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Wood engraving after painting by Delacroix of Hamlet and Horatio, December 1837. Creator: Andrew Best Leloir.
A Game of Hot Cockles, c. 1775/1780. Creator: Jean-Honore Fragonard.
Blindman's Buff, c. 1775/1780. Creator: Jean-Honore Fragonard.
A Game of Horse and Rider, c. 1775/1780. Creator: Jean-Honore Fragonard.
The Swing, c. 1775/1780. Creator: Jean-Honore Fragonard.
Ball-Play Dance - Choctaw, 1861/1869. Creator: George Catlin.
The House of Cards, probably 1737. Creator: Jean-Simeon Chardin.
Children Playing Ball (Enfants jouant a la balle), 1900. Creator: Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
Child with Toys - Gabrielle and the Artist's Son, Jean, 1895-1896. Creator: Pierre-Auguste Renoir.
Luxembourg Gardens, 1906. Creator: William James Glackens.
The Tragic Actor (Rouvière as Hamlet), 1866. Creator: Edouard Manet.
The Tragic Actor (L'acteur tragique), 1866. Creator: Edouard Manet.
Under the Horse-Chestnut Tree, 1896-1897. Creator: Mary Cassatt.
Children Playing on the Beach, 1884. Creator: Mary Cassatt.
Two Gentlemen of Verona, 1850-1851. Creator: William Holman Hunt.
The Taming of the Shrew, 1861. Creator: Sir John Gilbert.
Scene In A Theatre, 1912. Creator: Walter Westley Russell.
Scene from "The City Madam", at Sadler's Wells Theatre, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from the new comedy of "Old Heads and Young Hearts", at the Haymarket Theatre, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Otello, a Tale of the Opera, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Mr. Macready, as Hamlet, at the Princess's Theatre, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
The Cymreigyddion Festival - harpers, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "The Lady of Lyons" at the Haymarket Theatre, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "La Partie de Chasse de Henri Quatre", at the St. James's Theatre, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
St. James's Theatre - The Amateurs - Master Matthew (Mr. Leech), 1845. Creator: Joseph Kenny Meadows.
St. James's Theatre - The Amateurs - Kitely (Mr. Foster), 1845. Creator: Unknown.
St. James's Theatre - The Amateurs - Master Stephen, (Mr. Douglas Jerrold), 1845. Creator: Unknown.
St. James's Theatre - The Amateurs - Capt. Bobadil, (Mr. Charles Dickens), 1845. Creator: Unknown.
St. James's Theatre - The Amateurs - Brainworm, (Mr. Mark Lemon), 1845. Creator: Unknown.
St. James's Theatre - The Amateurs - Knowell, (Mr. H. Mayhew), 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Mr. Farren, as "Sir Simon Sage", 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from the new comedy of "The Maiden Aunt", at the Haymarket Theatre, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Westminster School - scene from "The Andria" of Terence, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "The Cricket on the Hearth", at the Lyceum Theatre, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "The Mysterious Stranger", at the Adelphi Theatre, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "Harlequin Crotchet and Quaver", at Covent Garden Theatre, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "Valentine and Orson", at the Lyceum Theatre, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "Harlequin and Johnny's Ride", at Astley's, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "Cat's Castle", at the Adelphi Theatre, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "Graciosa and Perciney", at the Haymarket Theatre, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "Harlequin £.S.D", at the Surrey Theatre, 1844.  Creator: Unknown.
English theatricals at Paris - the Salle Ventador, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
The Review - a skirmishing party, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Otello: a Tale of the Opera, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
Turkish Barrack, 1823-60. Creator: Alexandre Gabriel Decamps.
Vive la France, Balancier, Both in "Tow", ca. 1840. Creator: Alfred E. Baker.
Young Woman and Little Girl Playing Musashi, 1841. Creator: Hokusai.
Ichikawa Ebizo (Danjuro V) in the Role of Mongaku Shonin Disguised as Yamagatsu from ..., 1781-1801. Creator: Hokusai.
Virgin and Child, French, ca. 1275-1300. Creator: Unknown.
Upper Leaf of Sundial, German, ca. 1500. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from the new drama of "Martin Chuzzlewit" at the Lyceum Theatre, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from "The Confederacy", at the Haymarket Theatre, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from the opera of "Otello" at Her Majesty's Theatre, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Mrs. Warner, as Emilia, in "Othello", 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Little Red Riding Hood drops the butter and cake, 1842. Creator: Unknown.
Twelfth Night characters - The Queen, 1844.  Creator: Unknown.
Twelfth Night characters - The King's Fool, 1844.  Creator: Unknown.
Twelfth Night characters - Lord Bowatall, 1844.  Creator: Unknown.
Twelfth Night characters - Sir Kill-'em-and-eat-'em, 1844.  Creator: Unknown.
Twelfth Night characters - Lady Smilington, 1844.  Creator: Unknown.