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''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday September 1st. 1888', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Queen's visit to Glasgow and Paisley, the opening of the new Municipal Buildings Glasgow , by  Creator: Unknown.
''The Rebellion of Dinizulu, son of Cetewayo, in Zululand-The relief of N'Dwandwe(after Usibpu's def Creator: G Durand.
''Women coaling a Man-of War at Nagasaki, Japan', 1888. Creator: J Nash.
''Young Parisians at the Seaside', 1888. Creator: Mars.
''That Unfortunate Marriage, by Francis Eleanor Trollope, Theodore thought she made a charming pictu Creator: Sydney Prior Hall.
''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday September 8th. 1888', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Royal Agricultural College, Cirencester', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Russians in Central Asia, view of the Transcaspian Railway', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''That Unfortunate Marriage, by Francis Eleanor Trollope,"I had totally forgotten again what I was g Creator: Sydney Prior Hall.
''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday September 15th. 1888', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Melbourne CentennialInternational Exhibition-Mounted Infantry escorting the Govenor to the exh Creator: Unknown.
''The Melbourne CentennialInternational Exhibition- Up-country people starting for the exhibition',  Creator: Unknown.
''The Wedding of Lady Blossom Tseng, Daughter of the Marquis Tseng, and Mr. Woo, at Pekin', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''Washing Day', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''A Tour of the Pickwick Cycling Club in France', 1888. Creator: C Angerer & Goschl.
''That Unfortunate Marriage, by Francis Eleanor Trollope,"What am I doing of? I'm rubbing up Master  Creator: Sydney Prior Hall.
''The Dead Season--The Last Man in Town', 1888. Creator: G Durand.
'' Cadbury's Cocoa "Is Absolutely Pure." ', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday September 22nd. 1888', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''South of England Lawn Tennis Tournament at Devonshire Park, Eastbourne--Ladies and Gentlemans Doub Creator: Unknown.
'' "Type of Beauty." ', 1888. Creator: Charles Edward Perugini.
''That Unfortunate Marriage, by Francis Eleanor Trollope,Then Clara uplifted her pure, clear voice,  Creator: Sydney Prior Hall.
''The International Fur Store, 163-165 Regent Street', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday September 29th. 1888', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''A Slave Raid in Central Africa', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''Africa showing souces of Slave Supply', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Highland Games--Hundredth Anniversary at Inverness Scotland', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Incorporation of the Town of Chelsford', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''That Unfortunate Marriage, by Francis Eleanor Trollope," you’re a deal older than the child. There Creator: Sydney Prior Hall.
''Men of the new regiment of Mounted Infantry at drill at Aldershot', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday October 6. 1888', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''A Pack of Foxhounds passing through the Red Sea on their way to India--Early morning exercise', 18 Creator: Unknown.
''The Late Mrs. Hull, once nursemaid to the Prince of Wales and carerer for all the Queens children' Creator: Unknown.
''H.R.H. Princess Wilhelmina', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''Venetian Costume Makers', 1888. Creator: Samuel Melton Fisher.
''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday October 13. 1888', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''Lord Hartington addressing a Liberal Unionist meeting at Inverness', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The new statue of the late Lord Shaftsbury in Westminster Abbey', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The new statue of the late General Gordon in Trafalgar Square', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''Beauty Show at Spa, Belgium', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''Off to the Antipodes--A "P and O" Steamer going down the Thames', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Perils of Steam Coaches circa1810', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''James's Steam Carriage, 1810', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''That Unfortunate Marriage, by Francis Eleanor Trollope," And what do you say to my news, Miss Chef Creator: Sydney Prior Hall.
''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday October 20. 1888', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''M. Paul Fournier's Statue of Shakespeare, presented to the city of Paris by Mr. Knighton', 1888. Creator: Paul Fournier.
''Lord Ronald Gower's Shakespeare Memorial, recently unveiled at Stratford-on-Avon', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Canadian Football Team now in England', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Late Rajah Sir Gunpat Rao Khudkay K.C.S.I., Presiding over the Council of Regency, Gwalior, In Creator: Unknown.
'' "An Eye to Effect", Just before an eviction on Lord Clanricarde's Estate, Woodford, Ireland', 188 Creator: Unknown.
''The Visit of the German Emperor to Rome', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''That Unfortunate Marriage, by Francis Eleanor Trollope; Suddenly Mrs Dobbs opened her arms , and f Creator: Sydney Prior Hall.
''A Holiday by the Sea', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''An Irish Beauty', 1888. Creator: Chancellor.
''A Dispatch-Bearer Egyptian Camel Corps', 1888. Creator: Elizabeth Thompson.
''The Graphic, Front Cover Saturday October 27. 1888', 1888. Creator: Unknown.
''The Visit of the German Emperor to Rome; the Emperor and the King of Italy passing between lines o Creator: Unknown.
''The Visit of the German Emperor to Rome; the Grand Review of the Italian Troops at Centocelli, the Creator: Unknown.
''The Visit of the German Emperor to Rome; The arrival at the Capital', 1888. Creator: Unknown.