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Actors Ichikawa Danjuro IX as Nasu no Yoichi Munetaka and Nakamura Fukusuke IV as Tamamushi..., 1885 Creator: Toyohara Kunichika.
Milarepa on Mount Kailash, c. 1500. Creator: Unknown.
Narihira's eastern journey, second half of 18th century. Creator: Tomikawa Fusanobu.
A parody of Narihira's eastern journey, c. 1764. Creator: Torii Kiyomitsu.
Soldiers Fighting Furiously at Fenghuangcheng (Hoojo ni shoshi funto no zu), 1894. Creator: Ogata Gekko.
The First Division Advancing on Fengtienfu (Daiichigun Hotenfu shingeki no zu), 1894. Creator: Ogata Gekko.
An Impossible Feat by Imaginary Men, no. 8 from a series of 12 prints, c. 1708. Creator: Okumura Masanobu.
Crossing the River at Sano, 18th century. Creator: Okumura Masanobu.
The Servant Choryo (Yakko Choryo), no. 6 from a series of 12 prints depicting..., c. 1716/35. Creator: Okumura Masanobu.
The Young Horseman, c. 1766/67. Creator: Suzuki Harunobu.
Crossing the Bridge at Sano, Japan, c. 1774. Creator: Kitao Shigemasa.
The Army and Navy Attack and Capture Weihaiwei (Ikaiei rikukaigun kogeki senryo zu), Japan, 1895. Creator: Kobayashi Ikuhide.
The "Chinese” Quartermaster, Japan, 1765. Creator: Komatsuya Hyakki.
Kumagai Naozane and Taira no Atsumori at the battle of Ichi-no-tani, Japan, c. 1720. Creator: Kondo Kiyoharu.
Krishna's Marriage to Kalinda, from a copy of the Bhagavat Purana, c. 1775. Creator: Unknown.
Evening Glow at Seta (Seta no sekisho), No. 1 from the series "Eight Views of Omi", c. 1716/36. Creator: Nishimura Shigenaga.
Foreign Words (Ikoku kotoba), 1860. Creator: Utagawa Yoshiiku.
Travelers on the Tokaido, c. 1780/1801. Creator: Katsukawa Shuncho.
Warrior on Horseback, Japan, late 1780s or early 1790s. Creator: Katsukawa Shunsei.
Taira no Atsumori Riding a Horse into the Sea, Japan, c. 1770. Creator: Shunsho.
Young Man on a Horse, c. 1760s. Creator: Ishikawa Toyonobu.
Procession of a Daimyo, c. 1681/84. Creator: Hishikawa Moronobu.
Procession of a Daimyo, c. 1681/84. Creator: Hishikawa Moronobu.
Narihira's Eastern Journey, from the illustrated book "Panorama of Paintings on Screens..., 1682. Creator: Hishikawa Moronobu.
Korean Embassy Parade, 1682. Creator: Hishikawa Moronobu.
Parody of Ariwara no Narihira's eastern journey, c. 1803. Creator: Hokusai.
Lieutenant Commander Sakakibara Fighting Bravely to the South of Ximucheng..., 1895. Creator: Adachi Ginko.
A Hunt in the Mountains of Heaven, Late Ming /early Qing dynasty, 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Beer Pitcher, c. 1936. Creator: Florence Stevenson.
Bowl (Tas) with Attached Handles, Decorated with Horsemen and Solar Motif, 14th century. Creator: Unknown.
Royal Horse Inspection, Safavid dynasty (1501-1722), late 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Denarius (Coin) Depicting the Goddess Roma, 136 BCE. Creator: Unknown.
Stater (Coin) Depicting a Horseman, probably 380-345 BCE. Creator: Unknown.
Stater (Coin) Depicting a Horseman, 334-302 BCE. Creator: Unknown.
Stater (Coin) Depicting Horseman, 272-235 BCE. Creator: Unknown.
Stater (Coin) Depicting a Horseman, 380-345 BCE. Creator: Unknown.
Wellington & Blugher [sic], England, 1875/1900.  Creator: Thomas Stevens.
Panel, United States, 1825/75. Creator: Unknown.
The Stag Hunt, from Pastoral Hunting Scenes, Aubusson, c. 1775. Creator: Unknown.
The Massacre at Jerusalem, from The Story of Titus and Vespasian, Brussels, 1650/75. Creator: Unknown.
The Outdoor Market, from Village Festivals, France, 1775/89. Creator: Unknown.
Caesar and Cleopatra Enjoying Themselves from The Story of Caesar and Cleopatra, Flanders, c1680. Creator: Gerard Peemans.
Caesar Defeats the Troops of Pompey from The Story Caesar and Cleopatra, Flanders, c. 1680. Creator: Gerard Peemans.
The Crossing of the Granicus, from The Story of Alexander the Great, Holland, 1619. Creator: Unknown.
Pluto and Proserpina with Falconry, Flanders, c. 1600. Creator: Erasmus de Pannemaker.
Panel (Furnishing Fabric), England, c. 1785. Creator: Sir Robert Peel and Co.
A Visit to the Camp (Furnishing Fabric), England, c. 1785. Creator: Unknown.
The Travels of Doctor Syntax (Furnishing Fabric), Manchester, c. 1820. Creator: Unknown.
La Manufacture de Munster (Furnishing Fabric), Munster, c. 1816. Creator: Hartmann et Fils.
La Route de St. Cloud ou de Poissy (Furnishing Fabric), Nantes, 1822 or after. Creator: Favre-Petitpierre et Cie.
La Route de Jouy (The Route to Jouy) (Furnishing Fabric), France, 1815. Creator: Oberkampf Manufactory.
La Route de Jouy (The Road to Jouy) (Furnishing Fabric), France, 1815. Creator: Oberkampf Manufactory.
Panel (Furnishing Fabric), England, c. 1820. Creator: Unknown.
Panel (Furnishing Fabric), England, c. 1770/80. Creator: Unknown.
Panel (Furnishing Fabric), Rouen, c. 1830. Creator: Henry Manufactory.
La Route de Jouy (The Road to Jouy) (Furnishing Fabric), Nantes, c. 1820. Creator: Favre-Petitpierre et Cie.
La Route de Jouy (The Road to Jouy) (Furnishing Fabric), France, c. 1820. Creator: Favre-Petitpierre et Cie.
Tapestry (Bear Hunt and Falconry from a Hunts Series), Belgium, c. 1525. Creator: Unknown.
La Route de Jouy (The Road to Jouy) (Furnishing Fabric), France, 1825/35. Creator: Oberkampf Manufactory.
La Chasse à Rouen (Hunting at Rouen) (Furnishing Fabric), Rouen, 1840. Creator: Unknown.