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Putti Playing, 1700-1720. Creator: Hendrik van Limborch.
Guardroom, c.1740. Creator: Jacques Ignatius de Roore.
Arcadian landscape, children with a bird and a dog in left foreground, 1771.  Creator: Juriaan Andriessen.
Granida and Daiphilo, c.1665-c.1668. Creator: Gerard de Lairesse.
The Mousetrap, 1660. Creator: Gerritsz Quiringh van Brekelenkam.
Double portrait of a young couple as Granida and Daiphilo, c.1640-c.1670. Creator: Jan Mytens.
Joanna Cornelia Ziesenis-Wattier and Geertruida Jacoba Grevelink-Hilverdink..., 1800-1813.  Creator: Louis Moritz.
Open-air theatre performance, 1670-1698.  Creator: Matthys Naiveu.
Portrait of Robert Muys and his Wife Maria Nozeman, 1778. Creator: Nicolaas Muys.
The Raising of Lazarus, c.1530-c.1535. Creator: Aert Claesz..
Young Man with a Violin. Charles Théodose Godefroy (1718-1796), eldest son of the jeweler Charles Go Creator: Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Siméon (1699-1779).
Concert, 1624. Creator: Honthorst, Gerrit, van (1590-1656).
La Convalescence de Bayard, 1817. Creator: Révoil, Pierre (1776-1842).
Attributes of Music, 1765. Creator: Chardin, Jean-Baptiste Siméon (1699-1779).
Scene from the play The Tempest by William Shakespeare, 1797. Creator: Romney, George (1734-1802).
Konstantin Stanislavski as Alexander Vershinin in the play "Three Sisters" by Anton Chekhov, 1901. Creator: Anonymous.
Stage design for the theatre play The Magnanimous Cuckold (Le Cocu Magnifique) by F. Crommelynck, 19 Creator: Popova, Lyubov Sergeyevna (1889-1924).
Wall painting from the Cabaret "The comedian's rest home" , 1916. Creator: Sudeykin, Sergei Yurievich (1882-1946).
Costume design for the play The Masquerade by M. Lermontov, 1917. Creator: Golovin, Alexander Yakovlevich (1863-1930).
Costume design for the play The Masquerade by M. Lermontov, 1917. Creator: Golovin, Alexander Yakovlevich (1863-1930).
Stage design for the theatre play The Lady of the Camellias by Alexandre Dumas, 1934. Creator: Leistikow, Ivan (Johannes) (active 1930s).
Costume design for the play "Sherlock Holmes and Nick Carter" in the Proletcult Theatre, 1922. Creator: Eisenstein, Sergei Mikhailovich (1898-1948).
Costume design for the play "Sherlock Holmes and Nick Carter" in the Proletcult Theatre, 1922. Creator: Eisenstein, Sergei Mikhailovich (1898-1948).
Costume design for the play "Sherlock Holmes and Nick Carter" in the Proletcult Theatre, 1922. Creator: Eisenstein, Sergei Mikhailovich (1898-1948).
Konstantin Stanislavsky as Satin in the play "The Lower Depths" by M. Gorky, 1902. Creator: Anonymous.
Olga Leonardovna Knipper-Chekhova as Nastya in the play "The Lower Depths" by M. Gorky, 1902. Creator: Anonymous.
Costume design for the play Princess Turandot by C. Gozzi, 1922. Creator: Nivinsky, Ignati Ignatyevich (1881-1933).
On the beach at Rockaway, N.Y., between 1901 and 1906. Creator: Unknown.
Coney Island beach, between 1901 and 1906. Creator: Unknown.
'Seben come 'leben', c1901. Creator: Unknown.
Children at Play in the Open, 1705-1743. Creator: Nicolas Lancret.
Winter landscape with ice skaters, from Frederiksdal, 1820-1829. Creator: Johan Stroe.
Portrait of a child, 1822. Creator: Johan Anton Bech.
Ludvig Holberg's "Den Stundeslose", act I, scene 6, 1825-1873. Creator: Wilhelm Marstrand.
Coast road at Vedbæk, winter afternoon, 1836-1837. Creator: Johan Stroe.
Ludvig Holberg's "Erasmus Montanus", act III, scene 3, 1844. Creator: Wilhelm Marstrand.
Ce qui nous prouve comme quoi il est ... inutile ..., 1857. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Un Monsieur tenant à prouver qu'il peut..., 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Un marchand de vin contrarié dans son commerce, 1843. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Je viens prévenir le roi Agamemnon ..., 19th century. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Une méprise a l'Odéon..., 1864. Creator: Honore Daumier.
Scene from "Jack and the Bean-Stalk" at the Adelphi Theatre, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
Sebastopol - North Side - sketched by J. A. Crowe, 1856.  Creator: J. A. Crowe.
"The Emperor Alexander II. And his Sister Marie-Nicolaewna, in their Childhood" - from a print publi Creators: Smyth, George Dawe.
Mr. Charles Kean as "Hamlet", 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
Winter in Norway - from a picture by Adolphe Tidemand, 1856.  Creator: Henry Duff Linton.
Scene from the New Play of "The First Printer", at the Princess' Theatre, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
Scene from the New Drama of "The Evil Genius", at the Haymarket Theatre, 1856.  Creator: Smyth.
Grand Fete and Theatrical Representation at the Hotel de Ville, Paris, in honour of the Peace Plenip Creator: Unknown.
A Pic-Nic in the Baltic - drawn by J. W. Carmichael, 1856.  Creator: W Thomas.
The Statue Scene from "The Winter's Tale", at the Princess' Theatre, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
"Market-Day" - painted by G. B. O'Neil - from the Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 1856.  Creator: Henry Duff Linton.
Scene from the New Ballet of "Les Quatre Saisons", at Her Majesty's Theatre, 1856.  Creator: Smyth.
"Luna in her Car", from "The Winter's Tale", at the Princess' Theatre, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
"Love's Labours Lost" - painted by F. R. Pickersgill - from the Exhibition of the Royal Academy, 185 Creator: Harvey Orrin Smith.
Scene from Verdi's Opera, "La Traviata", at Her Majesty's Theatre, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
The Peace Illuminations - A Street Scene - drawn by George Thomas, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
Madame Ristori, at the Lyceum Theatre, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "A Bottle of Smoke" at the Adelphi Theatre, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.
Mademoiselle Johanna Wagner as "Romeo", at Her Majesty's Theatre, 1856.  Creator: Unknown.