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Wagon loaded with sacks of corn on the road to a flour mill, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Sugar factory and plantation in the West Indies, 1686. Artist: Allain Manesson Mallet
Cotton manufacture: mule spinning, c1830. Artist: Unknown
Robert Owen, Welsh-born British philanthropist and socialist, 19th century. Artist: Unknown
John Stuart Mill, British social reformer and philosopher, 1873. Artist: Spy
De Kaap goldfields, Transvaal, South Africa, 1887.  Artist: Anon
Sir Titus Salt, British manufacturer and benefactor, 19th century.Artist: W Holl
Lucerne, Central Switzerland, 19th century. Artist: John Cousen
'Windmill on Wimbledon Common', 1880. Artist: Robert Taylor Pritchett
Undershot water wheel powering a fulling mill, Copperplate Engraving, 1673. Artist: Georg Andreas Bockler
Household utensils, 1906. Artist: Unknown
The first cotton mill at Cromford, Derbyshire, and Richard Arkwright's house, 1836. Artist: Unknown
Rolling mill and forge powered by hot gases from a furnace, 1629. Artist: Unknown
Luna, 1531. Artist: Sebald Beham
Forge with bellows driven by an undershot water wheel through cranks, 1673. Artist: Unknown
Forge with bellows driven by an undershot water wheel through cranks, 1673. Artist: Unknown
Greenfield Brass Mill near Holywell, Flintshire, Wales, 1792. Artist: WC Wilson
Ploughing and harrowing with horses and sowing seed broadcast, 1762. Artist: Unknown
Crushing gold bearing ores in mills similar in principle to flour mills, 1556. Artist: Unknown
John Stuart Mill, British social reformer and philosopher, 1873. Artist: Unknown
Lace making, 1884. Artist: Unknown
Part of Old London Bridge, c1600. Artist: Unknown
'The Factory Children', 1814. Artist: George Walker of Seacroft
General view of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, 1833. Artist: Unknown
Sectional view of Strutt's model cotton mills, Belper, Derbyshire, England, 1820.  Artist: William Lowry
Spinning Jenny, 1820. Artist: Unknown
View of Leeds, Yorkshire, early 19th century. Artist: Unknown
'The Combing Work', c1750(?). Artist: Unknown
General Mills flour mill, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1948. Artist: Unknown
Milling district, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1915. Artist: Unknown
Pillsbury's 'A' Mill, the largest flour mill in the world, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1926. Artist: Unknown
Milling district, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1910. Artist: Unknown
Washburn 'A' flour mill, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1910. Artist: Unknown
Stone Arch Bridge, St Anthony Falls and the milling district, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1915. Artist: Unknown
Milling district, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1923. Artist: Unknown
The Mill Dining Room, Schneithorst's World Renowned Bevo Mill, St Louis, Missouri, USA, 1934. Artist: Unknown
Abbey Mill, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, 2010.
Abbey Mill, Tewkesbury, Gloucestershire, 2010.
'Water Mill', 19th century.  Artist: Gustave Courbet
'Landscape near Beauvais', 1740.  Artist: François Boucher
'The Hay Wain', 1821, (1912).Artist: John Constable
Visitors at the Spillers Foods mill, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, 1962. Artist: Michael Walters
Group at a social function, Spillers Foods, Gainsborough, Lincolnshire, 1962. Artist: Michael Walters
Packing turf cutters, Everlast Garden Tools, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, 1965. Artist: Michael Walters
View of the canteen at the Park Gate Iron & Steel Co, Rotherham, 1964.  Artist: Michael Walters
Office scene, Park Gate Iron & Steel Co, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1964. Artist: Michael Walters
Steelworks canteen, Park Gate, Rotherham, South Yorkshire, 1964. Artist: Michael Walters
An old English mill, 19th century.Artist: Birket Foster
Sally Eilers (1908-1978), American actress, 20th century. Artist: Unknown
Interior of Litton Mill, Derbyshire, 1933. Artist: Unknown
The River Trent frozen at Mill Bridge, Newark, Nottinghamshire, 1895. Artist: Unknown
A cotton plantation, c1880. Artist: Unknown
Net loom in the Stuart's factory, c1880. Artist: Unknown
Great hall in Messrs Marshall's flax mill, Leeds, c1880. Artist: Unknown
A nomad maid of the mill preparing couscous, Algeria, 1922.Artist: A Bougaut
Women grinding at the mill, Palestine, 1900.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Women grinding at the mill, Palestine, 1900.Artist: Underwood & Underwood
Rice mill, Indochina, 19th century. Artist: Robin
'Carding, Drawing, and Roving', 19th century.Artist: J Carter
Scene from The Mill on the Floss by George Eliot, c1880. Artist: Walter-James Allen