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The Insurrection in Madrid - Conflict in the Plaza Mayor, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Boat Attack at the Sulineh Mouth of the Danube, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Honours paid to the remains of Captain Hyde Parker, by the English, French and Turkish..., 1854. Creator: Smyth.
"The Volcano" steam-sloop fitted as a floating factory for the Baltic, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Band of the 3rd French Regiment playing in H.M. Naval Yard, at Deal, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Steam-ships of the Allied Fleet searching for Infernal Machines off Cronstadt..., 1854. Creator: Unknown.
His Highness Said Pacha, the New Viceroy of Egypt - from an original sketch, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Vessels passing the bar at the Rosetta Mouth of the Nile, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The Crystal Palace - Entrance to the Egyptian Court from the Nave, by the Avenue of Lions, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The Crystal Palace - the Egyptian Court - Entrance to the Tomb of Beni Hassan, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from the new drama of "The Old Chateau", at the Haymarket Theatre, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Madame Marie Cabel - drawn by Baugniet, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The new uniforms for the Light Infantry and Cavalry, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Wreck of "The Douro" steam-ship, on the Paracels, in the China Sea, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Opening of a new bridge at Travancore - the Rajah's State Procession, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The Ganges Canal, at Roorkee [in India], 1854 Creator: Unknown.
The Chateau, at Pau, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Cradle of Henri IV, at the Chateau, Pau, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Eaux Bonnes, Pyrenees, 1854. Creator: S Read.
House in Pau [in France], in which Bernadotte was born, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Summit of the Pic du Midi d'Osseau, Pyrenees, 1854. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Eaux Chaudes, Pyrenees, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Funeral of Captain Parker, at the Champ des Morts, at Pera, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Entrance to the Coal-Mine of Heraclea, on the Black Sea, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The female hippopotamus, at the Zoological Society's Gardens, Regent's-Park, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
"The Cataragui", coming down the Galop Rapids above Montreal, Canada, 1854.  Creator: Unknown.
The Thames National Regatta Prize, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The Highgate Model Yacht Club, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
"Othello" - painted by H.C. Selous - from the Exhibition of the British Institution, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
"The Russian Serf", painted by Joseph J. Jenkins - from the Exhibition of the Society of..., 1854. Creator: Horace Harral.
General Espartero, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Public Entry of Espartero into Madrid, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The Insurrection in Spain - Barricades in the Place San Geronimo, near the Prado, Madrid, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The Insurrection in Spain - the Insurgents setting fire to the Palace of Queen Christina..., 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Selim Pacha Muschir, Commander-in-Chief of the Turkish Army of Batoum, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The Burning of Greytown, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Mr. Park's bust of the Emperor of the French, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Biaritz, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The English Mediaeval Court, at the Crystal Palace, Sydenham, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The Industrial Exhibition, at Munich, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Cavalry of the French Imperial Guard, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Infantry of the French Imperial Guard, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
"The Launch" - painted by G. Smith, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
"An Old English Homestead" - painted by R. Redgrave, R.A., 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Harwich, 1854. Creator: Mason Jackson.
The Turkish Exhibition and Museum, Hyde-Park-Corner - a Turkish Dinner Party, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
H.M. Screw Gun-Vessel "Wrangler", built for the Baltic, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Steam-ships reconnoitring at Sveaborg, in the Gulf of Finland, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Passage of the Ship "Medway" through Icebergs, on her homeward voyage from Melbourne, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Marble bust of the late Sir Robert Peel, by A. Munro, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Remains of the National School at Capel, near Ipswich, struck by lightning, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The Fete at Paris - Representation of the Siege of Silistria, in the Champ de Mars..., 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Laying down the Mediterranean Electric Telegraph Cable at Spezia, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Destruction of Sulineh, at the Mouth of the Danube, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Baltschik, on the coast of Bulgaria - from a sketch by Lieut. Montagu O'Reilly, R.N., 1854. Creator: Unknown.
The 5th (French) Regiment of the Line passing through the Porte des Dunes, on their way to..., 1854. Creator: Ebenezer Landells.
Nest of the Brush Turkey, in the Zoological Society's Gardens, Regent's-Park, 1854. Creator: H. Wendel.
Cricket Match upon the Goodwin Sands, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
"Mont Orgueil Castle, Jersey" - painted by J. Wilson, Jun, 1854. Creator: Unknown.
"Giving an Order" - painted by J.H. Mole, 1854. Creator: Unknown.