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Double-page Illustration from Vol. 2 of "Picture Book of Spring Brocades...", 1771. Creator: Suzuki Harunobu.
Girl Playing with a Cat, c. 1769/70. Creator: Suzuki Harunobu.
Scene from the Drama "Lyric Dance of Shizuka Gozen (Taihei Shizuka Horaku no mai)", c. 1711. Creator: Torii Kiyomasu I.
Parody of Act VII of "The Storehouse of Loyal Retainers (Chushingura)", c. 1768/69. Creator: Suzuki Harunobu.
Young Women Playing Poem Cards, c. 1766/67. Creator: Suzuki Harunobu.
Enjoying the Evening Cool near Ryogoku Bridge (Ryogoku bashi yusuzumi uki-e), c. 1740. Creator: Okumura Masanobu.
Tamaya Shinbei and Mikuni Kojoro, c. 1781/1818. Creator: Rekisentei Eiri.
The Daughter of Tomoyasu (Tomoyasu no musume), from the series "Three Beautiful Women..., c. 1820. Creator: Shinsai.
Inro Case, early 19th century. Creator: Somada Mitsumine.
Making a Snow Dog, c. 1767/68. Creator: Suzuki Harunobu.
Courtesan and Two Attendants Playing with a Dog, c. 1766. Creator: Suzuki Harunobu.
Courtesan and Her Child Attendant Playing with a Cat, c. 1768. Creator: Suzuki Harunobu.
Goldfish, Japan, c. 1794/95. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
Two Young Women after a Bath, Japan, c. 1803. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
Act IV, from Treasury of the Loyal Retainers, Japan, c. 1801/02. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
Act VIII (Hachidanme), from the series "The Treasury of Loyal Retainers..., Japan, c. 1798/99. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
Act IX (Kudanme), from the series "The Treasury of Loyal Retainers (Chushingura)", Japan, c.1798/99. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
Goldfish, from the series "Elegant Comparison of Little Treasures (Furyu kodakara..., Japan, c. 1802 Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
Ichikawa Monnosuke II as Haya no Kanpei..., Japan, late 18th-early 19th century. Creator: Kitao Masanobu.
The Big Snowman, Japan, c. 1764. Creator: Kitao Shigemasa.
Boy as Hotei, from an untitled series of children as the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, Japan, 1780s. Creator: Kitao Shigemasa.
Boy as Jurojin, from an untitled series of children as the Seven Gods of Good Fortune, Japan, 1780s. Creator: Kitao Shigemasa.
Taking Food to Rice Planters, Japan, late 18th/early 19th century. Creator: Kubo Shunman.
Party by a winding stream, Japan, n.d. Creator: Kubo Shunman.
Boy releasing a kite, Japan, c. 1800/10. Creator: Hokusai.
Parody of the play "Musume Dojoji", Japan, c. 1801/05. Creator: Hokusai.
Act Seven, from the series "Treasury of the Loyal Retainers (Chushingura) (Shichi...,Japan, c1801/02 Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
Shell-Matching Game, from the illustrated book "Gifts from the Ebb Tide..., Japan, 1789. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
Shell-Matching Game, from the illustrated book "Gifts from the Ebb Tide (Shiohi..., Japan, 1789. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
Shell-Matching Game, from the illustrated book "Gifts from the Ebb Tide (Shiohi..., Japan, 1789. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
Mother and Child, Japan, c. 1800. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
Courtesan Playing with a Cat, c. 1715. Creator: Dohan Kaigetsudo.
Parody of the Letter-Reading Scene in Chushingura, c. 1780/1801. Creator: Katsukawa Shuncho.
Iris Garden, c. 1781/89. Creator: Katsukawa Shuncho.
The Actors Nakamura Nakazo I as Matsukaze (right), and Ichikawa Komazo I as..., c. 1771. Creator: Katsukawa Shuncho.
Scene from the Play "Imoseyama", late 1780s. Creator: Katsukawa Shuncho.
Playing Temari, c. 1780/1801. Creator: Katsukawa Shuncho.
The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III, Possibly as Ono no Komachi, in the Final Part of Act Five..., c. 1789 Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Ichikawa Komazo II as Ono Sadakuro in the Play Chuko Ryogoku Ori..., c. 1790. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Iwai Hanshiro IV as Tonase (?) in the Play Kanadehon Chushingura (?)..., c. 1787. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
Act Five: Yamazaki Highway from the play Chushingura (Treasury of the Forty-seven..., c. 1795. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Matsumoto Koshiro IV as Kakogawa Honzo in the Play Kanadehon..., c. 1795. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
Act Ten: The Amakawaya House from the play Chushingura (Treausry of the..., early 1790s. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
Act Nine: Yuranosuke's House in Yamashina from the play Chushingura (Treasury..., early 1790s. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Arashi Ryuzo II as Hachijo, Wet Nurse of Taira no Kiyomori, in Act Three of..., c. 1795. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III as Okaru in the Play Kanadehon Chushingura, Performed..., c1787. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Sawamura Sojuro III as Ume no Yoshihei in the Play Suda no Haru Geisha..., c. 1796. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro V as Hei Shinno Masakado in the Play Hana no O-Edo..., c. 1789. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro V as Benkei in the Play Dai Danna Kanjincho, Performed at..., c. 1790. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Sawamura Sojuro III as the Monk Seigen (?) in the Play Saikai Soga..., c. 1793. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Yamashita Kinsaku II as Okaya in the Play Yomogi Fuku Noki no Tamamizu..., c. 1795. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III as Osaku in the Play Sayo no Nakayama Hiiki no..., c. 1790. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Iwai Hanshiro IV as Yae (?), in the Play Sugawara Denju Tenarai Kagami (?)..., c. 1788. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Yamashita Kinsaku II as the maid Tsumagi in the play "Otokyama O-Edo no..., c. 1794. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Ichikawa Komazo II as the Spirit of Lady Shiragiku in the Play Hatsu Midori..., c. 1791. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III as Chokichi in the Play Suda no Haru Geisha Katagi..., c. 1796. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Ichikawa Monnosuke II as Hiranoya Tokubei (?) in the Play Waka Murasak..., c. 1792. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Iwai Hanshiro IV as Yaegushi no Oroku (?) in the Play Keisei Kogane no..., c1792. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III as Otoma (?) in the Play Sayo no Nakayama Hiiki no..., c1790. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.
The Actor Osagawa Tsuneyo II as Oiso no Tora in the Play Gohiiki no Hana Aikyo Soga..., c. 1794. Creator: Katsukawa Shun'ei.