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109pages, 6,495 results in yourKeywordsearch for"play"Advanced Search
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Fireworks, 1952. Creator: Shirley Markham.
Girl with hoop, 1951. Creator: Shirley Markham.
Child playing in sandpit, Paris, France, c1951.  Creator: Shirley Markham.
Beach scene, c1946. Creator: Shirley Markham.
Three witches, c1950. Creator: Shirley Markham.
'Josepha Hortensia Füger', (1933). Creator: Unknown.
'The King as Lawn-Tennis Player', 1926, (1937). Creator: Unknown.
Swedish girl playing with dolls, c1928. Creator: Unknown.
American swimmer Johnny Weissmuller, 1928. Creator: Unknown.
'The Missionary. Or A scene from the old play of the Hypocrite', 1835.   Creator: John Doyle.
'The Queen Opens a Children's Playground', 1936, (1937). Creator: Unknown.
'A Rude Design for a Grand Historical Picture of The Death of Caesar', 1836. Creator: John Doyle.
'Khovanskaya and Khrushcheva', 1773, (1939). Creator: Dmitry Levitsky.
'Children at play in a farmer's field with terraced Tvinde waterfall, Vossevangen, Norway', c1905. Creator: Unknown.
Nora Street, Cardiff, 1893. Creator: William Booth.
Helen Street, Cardiff, 1892. Creator: William Booth.
Nora Street, Cardiff, 1893. Creator: William Booth.
Nora Street, Cardiff, 1892. Creator: William Booth.
Halket Street, Cardiff, 1892. Creator: William Booth.
The Wildflower Gatherers, 1831. Creator: John Linnell (1792-1882).
Spring Flowers, 1851. Creator: George Smith (1829-1901).
Virgin and child. From the Altarpiece for the Santa Maria del Carmine in Pisa, 1426.
Holy Family with Music Making Angels, ca 1515.
Music making angels, c1626.
Allegory of Music, c1570.
Ring Around the Rosie, 1906-1907.
Musician angel, c1480.
Musician angel, c1480.
Musician angel, c1480.
Musician angel, c1480.
Musician angel, c1480.
Musician angel, c1480.
Concert, ca 1610-1615.
Madonna of Humility with Two Musician Angels. Detail: Musician Angel, c1450.
Madonna of Humility with Two Musician Angels. Detail: Musician Angel, c1450.
Il gioco della Pentola (The Game of the Cooking Pot), ca 1744 .
Ring Around the Rosie, 1910-1915.
The Madonna and Child with Saint George and an angel, 16th century.
Angels making music, 16th century.
Angels making music, 16th century.
Golden Hours, ca 1864.
Stage design for the play "The Carnival of Life" by G. Boillet, 1915.
'Interior of Covent Garden Theatre in 1804', (1881). Creator: Unknown.
'Oliver Goldsmith', (1897). Creator: Unknown.
'Interior of the Duke's Theatre', c1673, (1897). Creator: Unknown.
Satirical cartoon of King Richard III, c1823. Creator: Unknown.
Scene from The Two Gentlemen of Verona, 1851, (c1902).  Creator: Unknown.
Leicester Square, 2007. Creator: Ethel Davies.
Madonna and Child with Six Angels, c.1500. Creator: Botticelli, Sandro (1445-1510).
Portrait of Clara Bianca von Quandt, 1820. Creator: Schnorr von Carolsfeld, Julius (1794-1872).
Jubal, the father of flute, 1839. Creator: Kloeber, August von (1793-1864).
Concert with violin, lute and spinet, 1550-1552. Creator: Niccolò dell'Abate (1509/12-1571).
Concert with singer accompanied by harp lute and flute, 1550-1552. Creator: Niccolò dell'Abate (1509/12-1571).
The Neglected Lute (A Lady with a Lute Taking Wine in a Rich Interior), 1705. Creator: Mieris, Willem van (1662-1747).
El Lissitzky Working on a Stage Design, Meyerhold Theatre, 1929. Creator: Anonymous.
Ball Play, pub. 1845 (colour lithograph). Creator: George Catlin (1796 - 1872).
Enter Sir Hugh Evans, Anne Page, and others, from The Merry Wives of Windsor, 1910. Creator: Hugh Thomson (1860 - 1920).
And nightly meadow fairies, look you sing, from The Merry Wives of Windsor, 1910. Creator: Hugh Thomson (1860 - 1920).
I wash, wring .. And do it all myself, from The Merry Wives of Windsor, pub. 1910. Creator: Hugh Thomson (1860 - 1920).
Search Windsor Castle, elves, within and out, from The Merry Wives of Windsor, pub. 1910. Creator: Hugh Thomson (1860 - 1920).