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24pages, 1,401 results in yourKeywordsearch for"travelling"Advanced Search
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Queen Victoria and Prince Albert arriving at the Royal Dockyard, Woolwich, Kent, 1843. Artist: E Duncan
Thames Tunnel, London, 1827. Artist: T Blood
Japanese military transportation train, Manchuria, 1906. Artist: Keystone View Company
Rounding the curves on Marshall Pass, Colorado, USA, 1898.  Artist: BL Singley
'Vicissitudes of the road in 1787, the highwayman, Lord Barrymore stopped', 1890. Artist: Unknown
Coach arriving in the yard of an inn, 1890. Artist: Unknown
The Prince Regent driving Mrs Q on the road to Brighton, late 18th or early 19th century (1890) Artist: Unknown
Tower of London, c1860. Artist: R Canton
Seven bishops and the Tower of London, c1700. Artist: Gabriel Bodenehr I
The Nassau balloon passing over Liege at night, 1836, (1886). Artist: Unknown
'Arrival of the Prince of Wales at Jummoo, Cashmere', 1876. Artist: Unknown
Louis Philippe arrives at Newhaven, 1848, (1900). Artist: Unknown
Travelling Musician, (1885).Artist: Francois-Robert Ingouf
Travelling Musician, (1885).Artist: Francois-Robert Ingouf
Caversham Bridge, Berkshire, 20th Century. Artist: Unknown
Ryegate Tunnel, Surrey, 1829.Artist: J Rogers
Tsar Nicholas II with visiting French President Poincare, St Petersburg, Russia, 21 July 1914. Creator: Unknown.
Travelling vinegar manufacturer, 1737-1742.Artist: Bouchardon
'The Expedition of the French and Genoese to Barbary', 15th Century.Artist: Master of the Harley Froissart
British troops on the way to the front, France, 1914. Artist: Unknown
British Horse drawn artillery in Rouen, France, August 1914, (1926). Artist: Unknown
Wounded French soldiers on the way to hospital by train France, 1914. Artist: Unknown
'Rain, Steam and Speed - the Great Western Railway', c1844, (1912).Artist: JMW Turner
Travelling in Griqualand, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
A ferry on the Vaal River, Transvaal, South Africa, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Travelling in Madagascar, c1890. Artist: Unknown
Canterbury pilgrims, c1420 (19th century). Artist: Unknown
'Pilgrims', 1918. Artist: Etienne Dinet
'The Rocky Mountains', c1834-c1876. Artist: Frances Flora Bond Palmer
Scene from The Adventure of the Final Problem by Arthur Conan Doyle, 1893. Artist: Sidney E Paget
Lao-Tzu, ancient Chinese philosopher and inspiration of Taoism, late 19th century. Artist: Anon
Marco Polo, Venetian traveller and merchant meeting Kublai Khan, 13th century. Artist: Unknown
David Livingstone navigating the Zambezi, Africa, 1852-1864 (c1878). Artist: Unknown
Black refugees travelling in a bullock cart, American Civil War, 1861-1865. Artist: Unknown
St Crispin and St Crispinian, Christian martyrs, 19th century. Artist: Anon
'The Road to the Pyramids at Giza', c1873. Artist: Edward Lear
'Travelling on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway', 1831. Artist: Unknown
'Travelling on the Liverpool and Manchester Railway', 1831. Artist: Unknown
Gasworks on Regent's Canal, London, 1828. Artist: Unknown
Boer prisoners under escort, 2nd Boer War, 1900. Artist: Unknown
Arthur Rimbaud, French poet and adventurer, 1895. Artist: Unknown
Krishna, Hindu deity, an avatar of Vishnu, 17th century. Artist: Unknown
'The Californian Balloon Railway', a novel way of travelling to the Californian Gold Rush, 1849. Artist: Unknown
Prospectors on their way to the Californian gold fields, 1853. Artist: Unknown
Steamboat travelling on the Orinoco, South America, 1877. Artist: Unknown
Aerial telegraph: ancient Roman signal towers, c1900. Artist: Anon
Casualty of the 2nd Boer War, 1899-1902. Artist: Anon
Illustration from De la Terre a la Lune by Jules Verne, 1865. Artist: Unknown
Illustration from De la Terre a la Lune by Jules Verne, 1865. Artist: Unknown
'To the Rescue', war in the Sudan, 1885. Creator: Unknown.
'The Imperial Travelling Palace at the Hoo-Kew-Shan', China, c1840.Artist: J Sands
Anglo-Saxon travelling cloaks, (1910). Artist: Unknown
Knight Templar in travelling dress, (c1119) 16th century. Artist: Jost Amman
Alexander Burnes, Scottish diplomat murdered by Afghans during the First Anglo-Afghan War, 1841. Artist: Unknown
Phineas Taylor Barnum (1810-1891), American showman, 1864. Artist: Unknown
Phineas Taylor Barnum (1810-1891), American showman, 1884. Artist: Edward Linley Sambourne
Torsten Nordenfeldt's steam-powered submarine, 1885. Artist: Unknown
Marco Polo, Venetian merchant and explorer, 14th century. Artist: Unknown
The submarine 'Nautilus', 1901. Artist: Poyet
Passengers on a London to Glasgow train, 1884. Artist: Unknown