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The Adoration of the Magi. Detail of the Maesta Altarpiece, ca 1308-1311. Artist: Duccio di Buoninsegna (ca 1255-1319)
The Three Joys, 1916. Artist: Roerich, Nicholas (1874-1947)
Adoration of the Magi with Saint Anthony Abbot, ca 1400. Artist: Anonymous
Nativity (Altarpiece of the Church of St. Wolfgang im Salzkammergut), 1481. Artist: Pacher, Michael (ca 1435-1498)
The Adoration of the Kings, ca 1595. Artist: Spranger, Bartholomeus (1546-1611)
Twelfth Night party, 1650-1660. Artist: Teniers, David, the Younger (1610-1690)
Christmas Night (The Blessing of the Oxen), 1902-1903. Artist: Gauguin, Paul Eugéne Henri (1848-1903)
Nativity (Book of Hours), 1440-1460. Artist: Bedford Master (active 1405-1465)
The Annunciation to the Shepherds (Book of Hours), 1440-1460. Artist: Bedford Master (active 1405-1465)
The Adoration of the Magi (Book of Hours), 1440-1460. Artist: Bedford Master (active 1405-1465)
Nativity (Book of Hours), 1485-1499. Artist: Bourdichon, Jean (1457-1521)
The coronation of Baldwin I on Christmas Day 1100. Miniature from the Historia by William of Tyre, 1460s. Artist: Anonymous
Nativity (Book of Hours), 1450-1499. Artist: Fouquet, Jean (workshop)
The Annunciation to the Shepherds (Book of Hours), 1450-1499. Artist: Fouquet, Jean (workshop)
The Adoration of the Magi (Book of Hours), 1450-1499. Artist: Fouquet, Jean (workshop)
The Adoration of the Shepherds, c. 1640. Artist: Le Nain, Louis (1593-1648)
'Be Be (Nativity)', 1896. Artist: Paul Gauguin
'A Christmas Dinner on the Heights before Sevastopol', 1855. Artist: William Simpson
'Christmas Eve Fortune Telling', 19th century.  Artist: Konstantin Makovsky
'The Adoration of the Christ Child', 1650s. Artist: Jan Miel
'The Adoration of the Magi', late 16th or 17th century. Artist: Rutilio di Lorenzo Manetti
'The Adoration of the Christ Child', c1640. Artist: Guido Reni
Adoration of the Magi', c1600. Creator: Brueghel, Jan, the Elder (1568-1625).
The Adoration of the Magi', before 1624. Creator: Lallemand, Georges (?-1636).
Nativity', late 15th century. Creator: Gandolfino da Roreto (active 1493-1510).
The Adoration of the Shepherds', c1650. Creator: Murillo, Bartolomé Estebàn (1617-1682).
The Adoration of the Magi', c1440. Creator: Master of the Lichtenstein Castle (Mid 15th century).
The Adoration of the Magi. Two Magi', early 16th century. Creator: Master of Switzerland (Early 16th century).
Saint Nicholas of Zaraisk with Scenes from His Life, early 16th century.  Creator: Russian icon.
The Nativity of Christ (The Holy Night)'.  Creator: Borovikovsky, Vladimir Lukich (1757-1825).
Saint Nicholas with Scenes from His Life, 16th century.  Creator: Russian icon.
Saint Nicholas, 14th century. Creator: Russian icon.
The Nativity of Christ (The Holy Night), second half of the 17th century.  Creator: Russian icon.
The Adoration of the Magi', c1473-1475.
Detail of Scythian pile carpet, 5th century BC. Artist: Unknown
'The Adoration of the Magi', 1597.  Artist: Caspar Fraisinger
'The Adoration of the Christ Child', 18th or early 19th century. Artist: André-Jean Le Brun
'The Adoration of the Christ Child', 18th century. Artist: Nicola Grassi
'The Adoration of the Magi', tapestry, 1890. Artist: Morris & Co
'The Nativity of Christ', late 15th or early 16th century.  Artist: Bastiano Mainardi
'The Annunciation to the Shepherds', 17th century.  Artist: Benjamin Gerritz Cuyp
'Shop Early, Ride in Comfort by London's Tramways', London County Council Tramways poster, 1928. Artist: Rowles
'Shop Early and Ride by Pullman Tramcar', London County Council (LCC) Tramways poster, 1930. Artist: Freda Beard
The Nativity, c1503 (1964). Artist: Unknown
'The Nativity of Christ (The Holy Night)', early 16th century Artist: Jan Joest
Westminster Abbey, London, c1870.  Artist: WL Walton
'Christmas Shopping, Take an All-Day 1/- Ticket', London County Council (LCC) Tramways poster, 1926. Artist: Tony Castle
Christmas card, 1904. Artist: Unknown
'Naval Manoeuvres', 1890. Artist: William Small
'In Balk', 1890. Artist: S Rejchan
'December - Boxing Day', 19th century.Artist: George Cruikshank
'A Knight of the Road', 1881.Artist: John Sturgess
Wassailing apple trees with hot cider in Devonshire on twelfth eve, 1861. Artist: Unknown
Sir Henry Cole, KCB, British designer, civil servant and writer, 1877.Artist: Lock & Whitfield
John Callcott Horsley, artist and Royal Academician, 1882.Artist: Lock & Whitfield
King George V broadcasting to the empire on Christmas Day, Sandringham, 1935. Artist: Unknown
Westminster Abbey and Big Ben, London, 20th Century. Artist: Unknown
'Cuxhaven Raid', 25 December 1914, (1926).Artist: Charles Fouqueray
Scene from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, 1843. Artist: John Leech
Scene from A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens, 1843. Artist: John Leech