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82pages, 4,863 results in yourKeywordsearch for"crown"Advanced Search
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The Danish squadron at anchor at Warnemünde rhed, 1842. Creator: Friedrich Theodore Kloss.
Pietà with Virgin and St. John, 1485-1527. Creator: Giovanni di Niccolo Mansueti.
Christ Carrying the Cross, 1498-1501. Creator: Gian Francesco de Maineri.
Queen Henrietta Maria of England, 1632-1641. Creator: Anthony van Dyck.
The Apotheosis of Aeneas, 1615-1619. Creator: Jacob Jordaens.
Christ Crowned with Thorns, 1620. Creator: Hendrick ter Brugghen.
Alexei Mikhailovich (1645-76), Russian tsar; Russian image, equestrian figure, 1650-1700. Creator: Unknown.
The Crowning with Thorns, 1920-1921. Creator: Karl Isakson.
The Virgin Mary and Child, the Infant St. John and two angels, 1552. Creator: Melchior Lorck.
Homage to Benjamin Franklin, 1790-1799. Creator: Christian August Lorentzen.
Louise, Frederik V's First Queen in her Coronation Robes, 1747. Creator: Carl Gustaf Pilo.
Portrait of Frederik V in Anointment Robe, 1748-1751. Creator: Carl Gustaf Pilo.
Homer, 1665-1668. Creator: Girolamo Troppa.
Virgil, 1665-1668. Creator: Girolamo Troppa.
'L'Heure de la Roumanie; Le prince royal Carol, l'aine des six enfants des souverains de Roumanie... Creator: Unknown.
''Victoires sur le Front Oriental; Le prince royal Georges, blesse', 1914. Creator: Samson Tchernoff.
A Salver and an Openwork Base, 1755/1760. Creator: Luigi Valadier.
A Salver with Two Bases, 1755/1760. Creator: Luigi Valadier.
Divina Comedia di Dante (volume I), published 1824. Creators: Bartolomeo Pinelli, Dante Alighieri.
Bien vexés de ne pas trouver dans leur souliers de Noël la couronne qu'ils attendaient!, 1871. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Successeur de Charlemagne, 1871. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Place de la Bastille, 1850.  Creator: Honore Daumier.
Premier grand prix de mathématiques, 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Dire que peut-être j'en serai réduit ..., 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Le Tentateur, 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Courant rejoindre les insurgés, 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Dire que peut-être j'en serai réduit ..., 1855. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Approchez M. Gérenflot...venez recevoir..., 1844. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Christian I Proclaiming Holstein a Duchy in 1474 ... executed for Christiansborg Castle, 1780. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Christian III Succouring Denmark, 1780-1781. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Christian VII Uniting the Ducal with the Royal Part of Holstein in 1773, 1790. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Frederik V as Patron of Science and the Arts, 1787. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Hamlet and his Mother, Episode from Shakspeare's Hamlet, 1776-1779. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Abolition of Adscription in 1788, 1790. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
'The free of the fets and dits of the great King Alfonso', plate of a manuscript, 15th century.  Creator: Beccadelli, Antonio (il Panormita).
Original documents in Catalan from the Attorney's Royal General Office of the Crown of Aragon in Mal Creator: Unknown.
Crown 'Mother' with Exhibit of Dolls, 1915. Creator: Harris & Ewing.
Coat of Arms with Two Eagles. Creator: Hubert Francois Gravelot.
Arms of the King of France with Wings and Scientific Instruments. Creator: Hubert Francois Gravelot.
Title Cartouche for a Map of the Chateau and Village of Le Plessis aux Bois. Creator: Hubert Francois Gravelot.
A Plinth Surmounted by the Arms of the King of France. Creator: Hubert Francois Gravelot.
Armorial Cartouche with Crown and Swags. Creator: Hubert Francois Gravelot.
Regne, dit-il, triomphe et sois en tout mon fils. Creator: Hubert Francois Gravelot.
Easter Crusader, cover page, 1918-1922. Creator: A. Garland Kennedy.
''Statue of the Emperor Frederick of Germany, in St. Georges Chapel, Windsor', 1890. Creator: Unknown.
'The Royal Family of Siam, Siam and the Siamese; Sapratoma Palace', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''The Royal Family of Siam, Siam and the Siamese; The Crown Prince of Siam in State Robes', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
'The Royal Family of Siam, Siam and the Siamese; The Royal Pavilion', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
''The Crown Princess Stefanie and Her Daughter The Archduchess Elizabeth of Austria', 1891. Creator: Unknown.
'After the Coronation - 12th May, 1937', 1947. Creator: Unknown.
'Leaving The Abbey', 1947. Creator: Unknown.
'St. Edward's Crown', 1962. Creator: Unknown.
Queen Elizabeth II with crown, orb and sceptre, 2 June 1953, (1962).  Creator: Unknown.
'Ampulla and Spoon', 1962. Creator: Unknown.
'Imperial State Crown', 1962. Creator: Unknown.
'The Jewels as they were displayed in the Wakefield Tower about 1875', 1962. Creator: Frank Watkins.
'Crown worn by George V at the Delhi Durbar in 1911', 1962. Creator: Unknown.
'Orb and Sceptre', 1962. Creator: Unknown.
'Prince of Wales's Crown', 1962. Creator: Unknown.
'The Coronation of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II, 2nd June, 1953', 1962. Creator: Unknown.