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Lothaire, King of France from 954, 19th century. Artist: Anon
Pepin the Short, King of the Franks from 751, 19th century. Artist: Anon
Pepin d'Heristal, Frankish ruler, 19th century. Artist: Anon
Illustration from Homilies on the Virgin, Byzantine manuscript, 12th century. Artist: James of Kokkinobaphos
George I (1660-1727), c1714. Artist: Sir Godfrey Kneller
Coronation of King Alexander I of Poland by the Archbishop of Gniezno, Krakow, 1501. Artist: Unknown
Souvenir for Queen Victoria's Golden Jubilee, 1887. Artist: Unknown
Captain James Cook taking possession of New South Wales in the name of the British Crown, 1770. Artist: Unknown
Coronation and unction of a king, 13th century. Artist: Unknown
Druids, 1815. Artist: Robert Havell
Edward V, one of the 'Princes in the Tower', c1880. Artist: Unknown
Battle of Bosworth Field, 22 August 1485 (1864).  Artist: James William Edmund Doyle
Bayeux Tapestry, 1070s. Artist: Unknown
Charles II, King of Great Britain and Ireland 1660-1685, c1810. Artist: J Chapman
Julius Caesar, Roman soldier and statesman. Artist: Unknown
Tomb of Horemheb, last king of 18th dynasty, Ancient Egyptian, c1292 BC. Artist: Unknown
Tsar Nicholas II of Russia and his son, Alexei, in military uniform, c1910-c1916 Artist: Unknown
Napoleon Bonaparte, 19th century.Artist: W Holl
Charlemagne, king of the Franks, 1875. Artist: DJ Pound
Henry IV of England, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Stephen, the last Norman King of England, 1860. Artist: Unknown
King Henry III, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Edward III, King of England, 1860. Artist: Unknown
King Edward II, 1860. Artist: Unknown
William I of England, also known as William the Conqueror, (1860). Artist: Unknown
Edward I, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Richard II, King of England, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Henry II, King of England, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Edward V, King of England, 1860. Artist: Unknown
King John of England, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Henry I, King of England, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Petrarch, Italian scholar, poet, and early humanist, 19th century. Artist: Robert Hart
George IV, King of the United Kingdom and Hanover, 19th century.Artist: E Scriven
William IV, King of the United Kingdom, 19th century.Artist: J Cochran
King George II, (1824).Artist: Rogers
Alfred the Great, (19th century). Artist: Unknown
William the Conqueror, (19th century). Artist: Unknown
Richard I, King of England, (c1850). Artist: Unknown
Dante Alighieri, Italian poet, 19th century.Artist: Wagstaff
King Henry VI presenting a sword to the Earl of Shrewsbury, c1445, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
Knights fighting, c1260, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
Knights fighting, c1260, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
Knights fighting, c1260, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
James III, 19th century. Artist: George J Stodart
Richard I, Coeur de Lion, (1157-1199), c1880. Artist: Unknown
Crown Prince Frederick William of Prussia, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
Crown Prince Wilhelm of Prussia and Germany, late 19th-early 20th century. Artist: Unknown
Chessmen, 12th century, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
King and knight, late 12th century, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
King, late 12th century, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
The Black Prince, c1355, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
Occleve presenting his book to Henry V, c1410, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
'Bruce lifted his battle-axe high in the air...', 1314, (1905). Artist: A S Forrest
'The King made the Black Prince a Knight of the Order of the Garter', 1348, (1905). Artist: A S Forrest
Coronation of Richard I in Westminster Abbey 1189, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Richard I, Coeur de Lion at the Battle of Arsuf, 1191, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Simon de Montfort quarrelling with Henry III, 1257, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
The Battle of Evesham, 4 August 1265, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
'Crusaders Sighting Jerusalem', 1901.Artist: Edwin Austin Abbey
William the Conqueror. Artist: Unknown