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51pages, 3,009 results in yourKeywordsearch for"roman catholicism"Advanced Search
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Sur le Front. - C'est sa théorie? - Non, c'est son bréviaire., c. 1914/1919.  Creator: Jean Louis Forain.
The Rev. Mr. Newman, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
The Second Reformation in Germany - Johannes Ronge, 1845. Creator: Ebenezer Landells.
Priests, at Madrid, 1845. Creator: Unknown.
New Catholic church at Newcastle, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Chalice and Paten, French, early 20th century (original dated 1555). Creator: Unknown.
Section E: Christ riding on a triumphal cart, from The Triumph of Christ, 1836. Creator: Andrea Andreani.
Saint Peter as the First Pope, Catalan, before 1348. Creator: Unknown.
Saint Gregory as Pope, German, ca. 1500. Creator: Unknown.
Relief of Pope, German, 15th century. Creator: Unknown.
Manuscript Leaf with the Dedication of a Church in an Initial T, from a Gradual, second half 15th ce Creator: Mariano del Buono.
Manuscript Illumination with the Martyrdom of Saint Stephen in an Initial E..., c1394-1402. Creator: Niccolo di Giacomo da Bologna.
Manuscript Leaf with the Celebration of a Mass in an Initial S..., second half 15th century. Creator: Master of the Riccardiana Lactantius.
Manuscript Leaf with the Visitation in an Initial A and Cardinal Adam Easton..., Italian, ca. 1400. Creator: Unknown.
Palm Sunday, procession in the Sala Regia, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Easter Sunday - the Pope blessing the people from the portico of St Peter's, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Holy Thursday - the Pope washing the feet of poor priests, 1844. Creator: Unknown.
Coronation of Pope Pius VI, 1801. Creator: Antonio Poggioli.
Charles Carrol of Carrolton, ca. 1835. Creator: Asher Brown Durand.
Charles Carroll of Carrollton, 1835. Creator: Asher Brown Durand.
Episode 16: Saint Bernardino before Pope Martin V; Episode 17: An ecumenical council me..., 1610-39. Creator: Bernardino Capitelli.
Saint Cecilia. Vita et matyrium S. et gloriosae...Rome, ca. 1590. Creator: Bernardino Passeri.
Historiae Venetae. Libri XII, 1551. Creator: Giulio Bonasone.
Portrait of a praying nun, ca. 1771. Creator: Carl Guttenberg.
Portrait of a praying nun, ca. 1771. Creator: Carl Guttenberg.
A woman kneels to kiss the foot of Pope Pius VII, with a crowd behind her at left, 1814-50. Creators: Carlo Lasinio, Vincenzo de Bonis.
Plate 3: Charles V Crowned Emperor entering Rome with the Pope, from the Triumphs of Charl..., 1614. Creator: Cornelis Boel.
The Coronation of the Virgin with St Lawrence, St Paul, St Peter and St Sixtus, 1576. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
The Dispute of the Church Fathers over the Holy Sacrament, 1575. Creator: Cornelis Cort.
Struggle over the Flemish Milch-Cow, 1646. Creator: Crispijn de Passe I.
Paten, Byzantine, 5th-6th century. Creator: Unknown.
Flight of the Queen of James II, from "Illustrated London News", August 3, 1872. Creator: Richard Principal Leitch.
Le vray pourtraict de l'assemblee des Estats tenuz en la ville de Bloys au moys de Decembr..., 1577. Creator: Anon.
Triompho di Fortuna, January 1526. Creator: Unknown.
Pontifical States, from Flags of All Nations, Series 1 (N9) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes ..., 1887. Creator: Allen & Ginter.
Papal Standard, from Flags of All Nations, Series 1 (N9) for Allen & Ginter Cigarettes Bra..., 1887. Creator: Allen & Ginter.
Mass of St. Gregory. Creator: Simon Wynhoutsz Frisius.
Madonna and Child at center with Saint John the Baptist, Saint Luke, Pope Peter Celestini,..., 1694. Creator: Robert van Audenaerde.
Saint Peter's Basilica, dated 1517. Creator: Agostino Veneziano.
Pope Paul III in a Skullcap, ca. 1514-36. Creator: Agostino Veneziano.
Pope Paul III, Bareheaded, dated 1534. Creator: Agostino Veneziano.
The Archbishop of Brindisi, dated 1536. Creator: Agostino Veneziano.
Plate 24: Charles V crowned Emperor by the Pope; from Guillielmus Becanus's 'Serenissimi P..., 1636. Creator: Pieter de Jode II.
The vision of Saint Dominic, with God the Father and Christ at top center, the Virgin stan..., 1607. Creator: Raphael Sadeler II.
Portrait of Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Austria, ca. 1710-38. Creator: Suzanne Elizabeth Silvestre.
Portrait of Pope Sixtus V, 1585. Creator: Pietro Facchetti.
Queen Catherine, Cardinal Wolsey and Cardinal Campeius (Sha..., first published 1796; reissued 1852. Creator: Robert Thew.
Illustration of Foreign Residences and the Catholic Church in Yokohama (Yokoha..., 10th month, 1870. Creator: Utagawa Hiroshige III.
Portrait of Fénelon, 1793. Creator: Pierre Michel Alix.
Indulgence for donation of alms towards the building of a Church to th..., 1608 (facsimile 1930-40). Creator: Samuel Stradanus.
The procession of the casket of St. Genevieve, with clerics and laymen marching in six row..., 1652. Creator: Nicolas Cochin.
Portrait of Sixtus V, ca. 1589., ca. 1589. Creator: Nicolaus van Aelst.
A Young Man Presenting his Thesis to Cardinal Aldobrandini, 1620., 1620. Creator: Oliviero Gatti.
Portrait of Cardinal-Infante Ferdinand of Austria, on horseback, ca. 1640-53., ca. 1640-53. Creator: Paulus Pontius.
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Council of Trent, 1565., 1565. Creators: Anon, Claudio Duchetti.
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: A Papal Gathering in the Sistine Chapel, Michelangelo's L..., 1582. Creator: Giovanni Ambrogio Brambilla.
The Gesù, Rome, from the 'Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae:', 1589., 1589. Creator: Giovanni Ambrogio Brambilla.
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Small Portraits of the Popes from Christ to ..., late 16th century. Creator: Giovanni Ambrogio Brambilla.
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Small Portraits of the Popes from Christ to Sixtus V, 1585., 1585. Creator: Giovanni Ambrogio Brambilla.
Speculum Romanae Magnificentiae: Papal Benediction, late 16th century., late 16th century. Creator: Giovanni Ambrogio Brambilla.