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82pages, 4,863 results in yourKeywordsearch for"crown"Advanced Search
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St James' Church, Swimbridge, North Devon, Devon, 1940-1962. Creator: Ethel Booty.
St Peter's Church, Southrop, Cotswold, Gloucestershire, 1940-1949. Creator: Ethel Booty.
'Les Evenements de Grece; L'ex-diadoque Georges et son frere cadet Alexandre, 1917. Creator: Unknown.
The Corfu Pact; In Corfu: Prince Alexander of Serbia and Doctor Trumbic..,1917. Creator: Unknown.
Front page of the Illustrated London News, Vol. LXVIII, January to June, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Necklace of the Young Guicowar of Baroda, valued at forty lacs of rupees, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
The Queen Opening Parliament: Procession in the Peers' Corridor, 1876. Creator: Unknown.
Apology, the Winner of the Gold Cup at Ascot, 1876. Creator: John Sturgess.
Medal Commemorative of the Marriage of the King of Portugal with the Princess Stephanie, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Medal Commemorative of the Marriage of the King of Portugal with the Princess Stephanie, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Fashions for August - Country or Seaside Dress, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Laying the Atlantic Telegraph Cable - Displacement of the Cable on Board the "Agamemnon", 1858. Creator: Unknown.
The Royal Yacht Squadron Regatta - the Emperor's Cup, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
His Royal Highness the Prince of Orange, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Emblematic Group of Figures, by Mr. John Thomas, over the Principal Entrance of the Leeds..., 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Celebration at Jersey of the Opening of the Channel Islands Telegraph, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Tablet in Amblecote Church to the Memory of Ensign Lyndon J. Grier, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
The Stanley Monument in Chelsea Old Church, restored by the Earl of Derby in 1858, (1858). Creator: Unknown.
A Souvenir of the Mutiny in India, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Fashions for November - Dress of Silver-Grey Silk, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Buffalo and Lake Huron Railway: Opening Ceremonies at Goderich, Canada West, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Statues of Goethe and Schiller at Weimar, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Brass Gun presented by the Emperor Napoleon to Her Majesty the Queen, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Testimonial presented on Wednesday last to Alderman and Mrs. Finnis, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Testimonial presented on Wednesday last to Alderman and Mrs. Finnis, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
The Yeomen of the Guard at the Tower in their New Costume, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Great Seal for the Royal Dramatic College, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
'King Denis of the Gaboon, and his principal wife; The Gaboon.', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Matthias, Emperor of the Holy Roman Empire (1557-1619), 1600-1625. Creator: Circle of Hans von Aachen.
Christ with Crown of Thorns, c.1557-c.1600. Creator: Unknown.
Man of Sorrows, 1630-1700. Creator: Unknown.
The Princess of Orange Receiving Alexander II (1818-1881), Grand Duke and Heir to the Throne of Russ Creator: Christiaan Julius Lodewijk Portman.
The Apotheosis of Cornelis de Witt, with the Dutch Raid on the Medway in the background, 1667-1700. Creator: Anon.
Christ Carrying the Cross, c.1510-c.1515. Creator: Quentin Metsys I.
Design for the award winning coat of arms Salm-Reiferscheidt-Dyck, c.1735. Creator: Anon.
Rectangular field with symmetrical leaf vines with banners, weapons and a laurel wreath, with a helm Creator: Henri Cameré.
Portrait of Empress Maria Theresia of Austria (1717-1780) with the Holy Crown of Hungary, 1748. Creator: Millitz, Johann Michael (1725- 1779).
Portrait of Empress Maria Theresia of Austria (1717-1780) with the Holy Crown of Hungary. Creator: Liotard, Jean-Étienne (1702-1789).
Rudolf, Crown Prince of Austria (1858-1889), ca 1885. Creator: Mayerhofer, Theodor (1855-1941).
Vanitas Still Life, 1662. Creator: Edwaert Collier.
The Tree of Jesse, c.1500. Creator: Geertgen tot Sint Jans (circle of).
Triptych with Virgin and Child with Saints (center), male Donor with Saint Martin (left, inner wing) Creator: Master of Delft.
Allegory of the Stadtholdership of Prince Frederick Henry, 1642. Creator: Adriaen van de Venne.
The Sudarium of Saint Veronica, c.1450. Creator: Anon.
Dirk van Bronkhorst op zijn sterfbed tijdens het beleg van Leiden in 1574, 1574-1599. Creator: Anon.
Black Madonna, 1650-1699. Creator: Anon.
Ecce Homo, c.1520. Creator: Anon.
Bacchus and Ariadne, c.1680. Creator: Gerard de Lairesse.
Still life with Kaiser's crown fritillary in a stone niche, 1613.  Creator: Jacob Vosmaer.
Portrait of Matheus de Casteleyn, Priest and Rhetorician in Oudenaarde, 1732-1771. Creator: Jan Maurits Quinkhard.
Ecce Homo, c.1530-c.1550. Creator: Unknown.
Allegory on the French Invasion of 1672, 1672. Creator: Johannes van Wijckersloot.
Ecce Homo, 1630-1650. Creator: Matthias Stomer.
Journal of Ladies and Fashions, 1803-1804. Creator: Anon.
View of the Zeughaus in Berlin, 1700-1799. Creator: Remondini family.
View of the Zeughaus in Berlin, 1742-1801. Creator: Unknown.
Flower arrangement, 1745-1784. Creator: Pieter van Loo.
'A Metz; L'empereur Frederic III', 1918. Creator: Unknown.
'En Belgique delivree; L'entrée solennelle, a Bruges, des souverains belges, le 25 october 1918. Creator: Unknown.
'Les chefs d'etat Allies a Paris; L'arrivee des souverains belges, le 5 decembre: la reine..., 1918. Creator: Unknown.