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Allegory of the Glory of the Dauphin, 1680. Creator: Antoine Coypel.
Man of Sorrows, 1465/70. Creator: Unknown.
Pope Pius II, c. 1560. Creator: Federico Zuccaro.
Virgin of Mercy (Madonna della Misericordia), ca. 1590-1600. Creator: Filippo Bellini.
Allegorical Figure with Arms of Alexander VIII (Ottoboni) and Arms of Papacy, n.d. Creator: Francesco Mancini.
Sacrifice of a Bull, n.d. Creator: Francesco Primaticcio.
Profile of Male Head, Crowned with Laurel Leaves, n.d. Creator: Francesco Solimena.
Papal Saint, n.d. Creator: Giovanni Antonio Burrini.
Seated Figure with Crown, Holding Sceptre and Book, with Host Below, 1576-1641. Creator: Lazzaro Tavarone.
Julius Caesar, Perpetual Dictator, from Twelve Famous Greek and Roman Men, c. 1633. Creator: Boetius Adams Bolswert.
Leaf from Crown of Noble and Virtuous Women, 1591, assembled into portfolio 1937. Creator: Cesare Vecellio.
Leaf from Habiti antichi e moderni, plate 92 from Woodcuts from Books of the XVI Century, 1598... Creator: Cesare Vecellio.
The Coronation of the Virgin, c. 1635. Creator: Christoffel Jegher.
Pope Granting Saint Anthony of Padua a Bull of Indulgence, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Title page from Silvae Urbanianae, 1637. Creator: Cornelis Galle I.
Maximilian and Henry VII of England, plate 11 from Historical Scenes from the Life...printed c. 1520 Creator: Erhard Schön.
Coronation of the Virgin with Decorative Border from a Prayerbook, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
Cupid in Triumphal Chariot, Accompanied by Gods and Goddesses, n.d. Creator: Unknown.
The Man of Sorrows, 1540/50. Creator: Frans Crabbe van Espleghem.
Nobilitas, n.d. Creator: George Vertue.
Flat Iron Holder, c. 1938. Creator: Jack Staloff.
Les quarante martyrs de Sébaste, 4th century CE?. Creator: Nikitarea.
In You Rejoiceth, between 1615 and 1648. Creator: Franghias Kavertzas.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Sulpice : Saint Fiacre refusant la couronne d'Ecosse, 1818. Creator: François-Louis Dejuinne.
La mort de Saint Louis, 1884. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Leloir.
Esquisse pour la mairie du 10ème arrondissement de Paris : Les théâtres, between 1905 and 1907. Creator: Adrien-Henri Tanoux.
Esquisse pour l'escalier d'honneur de la la mairie du 3ème : La Ville de Paris instruisant..., 1885. Creator: Diogene Ulyssee Napoleon Maillart.
La République, esquisse pour le concours de 1848, 1848. Creator: Alexandre-Marie Colin.
La République, 1848. Creator: Dominique Papety.
Sketch for the Saint-Séverin church: the Immaculate Conception predicted by...Isaiah, 1865.  Creator: Victor-Louis Mottez.
Paris Exposition 1900, 1900. Creator: Francois Flameng.
La Paix, between 1740 and 1750. Creator: Unknown.
La République, between 1848 and 1849. Creator: Jean-Leon Gerome.
Esquisse pour le plafond du ministère des Finances : L'Empire couronnant les arts  (Commande... Creator: Victor-François-Eloi Biennourry.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Louis-en-l'Ile : Les Reliques de la Passion - Deux anges et..., 1841. Creator: Pierre-Jules Jollivet.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-Eustache : (La Foi) Consécration de la Ste Chapelle, St Louis..., 1855. Creator: Felix Joseph Barrias.
Apollo giving his chariot to Phaeton, after Poussin, between 1600 and 1699. Creator: Unknown.
Les vainqueurs de la Bastille devant l'Hôtel de Ville, le 14 juillet 1789, between 1830 and 1838. Creator: Paul Delaroche.
Esquisse pour la mairie du 6ème arrondissement de Paris : Paris, cité d'art, between 1904 and 1906. Creator: Louis Edouard Paul Fournier.
Sketch for the town hall of the 12th arrondissement, Paris : Liberty..., c.1879. Creators: Leon Pierre Urbain Bourgeois, Alfred Puaux-Bruneau.
Souvenir de fête à Paris, c.1881. Creator: Jean-Charles Cazin.
Esquisse pour l'Hôtel de Ville de Paris : Apothéose de Napoléon Ier, end of 1853. Creator: Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres.
Esquisse pour la mairie d'Asnières : La Ville d'Asnières et la Seine, c.1904. Creator: Henri Marius-Camille Bouvet.
L'hommage du Sénat florentin au grand duc Ferdinand II, c.1621. Creator: Justus Sustermans.
Esquisse pour la chapelle de la Compassion de l'église Saint-Roch : "Le Christ descendu..., 1856. Creator: Sebastien-Melchior Cornu.
Esquisse pour l'église de Malakoff : Le Christ mort, 1873. Creator: Adolphe-Henri Dubasty.
Portrait d'Henri Maubant (1821-1902), sociétaire de la Comédie-Fançaise dans le rôle..., c1883. Creator: Daniel Berard.
Ecce Homo, c.1663 — 1664. Creator: Luca Giordano.
Ecce Homo. Creator: Unknown.
Virgin and Child, with Saint Dorothea, Saint Catherine and two angel musicians, c.1500. Creator: Unknown.
Apame Usurps the King's Crown (The Four Powers), 1614. Creator: Goltzius, Hendrick (1558-1617).
Saint Rudolfus, 1516/1518. Creator: Leonhard Beck.
Saint Emericus, 1516/1518. Creator: Leonhard Beck.
Saint Verona, 1516/1518. Creator: Leonhard Beck.
Saint Rupertus, 1516/1518. Creator: Leonhard Beck.
Saint Jodocus, 1516/1518. Creator: Leonhard Beck.
Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette Crowned by Love, 1775. Creator: Gabriel de Saint-Aubin.
Madonna with Child, c1810. Creator: English School.
The Knight's Dream. Creator: Henri Leopold Lévy.
Broadsheet relating to Our Lady of Refuge with prayer, 1905. Creator: Anon.