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36pages, 2,102 results in yourKeywordsearch for"horseman"Advanced Search
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Twenty-Four Cavaliers in an Oval, 1652. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Il Tedeschino, 1637. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
La Mort sur un champ de bataille [Death on a Battlefield], 1648. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Ten Cavaliers with Large Plumed Helmets, 1652. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Polish Cavalier. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
The Prince of Tuscany, His Horse Troops and Carriages around Mount Atlas, 1661. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Tournament Executed in Florence for the Marriage of Grand Duke Ferdinand II, 1637. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Entrance of the Prince of Tuscany, 1661. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
A Black Horseman. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Hungarian Cavalier. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Hungarian Cavalier. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Moorish Cavalier. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Small Deer Chased by a Cavalier. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Deer Chased by Two Cavaliers. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Polish Hussar. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Doe in a Marsh Attacked by Two Dogs. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Hungarian Cavalier. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Polish Cavalier. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Polish Attendant with Two Horses. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
A Black Horseman. Creator: Stefano della Bella.
Reiter II (Horseman II), 1916. Creator: Lovis Corinth.
Horseman and Vagabond in the Forest (Le Cavalier en forêt et le piéton), 1854. Creator: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.
Carte-de-visite with Horseman (La Carte de visite au cavalier), 1853. Creator: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.
Horseman in the Woods, Large Plate (Le Grand Cavalier sous bois), c. 1854. Creator: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.
Danger Passed (Danger passe), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
The Obstacle (L'obstacle), 1900. Creator: Paul Albert Besnard.
A Horseman Attacked by Three Lions. Creator: Gianfrancesco Enzola.
Two Soldiers Fighting with a Horseman, c. 1468. Creator: Gianfrancesco Enzola.
Costanzo Riding in the Country [reverse], 1475. Creator: Gianfrancesco Enzola.
Saint George and the Dragon. Creator: Gianfrancesco Enzola.
Gritti Before the Breached City Wall [reverse], 1512/1516. Creator: Giovanni Falier.
Nude Man on Horseback [reverse], 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Perseus Mounted on Pegasus, mid 16th century. Creator: Unknown.
Combat between Two Horsemen [reverse]. Creator: Giovanni da Cavino.
The Sultan Riding [reverse], c. 1481. Creator: Costanzo da Ferrara.
The Grand Dauphin, model 1688/1699, cast c. 1699. Creator: Unknown.
Louis XIV, model c. 1683/1699, cast c. 1699. Creator: Unknown.
North African Horseman Surprised by a Serpent, model before 1843, cast by 1873. Creator: Antoine-Louis Barye.
Charles I, 1600-1649, King of England 1625 [obverse], 1633. Creator: Nicolas Briot.
Cavalry Charge [reverse]. Creator: Danese Cattaneo.
Two Arab Horsemen Killing a Lion, model 1838, cast by 1873. Creator: Antoine-Louis Barye.
Tartar Warrior Checking His Horse, model 1845, cast by 1873. Creator: Antoine-Louis Barye.
Ercole on Horseback [reverse]. Creator: Baldassare d'Este.
Figures on Horseback, n.d. Creator: Eliphalet Frazer Andrews.
Comanche Feats of Horsemanship, 1834-1835. Creator: George Catlin.
Sa-tan-ti Addressing the Peace Commissioners at Council Grove, Medicine Lodge Creek, 1867. Creator: Hermann Stieffel.
Camp of the Peace Commissioners at Medicine Lodge Creek, 1867. Creator: Hermann Stieffel.
Philip Henry Sheridan, 1871. Creator: Thomas Buchanan Read.
Krishna bids farewell, folio from a Bhagavata Purana, ca.1680-1690. Creator: Unknown.
Deer Hunting At Night, early 18th century. Creator: Unknown.
A mounted man hunting birds with a falcon, early 18th century. Creator: Unknown.
A group of men and horses, early 19th century. Creator: Unknown.
A Battle on the banks of a river, late 17th century. Creator: Unknown.
Zachary Taylor, 19th century. Creator: James Walker.
Shah Jahan and his son Dara Shikoh hunting, c. 1790. Creator: Unknown.
The Siege of Baghdad by Tahir, from the Tarikh-i-Alfi, ca. 1592-94. Creator: Unknown.
The Enemies' Horses, ca. 1912-1920. Creator: W. Herbert Dunton.
Callers, ca. 1926. Creator: Walter Ufer.
George Washington, 1800. Creator: William Clarke.
Street scene during a festival, ca. 1750-70. Creator: Yamamoto Fujinobu.