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82pages, 4,863 results in yourKeywordsearch for"crown"Advanced Search
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'Insignia of the Order of the British Empire', 1953. Artist: Unknown.
'Silver-gilt tankards, c.1661', 1953. Artist: Unknown.
'Table Fountain', 1953. Artist: Peter Oehr I.
'Exeter Salt', 1953. Artist: Johann Hass.
'Altar Dish, 1664', 1953. Artist: Henry Greenway.
'The Lily Font', 1953. Artist: Edward Barnard and Sons.
'Candlesticks, c.1662', 1953. Artist: Unknown.
'Pitcher, 1692', 1953. Artist: Unknown.
'Chalice, 1664', 1953. Artist: Unknown.
'The crown made for the Prince of Wales in 1729', 1953. Artist: Unknown.
'Chalices and patens', 1953. Artist: Unknown.
'Coronation rings', 1953. Artist: Rundell, Bridge and Rundell.
'The Reception of Saint Augustine by Ethelbert', 1912. Artist: Unknown.
'King John signing Magna Charta at Runnydale', 1912. Artist: Unknown.
'Stephen', 1788. Artist: Unknown.
'John', 1788. Artist: Unknown.
'Edward I', 1788. Artist: Unknown.
'Edward III', 1788. Artist: Unknown.
'Henry V', 1788. Artist: Unknown.
'The Victor's Wreath', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Archimedes taking a Warm Bath', 1852. Artist: John Leech.
'Karl der Große, 742-814', 1934. Creator: Unknown.
'Herzog Alba 1507-1582. - Gemälde von Mor', 1934. Creator: Unknown.
'Kaiser Friedrich II. 1831-1888', 1934. Creator: Unknown.
'Königin Viktoria von England 1819-1901', 1934. Creator: Unknown.
'Galtee More', 1894-1917, (1911). Artist: Unknown.
'Isinglass (bay)', 1890-1911, (1911). Artist: Unknown.
'Sir Tatton Sykes', 1842-1860, (1911). Artist: Unknown.
'Flying Fox', 1896-1911, (1911). Artist: Unknown.
'Swynford', 1907-1928, (1911). Artist: Unknown.
'Kreuztragender Christus', (Christ Carrying the Cross), c1577-1587, (1938). Artist: El Greco.
'Der Heilige Ludwig', (Saint Louis), c1585 - 1590, (1938). Artist: El Greco.
Greenhill, Sherborne, Dorset, 1939. Artist: CR Wrigley.
Portrait of the Crown prince Alexander Nikolayevich (1818-1881).
Christ with the crown of thorns.
A Norwegian girl in holiday attire, 1912. Artist: Solveig Lund.
The Infant Moses trampling Pharaoh's Crown.
Fortuna with a crown.
Christ Crowned with Thorns.
Christ Crowned with Thorns.
Portrait of the Crown prince Alexander Nikolayevich (1818-1881).
'Railway Office, Liverpool', 1831.
Buonaparte at Rome giving an Audience in State, 1797.
Persian Lily and Irises, from 'Hortus Eystettensis', by Basil Besler (1561-1629), pub. 1613 (hand-co
The Constellations (Plate VIII) Coronoa Borealis, Hercules and Cerberus, Lyra, 1822.
'Cupids', 1903. Artist: Francesco Bartolozzi.
'Cromwell Resolving to Refuse the Crown', c1858, (1911). Artist: Charles Lucy.
George V and Queen Mary in Delhi, India, 1911, (1935).  Artist: Unknown.
The coronation of Charlemagne (712-814), 14th century (1849). Artist: Unknown.
'In spring 1910, King Edward VII died, in March 1911, King George V was crowned', 1911, (1945). Artist: Unknown.
The Act of Union between England and Scotland being read before Queen Anne, 1826. Artist: Unknown.
Richard III of England, (18th century). Artist: Reynolds Grignion.
Queen Anne, c1702 (1906).  Artist: Unknown.
'King George VI and Queen Elizabeth on their Coronation Day', 1937. Creator: Unknown.
'Haruko', c1893. Artist: Unknown.
'Helene', c1893. Artist: Giacomo Brogi.
'Arabella Stewart', c16th century, (1904). Creator: Marcus Gheeraerts, the Younger.
'Henry III and his Parliament', 1258 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle.
'Richard invited to assume the crown', 1483 (1864). Artist: James William Edmund Doyle.
Peter the Great, Tsar of Russia, c1698 (1894). Artist: Peter van Gunst.