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51pages, 3,009 results in yourKeywordsearch for"roman catholicism"Advanced Search
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Henry Edward Manning, English Roman Catholic prelate, c1880. Artist: Anon
King James II. Artist: Unknown
Calvin, Luther and the Pope fighting each other, published 1600. Artist: Unknown
Pope John Paul II. Artist: Unknown
Guy Fawkes and the Gunpowder Plotters, 1605. Artist: Unknown
Arrest of Guy Fawkes in cellars of Parliament, 1605 (19th century). Artist: Unknown
William Parker (Lord Monteagle), receiving letter of warning of the plot, 1605. Artist: Unknown
Pope Pius X, 1903. Artist: Unknown
Peter the Hermit presenting Urban II with petition on return from pilgrimage to Holy Land 1094. Artist: Unknown
Pope Leo XIII receiving the last rites on his deathbed, 1903. Artist: Unknown
Pope Leo XIII (Vincenzo Giacchino Pecci 1810-1903) shortly after his election, 1878. Artist: Unknown
George Canning (1770-1827), English statesman and Primeminister from 1827. Artist: Unknown
'Stern men with drawn swords closed in upon him', 1605, (1905).Artist: A S Forrest
Title page of Luther's translation of the Old Testament, 1534. Artist: Unknown
Michael Servetus, Spanish theologian and phycisian, (1511-1553) 1727. Artist: Unknown
William Allen (1532-1594), English prelate. Artist: Unknown
Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alva (1508-1582), Spanish general and statesman. Artist: Unknown
Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alva (1508-1582), Spanish general and statesman. Artist: Unknown
Ferdinand Alvarez de Toledo, Duke of Alva (1508-1582), Spanish general and statesman. Artist: Unknown
St Anselm reluctantly accepting the Archbishopric of Canterbury, 1093 (1864). Artist: Unknown
St Thomas Aquinas, 13th century Italian philosopher and theologian. Artist: Unknown
St Thomas Aquinas (c1225-1274), Italian philosopher and theologian. Artist: Unknown
St Thomas Aquinas (c1225-1274), Italian philosopher and theologian. Artist: Unknown
Pope Urban VIII (1568-1644). Artist: Unknown
Pope Urban VIII (1568-1644). Artist: Unknown
Cardinal John Henry Newman in old age, c1885.  Creator: Unknown.
John Henry Newman in old age, British scholar and theologian, 1879. Creator: Unknown.
(Joseph) Hilaire Belloc (1870-1953), French-born British poet, writer and polemicist, 1927. Artist: Unknown
St Thomas Aquinas (c1225-1274), Italian philosopher and theologian. Artist: Unknown
Ferdinand II of Aragon, King of Spain. Artist: Unknown
Pope Innocent IV. Artist: Unknown
'The Pope visited by Death', 1538. Artist: Hans Holbein the Younger
The coffins of Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Archduchess Sophie lying in state, 1914. Artist: Unknown
Henry VI and his court, mid-15th century, (1843).Artist: Henry Shaw
Pope Leo X supervising the burning of Martin Luthor's books, 1521. Artist: Unknown
Martin Luther burning the Papal Bull, 1520. Artist: Unknown
Martin Luther German Protestant reformer, 1546. Artist: Unknown
Title page of Leo X's Papal Bull, 1520. Artist: Unknown
Protestant theologians working on Luther's translation of the Bible, c1530s. Artist: Unknown
Martin Luther, c1830. Artist: Unknown
Martin Luther with reformers, c1530. Artist: Unknown
Giuseppe Garibaldi turning the 'British idea of the Roman Catholic church' out of Naples, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Discussion over the future ruler of unified Italy, 1860. Artist: Unknown
Giuseppe Garibaldi trying to persuade Pope Pius IX, 1860. Artist: John Tenniel
Protestants in the Netherlands executed for heresy during Duke of Alva's repressive rule (1567-73). Artist: Unknown
Decapitation of Count Egmont and Hoorn at Brussels during Spanish tyranny in Netherlands, 1568. Artist: Unknown
Spanish Execution of Huguenots, c1565. Artist: Unknown
Spanish troops torching buildings and massacring during Spanish rule in Netherlands, 1567-73. Artist: Unknown
Burning of John Badby for heresy, 1410 (1848). Artist: Unknown
John Oldcastle, Lollard leader, hung and burnt hanging for denying transubstantiation, 1417(1848). Artist: Unknown
Albertus Magnus (c1200-1280) German-born Dominican friar, 1493. Artist: Unknown
Albertus Magnus (c1200-1280) German-born Dominican friar, late 16th century. Artist: Unknown
Albertus Magnus (c1200-1280) German-born Dominican friar, 16th century. Artist: Unknown
Siege of the Fortress of Faith. Artist: Unknown
'Great Cattle Show', 1850. Artist: Unknown
'The Cat's Paw: or Poor Pu(s)sey', 1850. Artist: Unknown
'The Puseyite Moth and the Roman Candle', 1850. Artist: Unknown
St Patrick's Cathedral, New York City, New York, USA, 1902. Artist: Unknown
Arundel, Sussex, early 20th century(?). Artist: Unknown
Basilica of St Mary, Minneapolis, Minnesota, USA, 1955. Artist: Unknown