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'The Goddesses as Dancing-girls', 1915. Creator: Evelyn Paul.
'Thoth and the Chief Magician', 1915. Creator: Evelyn Paul.
"Who are you?", 1915. Creator: Evelyn Paul.
'The Treasure-chamber of Rhampsinites', 1915. Creator: Evelyn Paul.
'Isis conjured Ra to tell his Name', 1915. Creator: Evelyn Paul.
'Rameses II accompanied by a Lion', 1915. Creator: Evelyn Paul.
'Hauling Blocks of Stone for the Pyramids', 1915. Creator: Evelyn Paul.
Ancient Egyptian decoration, (1898).  Creator: Unknown.
Ancient Egyptian decoration, (1898).  Creator: Unknown.
Colossi of Memnon at Thebes, Egypt, 1898.  Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
Statues in the Luxor Temple, Egypt, 1898. Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
The Temple of Isis and Kiosk of Trajan on the Island of Philae, Egypt, 1898.  Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
Ruined temples at Karnak, Egypt, 1898. Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
Pyramid of Djoser at Saqqara, near Cairo, Egypt, 1898.  Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
The Pyramid of Khufu and the Sphinx, 1898.  Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
Entrance to the temple at Edfu, Egypt, 1898. Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
Houses in Nagada, Egypt, 1898.  Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
Houses in Nagada, Egypt, 1898.  Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
Man with flag, Nagada, Egypt, 1898. Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
Temple ruins, Luxor, Egypt, 1898.  Creator: Christian Wilhelm Allers.
The Great Pyramid, Giza, 1830 or later.
Queen Nefertari being led by Isis, ca. 1279-1213 B.C. Creator: Charles Wilkinson.
'The Body of Sethos I Who Lived in the 14th Century B.C., Cairo, Egypt', c1930s. Creator: Unknown.
'The Ancient Sphinx and Recent Excavations, Giza, Egypt', c1930s. Creator: Unknown.
'An Egyptian Snake Charmer Piles His Trade Beside the Avenue of Sphinxes, Temple of Karnak, Thebes,  Creator: Unknown.
'Great War Reliefs of Sethos I on N. Wall of Karnak Temple, Thebes, Egypt', c1930s. Creator: Unknown.
'Colossal "Memnon" Statues at Thebes - the Farther One Used to Emit a Cry at Sunrise, Egypt', c1930s Creator: Unknown.
'Tomb of King Tut-Ankh-Amen, Valley of the Kings, Egypt', c1930s. Creator: Unknown.
Ceiling patterns in the Tomb of Nebamon and Ipuki in Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Ceiling patterns in the Tomb of Nebamon and Ipuki in Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Floor painting in a palace at Tell el-Amarna, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of Bekenranef at Sakkara, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Detail of ceiling painting in the tomb of 'Aichesi', Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Vulture ceiling decorations, Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Painted ceiling in the tomb of Amenemhet at Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Painted ceiling in the tomb of Amenemhet at Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Painted ceilings in the Tomb of Amenemheb at Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Painted ceiling patterns in the tomb of Nebamon at Thebes, Egypt, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
Ceiling paintings in the tomb of Nes-pa-nefer-her, Sheikh Abd el-Qurna, Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Capital from Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Ceiling paintings in the tomb of Huy at Kurnet Murai, Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Ptolemaic-Roman capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
'Bouquet capital', Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
'Bouquet capital', Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Painted ceiling in the tomb of Hepuseneb, Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
The tomb of Puimre, Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Ptolemaic capital, Edfu, Egypt, (1928).  Creator: Unknown.
'Bouquet capital', Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Painted ceiling in the tomb of Hepuseneb, Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Pilaster from the Amun-Re Temple of Amenophis III at Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Column, Zawijet el Mêtîn, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Capital from Philae, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Painted ceiling in the Tomb of Enene at Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
House of General Ramose at Tell el-Amarna, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Column from Luxor, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Column from Karnak, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
Painted ceiling in the Tomb of Enene at Thebes, Egypt, (1928). Creator: Unknown.
'View on the Nile', 1890.   Creator: Unknown.