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Portrait of Sophia Frederika Mathilda (1818-77), Princess of Württemberg, 1863-1873. Creator: Franz Xaver Winterhalter.
Portrait of Wilhelmina of Prussia in a medallion with allusions to her marriage to Prince William V  Creator: Friedrich Reclam.
Portrait of Worp van Ropta, Chief Magistrate of East Dongeradeel, 1542. Creator: Friese School 1542.
The Adoration of the Magi, c.1480-c.1485. Creator: Geertgen tot Sint Jans.
Portrait of Pieter Cornelis Hasselaer, Adviser to the Dutch East India Company and Burgomaster of Am Creator: George van der Myn.
Portrait of Louis Métayer Phz., Goldsmith and Art Collector, 1759. Creator: George van der Myn.
Portrait of Antoinette Métayer, Oldest Sister of Louis Métayer, c.1759. Creator: George van der Myn.
Interior of the Oude Kerk in Delft, 1654. Creator: Gerard Houckgeest.
Interior of the Oude Kerk in Delft, with the Tomb of Vice-Admiral Pieter Pietersz Heijn, c.1650. Creator: Gerard Houckgeest.
Portrait of an Artist, 1655. Creator: Gerrit van Honthorst.
Portrait of a Young Man, 1650. Creators: Gerbrand Ban, Gerbrand Ban.
Self-Portrait, 1745-1760. Creator: Gerrit Backhuijzen.
Saul Welcoming David after his Victory over Goliath, 1640. Creator: Gerrit de Wet.
Portrait of Jean Bernard, Art Collector and Painter in Amsterdam, 1828. Creator: Gerrit Jan Michaelis.
Madonna and Child, 1512-1517. Creator: Giovanni Battista Cima da Conegliano.
Portrait of Josnia Parduyn (1642-1718), second wife of Aernout van Citters, 1705. Creator: Godfried Schalcken.
Portrait of the first Earl of Albemarle, 1697. Creator: Unknown.
Portrait of a Lady from the van de Poll Family, possibly Anna Maria Dedel, Wife of Jan van de Poll,  Creator: Guillaume Jean Joseph de Spinny.
Palace Gardens with Poor Lazarus in the foreground, 1550-1606. Creator: Hans Vredeman de Vries.
Portrait of a Boy, 1636. Creator: Harman Willems Wieringa.
Portrait of a Woman, 1663. Creator: Hendrick Cornelisz van Vliet.
Portrait of Frouck, Baroness van Aylva, Wife of Hans Willem van Aylva after 1658, 1693-1717. Creator: Hendrik de Valk.
Portrait of Huybert Duyfhuys (c.1515-81), Pastor of the Church of St James, Utrecht, 1630-1670. Creator: Hendrik Martensz. Sorgh.
Susanna and the Elders, 1620-1630. Creator: Hendrik de Clerck.
Portrait of a Man Dressed as a Shepherd, c.1630-c.1645. Creator: Hendrik Gerritsz Pot.
Self Portrait, 1876. Creator: Hendrik Hollander.
Portrait of Antonius Antonides van der Linden, Physician in Amsterdam, 1633. Creator: Hendrik Meerman.
Portrait of Sara Sweerts de Weert, second Wife of Antonius Antonides van der Linden, 1636. Creator: Hendrik Meerman.
Portrait of Harmen Hendrik van de Poll, Burgomaster of Amsterdam, 1749. Creator: Hendrik Pothoven.
Self Portrait with his Wife Sanneke van Bommel and their two Children, 1761-1784. Creator: Hendrik Spilman.
Self-Portrait, 1708. Creator: Hendrik van Limborch.
Portrait of a woman, 1651. Creator: Hercules Sanders.
Portrait of a Man, 1650. Creator: Herman Mijnerts Doncker.
Portrait of a Woman, 1650. Creator: Herman Mijnerts Doncker.
Portrait of Claudine van Royen (born 1712), Wife of Pieter Teding van Berkhout, 1757. Creator: Hieronymus van der Mij.
Portrait of Philips Denijs (1604-66), 1640. Creator: Huygh Pietersz. Voskuyl.
Portrait of Geertruyd Reael (1600-52), 1640. Creator: Huygh Pietersz. Voskuyl.
Pharaoh Gives Sarah Back to Abraham, 1640. Creator: Isaac Isaacsz.
Portrait of Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen (c.1472/77-1528/33), c.1533. Creator: Workshop of Jacob Cornelisz van Oostsanen.
Assumption of the Virgin, 1640-1672. Creator: Jacob Willemsz de Wet the elder.
The Meeting of Jacob and Esau, 1655. Creator: Jacob Hogers.
Portrait of Johan Willem Parker, Lord of Saamslag, Geersdijk, Wissekerke, Cats and Soelekerke, Burgo Creator: Jacob Jan Nachenius.
Portrait of Maurice (1567-1625), Prince of Orange, after c.1612. Creator: Jacob Lyon.
Portrait of Frederik Hendrik (1584-1647), Prince of Orange, after c.1612. Creator: Jacob Lyon.
Portrait of Carel Quina (1622-89), Knight of the Holy Sepulchre and Amsterdam-born explorer of Asia, Creator: Jacob Toorenvliet.
Self Portrait of the Painter and his Family, 1594. Creator: Jacob Willemsz. Delff the Younger.
Portrait of a little Boy, 1581. Creator: Jacob Willemsz. Delff the Younger.
Portrait of a Man, 1672. Creator: Jacobus Levecq.
Lazarus and the Rich Man, 1544-1700. Creator: Unknown.
Lot and his Daughters, 1610-1620. Creator: Jacopo Palma.
Portrait of Grietje Adriaensdr Grootes (1588-1624), 1622. Creator: Jakob Wabbe.
Portrait of Louise Christina Trip, c.1710-c.1750. Creator: Jan Abel Wassenbergh.
Portrait of a Man, possibly Jan Doublet (1580-1650), 1634. Creator: Jan Anthonisz van Ravesteyn.
Portrait of Bartholomeus van der Wiere (1534-1603), 1593. Creator: Jan Claesz.
Portrait of Lysbeth Hendriksdr (1536-after 1603). Wife of Bartholomeus van der Wiere, 1593. Creator: Jan Claesz.
Portrait of Pieter Pietersz Hein (1577-1629), 1629. Creator: Workshop of Jan Daemen Cool.
Judith and Holofernes, 1659. Creator: Jan de Bray.
Triptych with the Lamentation, c.1515-c.1520. Creator: Jan Mostaert.
Portrait of Sophia van Overmeer, Wife of Adriaen van Persijn, 1650. Creator: Jan Jansz. Westerbaen I.
Samson and Delilah, 1630-1635. Creator: Jan Lievens.