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Chapel Interior, Anubis, Thebes, Egypt Artist: Unknown
Akhenaten, 1375 BC. Artist: Unknown
Statue of Pharaoh, Egypt, 4th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Pharaoh Seti, Capture of Slaves, Luxor, Egypt Artist: Unknown
Deir el-Medineh, Luxor, Thebes, Egypt, (20th Century). Artist: Unknown
Ancient site near Alaca Huyuk, Egypt, c1350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Chapel Interior, Nobles Playing Chess, Thebes, Egypt Artist: Unknown
Mummy and Coffin, Egyptian, 21st Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Banquet Scene, Wall Painting, Tomb of Nebamun, Thebes, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian Vase, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian Head, Amarna Period, 1350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Africans bearing gold and other items, c1400 BC. Artist: Unknown
Africans bearing gold, c1400 BC. Artist: Unknown
Banquet Scene, 1350 BC. Artist: Unknown
Inspecting the Fields, 1350 BC Artist: Unknown
Women with Flowers and Lotus, 18th Dynasty. Artist: Unknown
Amulet, Egyptian. Artist: Unknown
Bronze Sculpture with Gold Incrustations. Artist: Unknown
Sculpture of Three Animal Heads. Artist: Unknown
Various Egyptian Containers. Artist: Unknown
Head of a King, Tutankhamen, Egyptian. Artist: Unknown
The Sphinx of the Queen Hatschepsut, 1450. Artist: Unknown
Case, Sacrifices, Egyptian. Artist: Unknown
Walking cattle across a channel, wall relief, Saqqara, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Geese, wall relief from the Tomb of Ptahhotep, Saqqara, Egypt, 24th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Man leading cattle, wall relief from the Tomb of Ptahhotep, Saqqara, Egypt, 24th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Construction of a boat, wall relief, Saqqara, Egypt. Artist: Unknown
Egyptian make-up accessories, Pre-Dynastic period, 4th millennium BC. Artist: R Guillemot
'Interior of Temple Apet, Karnack', 1881. Artist: Weber M
'A Corner of the Temple Isis', 1881. Artist: Zehrfeld
'The Kiosk, Philae Temple, Egypt', 1881. Artist: Unknown
'The Sphinx and Pyramids, Egypt', 1880. Artist: Bh Fiedlen
'Grand Entrance to the Temple of Luxor', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
'The Dromos or Central Hall of the Great Temple of Amun, Karnak', 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
'Medinet Abou, Thebes, 5th December 1832', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Louis Haghe
'At Luxor, Thebes, Upper Egypt', 19th century. Artist: Louis Haghe
'Medinet Abou, Thebes, 8th December 1832', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Louis Haghe
'Lateral View of the Temple called Typhonaeum at Dendera', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: David Roberts
Ancient Egyptain fresco, 19th century. Artist: Ippolito Rosellini
Memphis, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Ippolito Rosellini
The Sphinx and a tomb, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: CH Smith
'Entrance of Luxor', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: CH Smith
Ancient Egyptian temple, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: CH Smith
'Temple of Edfu', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Lord Wharncliffe
'Front of the Great Temple at Abu Simbel', Egypt, c1845. Artist: GF Weston
'Entrance to the Temple of Ramses III', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: GF Weston
Karnak', Egypt, 1863. Artist: Charles Emile de Tournemine
'Rock Tombs, Beni Hassan, 10 March 1863', Egypt, 1863. Artist: Charles Emile de Tournemine
'City of Tombs, Looking towards Sakkara, Cairo', Egypt, 1863.  Artist: Charles Emile de Tournemine
'The Pyramids', Giza, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: E Finden
'Philae', Egypt, 1842-1845. Artist: E Weidenbach
'Hall at Karnak', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: E Weidenbach
'Temple of Abu Simbel', 1842-1845. Artist: E Weidenbach
'The Temple of Esneh', 19th century. Artist: E Weidenbach
'Interior of the Temple of Abou Simbel', Egypt, 1842-1845. Artist: E Weidenbach
Mural from El-Kab, Egypt, 1841. Artist: Nestor l'Hote
Mural from El-Kab, Egypt, 1841. Artist: Nestor l'Hote
Ancient Egyptian temple, 19th century. Artist: Nestor l'Hote
'Karnak', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Nestor l'Hote
'Abu Simbel', Egypt, 19th century. Artist: Nestor l'Hote