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'King Henry VIII. Meeting...Francis at the...Field of the Cloth of Gold', 1520, (c1930).  Creator: Unknown.
'Horsemen on the Shore', 1902, (1937).  Creator: Paul Gauguin.
'What Londoners Used To Wear Displayed at Lancaster House', c1935. Creator: Unknown.
The Death of Grand Duke Oleg, 1832.
Sleepy Hollow, Hudson River, New York State, USA, c1900.  Creator: Unknown.
'Meeting of Henry VIII and Francis I. at Ardres - The Field of the Cloth of Gold', 1520, (1855). Artist: Sir John Gilbert.
Conquest of Toledo by Alphonse VI of Castile, tile panels in the Spain square in Seville.
'A Cavalier with a Grey Horse', 17th century. Artist: Abraham Pietersz van Kalraet.
Landscape with a Horseman and a Bridge, early 17th century. Artist: Guercino.
Canto of Oleg the Wise. Double page, 1899.
Illustration to the Canto of Oleg the Wise, 1899.
Canto of Oleg the Wise. Double page, 1899.
Illustration for  Old Russian Legend Volga, 1901-1904.
Illustration for  Old Russian Legend Volga, 1901-1904.
Illustration for  Old Russian Legend Volga, 1901-1904.
'Horsemen and Herdsmen with Cattle', 1655-1660. Artist: Aelbert Cuyp.
'A View Near Volterra', 1838. Artist: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.
'Chillan Cowboys', 1911. Artist: Unknown.
A Landscape with Horsemen, late 18th century. Artist: Thomas Gainsborough.
Detail from the Balawat Gates, made for Shalmeneser III, Neo-Assyrian, c858 BC-824 BC Artist: Unknown.
Etruscan Stela Detail, Combat between horseman and foot-soldier, c4th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Balawat gates, Assyrian horsemen, 899 BC.  Artist: Unknown.
Detail from the Balawat Gates, made for Shalmeneser III, Neo-Assyrian, c858-824 BC. Artist: Unknown.
Atlanta on Horseback, Carthage Mosaic, c3rd century. Artist: Unknown.
Atlanta on Horseback, Carthage Mosaic, c3rd century. Artist: Unknown.
Roman mosaic from Carthage,  Horseman hunts leopard, c3rd century. Artist: Unknown.
Horseman, Lucan tomb painting, Paestum, c4th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Earthenware Vessel, Villanova Culture, from Bologna, Italy, 8th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Bronze Situla with incised decoration showing warriors, Etruscan, Bologna, c6th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Equestrian portrait of Maharana Bhim Singh of Mewar, c1785. Artist: Unknown.
Maharana Raj Singh riding, c1670. Artist: Unknown.
Maharaja Sawai Pratap Singh riding, 1782-1785. Artist: Ramji Das.
Maharaja Pratap Singh of Sawar riding, with two attendants on foot, c1700. Artist: Unknown.
Equestrian portrait of Maharana Raj Singh I of Mewar, 1670. Creator: Unknown.
Studies of a Horse and of a Horseman attacking Foot-soldiers, early 16th century. Artist: Michelangelo Buonarroti.
A Horseman charging and other Studies, 16th century. Artist: Michelangelo Buonarroti.
The First Horseman, identified with Roman Emperor Gaius (AD37-41), 14th-15th century. Artist: Master Bertram of Hamburg.
Horseman on Greek Scent-Bottle (Araballos) Proto-Corinthian, c7th century BC. Artist: Unknown.
Detail of a Viking Horseman, Stela, Gotland, c8th century. Artist: Unknown.
Viking Cross-Shaft Fragment from Sockburn, County Durham, 10th century. Artist: Unknown.
The Fourth Horseman of the Apocalypse, Roman Emperor Domitian, 14th-15th century. Artist: Master Bertram of Hamburg.
Runestone from Mojra Hagby in Uppland, Sweden, 6th century Artist: Unknown.
Roman Mosaic of Horseman hunting a leopard, Merida, Spain, c2nd-3rd century. Artist: Unknown.
Pictish Carved Slab, showing symbols and Battle, c8th century. Artist: Unknown.
Interview between Francis I and Henry VIII, on the Field of the Cloth of Gold, 1520, (1870).  Artist: Unknown.
'A Mounted Mace-bearer', 1903. Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
'Armoured Horses', 1903. Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
'Native Horsemen in the Review of Native Retainers', 1903. Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
'Horseman at the Bombay Camp', 1903. Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
'Armoured Horsemen of Kishengarh', 1903. Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
'A Jaipur Horseman', 1903. Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
'A Paithan Horseman', 1903. Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
'In the Retainers' Procession', 1903. Artist: Mortimer L Menpes.
The equestrian statue of Peter the Great on Senate Square.
Ichabod Crane escaping from the Headless Horseman,  from The Legend of Sleepy Hollow, 1928.
'Frontier Light Horse, on Vedette Duty, Discovering Zulus near Wood's Camp, on Kambula Hill', c1880. Artist: Unknown.
An Afghan Horseman Rode At Her With Uplifted Sword, 1902. Artist: A Patriot.
'The Horseman in the Wood', c.1854, (1946). Artist: Jean-Baptiste-Camille Corot.
'A Burmese Horseman', 1913. Artist: James Raeburn Middleton.
'Adoration of the Magi - Battle of horsemen in the distance on the right', c1481 (1945). Artist: Leonardo da Vinci.