, Caspar David (1774-1840)
A knight from Prato (From Regia Carmina by Convenevole da Prato). Artist: Pacino di Buonaguida (active 1302-1343)
The Beethoven Frieze, Detail: Knight in Shining Armor. Artist: Klimt, Gustav (1862-1918)
Luck Turns For You, Count Struensee! (Popular print). Artist: Anonymous
Faridun in the Guise of a Dragon Tests His Sons (Manuscript illumination from the epic Shahname by F Artist: Aqa Mirak (active 1524-1576)
Scene from the court of Christian VII. Artist: Zahrtmann, Kristian (1843-1917)
Selfportrait with skeleton. Artist: Corinth, Lovis (1858-1925)
Louis XV Bringing Peace to Europe. Artist: Le Moyne, François (1688-1737)
Justitia (Justice). Artist: Bruegel (Brueghel), Pieter, the Elder (ca 1525-1569)
Justitia (Justice). Artist: Massys, Cornelis (1510-1556)
Justitia (Justice). Artist: Anonymous
Fairness (Justice). Artist: Goltzius, Hendrick (1558-1617)
Personification of Justice. Artist: Leest, Antoni van (1543/7-1586/92)
Sacrifice to Jupiter. Artist: Coypel, Noël (1628-1707)
Equality before Death. Artist: Bouguereau, William-Adolphe (1825-1905)
Fléau! (Scourge!). Artist: Danger, Henri-Camille (1857-1937)