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IIIe Vue du Parc de Neu-Waldeck prise du Pavillon Chinois vers le Couchant, from Views of ..., 1782. Creators: Jakob Matthias Schmutzer, Carl Conti, Clemens Kohl, Franz Karl Zoller.
IVe Vue du Parc de Neu-Waldeck prise du Pavillon Chinois vers le Nord, 1782. Creators: Jakob Matthias Schmutzer, Carl Conti, Clemens Kohl, Franz Karl Zoller.
The Angelic Guards, 1808. Creator: James Barry.
Elysium & Tartarus, or The State of Final Retribution, first published 1792; this state 1808. Creator: James Barry.
A Grecian Harvest-Home, or Thanksgiving to the Rural Deities, dated May 1, 1791, issued 1792. Creator: James Barry.
Orpheus Instructing a Savage People in Theology and the Ar..., plate dated May 1, 1791, issued 1792. Creator: James Barry.
Mr. Garrick in the Character of King Lear (Shakespeare, King Lear, Act 3, Scene 1), 1761. Creator: James McArdell.
David Garrick as King Lear (Shakespeare, King Lear, Act 3, Scene 1), 1761. Creator: James McArdell.
Portrait of Henry Fox, 1756. Creator: James McArdell.
Rubens, his wife, Helena Fourment, and their son, Frans, ca. 1740-65. Creator: James McArdell.
Sr. George Bridges Rodney, Rear Admiral of the Blue., 1780. Creator: James Watson.
Lady Sitting in a Chair, 1778. Creator: James Watson.
The Life Class of the Vienna Academy, 1790. Creator: Johann Jacobe.
Apotheosis of Washington, 1800-1802. Creator: John James Barralet.
Joseph and Potiphar's Wife, 1793. Creator: Joseph Adrianus Clarot.
Battle of Satan with St. Francis for the Soul of the Monk Guido of Montefeltro, 1807-8. Creator: Joseph Anton Koch.
New Year's Greeting Card, 1806. Creator: Joseph Bergler.
Death of the Virgin, lying on a chair at center, surrounded by Apostles, inside a tem..., 1790-1822. Creator: Joseph Fischer.
The penitent Mary Magdalene in the wilderness, holding a cross in her left hand, 1830-83. Creators: Luigi Boscolo, Niccolò Schiavonetti.
Torquato Tasso at the Ospedale Sant'Anna, 1864-1900. Creator: Luigi Boscolo.
Portrait of a young girl, 1832. Creator: Luigi Calamatta.
Portrait of Niccolò Paganini, 1830 (backdated "1818"). Creator: Luigi Calamatta.
Furtive message (Messaggio furtivo), 1870-71. Creator: Luigi Crosio.
The Wilkinson Album, 1840s-60s. Creators: Luigi Pesce, Henri de Couliboeuf de Blocqueville, Antonio Giannuzzi, Frances Carlhian.
Portrait of Ennio Quirino Visconti, 1827. Creator: Luigi Rados.
Portrait of Luigi Lagrange, seated with an easel behind him at right with a mathematical e..., 1827. Creators: Luigi Rados, Roberto Focosi.
View of the ancient aquaduct and fountains situated near the Chiavica del Bufalo in Rome, ..., 1822. Creator: Luigi Rossini.
View of the Quirinal Hill in Rome with the fountain of the horse tamers at left, 1822. Creator: Luigi Rossini.
Hidden silhouettes of the rulers of Europe, 1794. Creator: Lussano.
Portrait of Pietro Aretino, ca. 1517-20. Creator: Marcantonio Raimondi.
The Judgment of Paris; he is sitting at left with Venus, Juno and Pallas Athena, a ..., ca. 1510-20. Creator: Marcantonio Raimondi.
The Mystic Marriage of St. Catherine, 16th century. Creator: After Marco Angolo del Moro.
Augustus and the Tiburtine Sibyl, 1557-86. Creator: Marco Angolo del Moro.
I dieci libri dell'architettura di M. Vitruvio tradutti et commentati da monsignor Barbaro..., 1556. Creators: Vitruvius, Andrea Palladio, Daniele Barbaro, Giuseppe Porta.
Les dix livres d'Architecture de Vitruve, corrigez et traduits nouvellement en François, a..., 1684. Creator: Vitruvius.
M. Vitruvius per Iocundum solito castigatior factus cum figuris et tabula ut iam legi et i..., 1511. Creator: Vitruvius.
I dieci libri dell'architettura di M. Vitruvio tradutti et commentati da monsignor Barbaro..., 1556. Creator: Vitruvius.
Officia M.T.C. Von den tugentsamen ämptern, 1531. Creators: Marcus Tullius Cicero, Hans Burgkmair, the Elder, Hans Weiditz, Master DS.
The Martyrdom of Saint Peter, ca. 1560. Creator: Martino Rota.
Christ rising from the tomb, assisted by two angels, 1540-83. Creator: Martino Rota.
The Ressurection, with soldiers in various stages of wakefulness in front of the tomb, ..., 1565-83. Creator: Martino Rota.
St. Matthias (?), from Christ and the Twelve Apostles, 1500-1550. Creator: Master F. P..
Palatium Valerianu[m], from a series of prints depicting (reconstructed) Bu..., Plate ca. 1530-1550. Creator: Master GA.
Arcus S. Georgii, from a Series of Prints depicting (reconstructed) Buildin..., Plate ca. 1530-1550. Creator: Master GA.
Arcus in Provincia, from a Series of Prints depicting (reconstructed) Build..., Plate ca. 1530-1550. Creator: Master GA.
Arcus Lutii Septimii, from a Series of Prints depicting (reconstructed) Bui..., Plate ca. 1530-1550. Creator: Master GA.
Arcus Vespasiani, from a Series of Prints depicting (reconstructed) Buildin..., Plate ca. 1530-1550. Creator: Master GA.
Teatrum Bordeos [Transitorium Caesaris in later editions], from a Series of..., Plate ca. 1530-1550. Creator: Master GA.
Palatium Caesaris Parisiis, from a Series of Prints depicting (reconstructe..., Plate ca. 1530-1550. Creator: Master GA.
Pinaculu Termar, from a Series of Prints depicting (reconstructed) Building..., Plate ca. 1530-1550. Creator: Master GA.
Sepulchrum Adriani, from a Series of Prints depicting (reconstructed) Build..., Plate ca. 1530-1550. Creator: Master GA.
Termae Deocletiani, from a Series of Prints depicting (reconstructed) Build..., Plate ca. 1530-1550. Creator: Master GA.
Templum Isaiae Prophetae, from a Series of Prints depicting (reconstructed)..., Plate ca. 1530-1550. Creator: Master GA.
Euterpe (Euterpe XVIII), ca. 1465-67. Creator: Master of the E-Series Tarocchi.
Geometry (Geometria XXIIII), 1460-70. Creator: Master of the E-Series Tarocchi.
Pietà, set against an arched ruin, 1556-72. Creator: Master of the Name of Jesus Christ.
Giardineto novo di punti tagliati et gropposi per exercitio & ornamento delle donne (Venic..., 1554. Creator: Matteo Pagano.
La Gloria et l'Honore di Ponti Tagliati, E Ponti in Aere, 1556. Creator: Matteo Pagano.
Trionfo Di Virtu. Libro Novo., 1563. Creator: Matteo Pagano.
Ornamento delle belle & virtuose donne, title page (recto), 1554. Creator: Matteo Pagano.