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General Sheridan at Cedar Creek, Virginia, American Civil War, 1864 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Mexican filibusters on the march, mid 19th century(c1880). Artist: Unknown
John C Fremont, American soldier, explorer and presidential candidate, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Battle of Buena Vista, Mexico, 1847 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Mexico City, Mexico, mid 19th century (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Gold washing in California, c1840s (c1880). Artist: Unknown
A market place in San Francisco, California, USA, mid 19th century (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Seizure of Lopez, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Henry Clay, American statesman, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
An encampment of Mormon converts in the desert, c1846 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Murder of Joseph and Hyrum Smith, 1844 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Brigham Young, American Mormon leader, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
George A Smith, Cousin of the 'The Prophet', c1880. Artist: Unknown
Heber Kimball, leading member of the Mormon movement, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Franklin Pierce, 14th President of the United States, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
General Butler, Union general of the American Civil War and politician, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
James B McPherson, Union general of the American Civil War, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Troops tearing up a railway, American Civil War, 1861-1865 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Andrew Johnson, 16th President of the United States, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Lieutenant Cushing's attack on the 'Albemarle', c1880. Artist: Unknown
Boat of the 'Deerhound' rescuing Captain Raphael Semmes, 1864 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
General Robert E Lee's farwell to his soldiers, 1865 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
The burning of Chicago, Illinois, USA, 1871 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Washington Irving, American author, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Picking up the Atlantic cable, 1866 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
John Brown, American abolitionist, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Capture of John Brown in the engine house, c1880. Artist: Unknown
Loading a cotton steamer, USA, c1880. Artist: Unknown
Defence of Fort Sumter, South Carolina, 1861 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Night march on Harper's Ferry, Virginia, c1861 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Major Theodore Winthrop at Big Bethel, Virginia, 1861 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Robert E Lee, Confederate general of the American Civil War, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
The Battle of Bull Run, Virginia, 1861 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Guarding a bridge over the Potomac, American Civil War, c1861 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
British troops conveyed through Canada in winter, c1860s (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Commodore AH Foote, Union naval officer of the American Civil War, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Burnside's expedition crossing Hatteras Bar, North Carolina, 1861-1862 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Fairfax Courthouse, Virginia, c1880. Artist: Unknown
John Ericsson, Swedish-born American engineer and inventor, (c1880).Artist: Whymper
Arrival of General McClellan at Williamsburg, Virginia, 1862 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
A railroad battery, American Civil War, 1861-1865 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Lieutenant Caldwell Slipping the chain, American Civil War, 1861-1865 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
David Farragut, Union naval officer of the American Civil War, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
The banks of the Mississippi, c1860s (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Thomas 'Stonewall' Jackson, Confederate general of the American Civil War, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Stuart's cavalry cutting telegraph wires, American Civil War, c1861-1864 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
US military telegraph wagon, American Civil War, 1861-1865 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Horace Greeley, American newspaper editor, politician and reformer, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Flight of Native Americans after a massacre of settlers, c17th century (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Cecil Calvert, 2nd Lord Baltimore, (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Part of Captain John Smith's map of New England, 17th century (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Puritans before James I, 17th century (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Pilgrim Fathers around a watch-fire, c1620 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
John Winthrop, English Puritan settler in America, 17th century (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Reception of a Narragansett warrior by John Winthrop, Massachusetts, c1630s (c1880). Artist: Whymper
William Laud, 17th century Archbishop of Canterbury, c1880.Artist: Whymper
Roger Williams in the forest, America, c1630s (c1880). Artist: Whymper
Sir Henry Vane, 17th century English statesman, c1880.  Artist: Whymper
Attack on the Pequot Fort, 1637 (c1880). Artist: Unknown
Uncas and Miantonomoh, 1643 (c1880). Artist: Unknown