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King Edward V, 1787.  Artist: Anon.
King Alfred the Great, 1785.  Artist: Anon.
Bust of Napoleon as Emperor of France, c2000s. Artist: Historic England Staff Photographer.
Portrait of Frederick II of Prussia (1712–1786) as Crown Prince, 1739. Artist: Pesne, Antoine (1683-1757)
Portrait of Andrzej Potocki (1630-1691), Field Crown Hetman, 1670s. Artist: Austrian master (active ca. 1440-1450)
Christ Crowned with Thorns, c. 1500. Artist: Botticelli, Sandro (1445-1510)
Elizabeth of Luxembourg (1409-1442), Queen of Bohemia, 1828. Artist: Kriehuber, Josef (1800-1876)
Queen Elizabeth of Luxembourg. Detail from the Richental's illustrated chronicle, c. 1440. Artist: Master of the Chronicle of the Council of Constance (active c. 1440)
Vladislaus III of Varna (1424-1444). Artist: Vizkelety, Béla (1825-1864)
Ladislaus the Posthumous (1440-1457), 1457. Artist: Anonymous
Helene Kottannerin Steals the Royal Crown of Saint Stephen in 1440 (From Pictorial History of the W Artist: Anonymous
Albert the Magnanimous (1397-1439), King of Hungary and Croatia. Artist: Vizkelety, Béla (1825-1864)
Albert the Magnanimous (1397-1439), King of Hungary and Croatia, 1828. Artist: Kriehuber, Josef (1800-1876)
The Holy Crown of Hungary, 12th century. Artist: Historic Object
Buda, vulgo Ofen (From: Civitates orbis terrarium), 1572. Artist: Braun, Georg (1541-1622)
Pressburg (Bratislava). From: Civitates orbis terrarium), 1588. Artist: Braun, Georg (1541-1622)
The Gate of the Old Fortress in Komárno, 1890s. Artist: Háry, Gyula (Julius) (1864-1946)
Portrait of Elizabeth I of England with crown, 1572. Artist: Anonymous
Prince Henry offers his life when his father doubts his loyalty upon returning the crown, 1882. Artist: Anonymous
Head of an Old Man. Study for The Crown of Thorns (Ecce Homo), c. 1612. Artist: Rubens, Pieter Paul (1577-1640)
'Saint Catherine of Alexandria with a Donor', c1480. Artist: Bernardino Pinturicchio.
Portrait of Crown prince Alexander Nikolayevich and Grand Duchess Maria Nikolaevna as Children, 1825 Artist: Sokolov, Pyotr Fyodorovich (1791-1848)
Portrait of Tsarevich Alexei Petrovich of Russia (1690-1718), c. 1740. Artist: Wortmann, Christian Albrecht (1680-1760)
'Princess Stephanie of Austria and Count Lonyay', c1903, (1903). Creator: Lambert Weston & Son.
'The Crown of Peace', c1882, (1914). Artist: Sir William Blake Richmond.
'Carved Marble Chimneypiece by William Kent (1685-1748). In the Public Dining-Room at Hampton Court, Artist: Unknown.
'The Virgin and Child with Saints and Donor', 1510, (1909). Artist: Gerard David.
Wooden cash (or writing) box with poptrait of Peter the Great's son, ca. 1695. Artist: Anonymous master
Equestrian portrait of Crown Prince Wladyslaw Vasa with the Battle of Khotyn in the background, ca 1 Artist: Rubens, Peter Paul, (School)
The Tsarevich Alexander Nikolaevich on a Bear hunt on the Outskirts a Moscow, 1843. Artist: Grashof, Otto (1812-1876)
Portrait of the Crown Equerry Sergey Ilyich Mukhanov (1762-1842). Artist: Borovikovsky, Vladimir Lukich (1757-1825)
'Kokuzo, Sanboin Temple', c18th century. Artist: Unknown.
Prince Umberto of Italy, c1933. Artist: Unknown.
Queen Victoria, 1843 (1936). Artist: Unknown.
King Henry II, 1793. Artist: Unknown.
King Richard I, 1793. Artist: Unknown.
King John, 1793. Artist: Unknown.
King Henry III, 1793. Artist: Unknown.
King Edward III, 1793. Artist: Unknown.
Edward the Black Prince, 1793. Artist: Unknown.
King Edward I, 1793. Artist: Unknown.
King Edward II, 1793. Artist: Unknown.
King Edgar laying aside his crown on being repremanded by Archbishop Dunstan, c960s (1793). Artist: Unknown.
King Henry I, 1793. Artist: Unknown.
King Stephen, 1793. Artist: Unknown.
Henry, Prince of Wales taking the Crown from the pillow of his father Henry IV, 1413 (1793). Artist: Unknown.
Ace of Spades, 1925. Artist: Unknown.
'The Crown of England, St Edward's Crown', c1937. Artist: Unknown.
King George V and Queen Mary crowned and robed for the Delhi Durbar, 1911 (1935).  Artist: Unknown.
Queen Mary, 1935. Artist: Unknown.
'The Crown Princess Margaret of Sweden', 1914. Artist: Anders Leonard Zorn.
King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra, c1902 (1909). Artist: Gunn & Stuart.
'H.M. Queen Mary', 1910 (1935). Artist: Sir William Llewellyn.
'Watching the coffin, covered by the Royal Standard', 1936. Artist: Unknown.
'Simple Majesty: King George's coffin, covered by the Royal Standard', 1936. Artist: Unknown.
'The Imperial Crown, The Orb, and the Sceptre on King George's coffin in Westminster Hall', 1936. Artist: Unknown.
'Craven A Cork-Tipped Virginia Cigarettes', 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'Gilded Crowns for the Mall', 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'George VI is crowned with St. Edwards Crown on the day of his coronation', 1937. Artist: Unknown.
'The crowning of Queen Elizabeth, wife of King George VI', 1937. Creator: Unknown.