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Statuette of the Theban Triad, Amun, Mut, and Khonsu, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period.. Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Nebmaatre/Amenhotep Ruler of Thebes, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Geometric design/hunting scene, Egypt, Second Intermediate Period-early New Kingdom... Creator: Unknown.
Cowroid: Ankhsenamun, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Tutankhamun (abt.1336-1327... Creator: Unknown.
Cowroid: Hathor Sistrum Flanked by Uraei, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1550-1295 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Cowroid: The King’s Wife, Tiye, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep III (abt.1390... Creator: Unknown.
Cowroid: Hes vase, flowers, and nb sign, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (1550-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Cowroid: Floral Motif, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (1550-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Cartouche of Nimaatre (Amenemhat III), Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12, reign of... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Menkheperre (Thutmose III)/Sphinx with Crown and Beard, Egypt, New Kingdom?... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Sphinx with Cartouche/Maatkare Flanked by Feathers, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Menkheperkare, Chosen of Re, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Thutmose III... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Amenhotep II Offers Incense/Amun-Re Seated on Throne, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: King in Chariot Shoots Enemy/King Seated in the Barque of Amun, Egypt, New Kingdom... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: “Amun is in Luxor”, Egypt, New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period (?) Dynasties 18-25... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Man with Hand to Head/Nefer, Ankh, Nb, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-19 (abt 1550... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Lion and Ankh/Libation Vessel, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550 -1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Two Baboons Back to Back/Cartouches, Egypt, New Kingdom?, Dynasties 18-20 (1550... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: 15 Scarabs/”Amun is Satisfied”, Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12 (about 2055-1650 BCE)... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: 15 Scarabs/”Amunhotep”, Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12 (about 2055-1650 BCE) OR... Creator: Unknown.
Heart Scarab of the Worker Amun-Mes, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 19, reign of Ramesses II... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: The Good God, Lord of the Two Lands, Menkheperure (Thutmose IV)/lion with round ... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque: Amun Re, Good of Praise/ Amunhotep Ruler of Thebes, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab with Hieroglyphs, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period, Dynasty 21-26 (abt 1069... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab Seal of Sesostris I, Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12 (1991-1784 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Sobekhotep, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Aakheperura (Amenhotep II), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Amenhotep II... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Hieroglyphs and Figures (Re-Harakhti, nb- and ma'at signs), Egypt, New Kingdom... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Aakheperkara (Thutmose I), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose I... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Aakheperkara (Thutmose I), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose I... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Menkheperra (Thutmose III), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose III... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Maatkara (Hatshepsut), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Hatshepsut (abt 1473... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Menkheperra (Thutmose III), Egypt, Late Period, Dynasties 26-30 (about 664-343 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Cartouche and Standing King, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reigns of Thutmose III... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Menkheperra (Thutmose III), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose III... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Menkheperra (Thutmose III), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose III... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Menkheperra (Thutmose III), Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 22 (abt 945-715 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Menkheperra (Thutmose III), Egypt, New Kingdom, Ramesside Period, Dynasties 19-20... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Menkheperra (Thutmose III), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose III... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Menkheperra (Thutmose III), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose III... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Menkheperura (Thutmose IV), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose IV... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Wish Formula, Egypt, New Kingdom-Late Period, Dynasties 18-26 (about 1295-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Menkheperura (Thutmose IV), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Thutmose IV... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Nebmaatra (Amenhotep III), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Amenhotep IIII... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Nebmaatra (Amenhotep III), Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of Amenhotep IIII... Creator: Unknown.
Scarab: Nebmaatra (Amenhotep III) and Queen Tiye, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, Reign of... Creator: Unknown.
Rosette from the Temple of Ramesses III, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 20 (about 1186-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Rosette from the Temple of Ramesses III, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 20 (about 1186-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Rosette from the Temple of Ramesses III, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 20 (1186-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Rosette from the Temple of Ramesses III, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 20 (about 1186-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Jar, Egypt, Early Dynastic Period-Old Kingdom, Dynasty 1-8 (about 3000-2160 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Unguent Vessel, Egypt, Old Kingdom-Middle Kingdom (?), Dynasty 3-12 (about 2686-1773 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Unguent Vessel, Egypt, Middle Kingdom, Dynasty 12 (about 1985-1773 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Vessel, Egypt, Old Kingdom, Dynasty 4-6 (about 2613-2181 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Vessel, Egypt, Old Kingdom, Dynasty 5-8 (about 2494-2160 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Cup, Egypt, Early Dynastic Period-Old Kingdom, Dynasty 1-4 (about 3000-2498 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Vessel, Egypt, Old Kingdom, Dynasty 5-8 (about 2494-2160 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Ring: Aegis of Sekhmet/Bastet, Egypt, New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 15-25... Creator: Unknown.
Vessel, Egypt, Early Dynastic Period-Old Kingdom, Dynasty 1-6 (about 3000-2181 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Vessel, Egypt, Predynastic Period, Naqada I (about 4000-3500 BCE). Creator: Unknown.