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King George V's Silver Jubilee, London, 6th May, 1935. Artist: Unknown
King George V's Silver Jubilee, London, 6th May, 1935. Artist: Unknown
A Carley float, 1937. Artist: Unknown
'Dr Church's London and Birmingham Steam Coach', 1833. Artist: Unknown
King George IV taking his favourite exercise, near the Sandpit Gate, Windsor Park, 1820s.Artist: Melville
Arashi-yama, Kyoto, Japan. Artist: Unknown
'Dr Johnson in his travelling dress, as described in Boswell's Tour,' c1773, (1786). Artist: Thomas Trotter
'Aerostation out at Elbows' or 'The Itinerant Aeronaut', 1786. Artist: Thomas Rowlandson
The Battle of Khartoum, 1885 (1900). Artist: Unknown
'Cockney laureate elected', c1821. Artist: Joseph Gleadah
'Malagrida driving post', 1792.        Artist: James Gillray
Royal procession passing Temple Bar, London, 1837. Artist: Anon
'A Break, losing the Reins', 1830. Artist: Anon
'The civic chair - or - John Lump's progress in City honors', c1815.                        Artist: Anon
View of Temple Gardens from the Thames with boats on the river, City of London, c1850.               Artist: Anon
'Islington characters', 1796.                                           Artist: Isaac Cruikshank
'Arrival of the Lord Mayor at Westminster', c1841(?). Artist: Richard Henry Nibbs
'Master Billy's procession to Grocers' Hall', 1784. Artist: Anon
The remains of Fleet Prison, City of London, 1868. Artist: Anon
'Army Waggons in a Ravine', c1837-1897.                                        Artist: Sir John Gilbert
Cover of Good Housekeeping magazine, American, July 1928. Artist: Unknown
Golfing resort poster, French, c1920s. Artist: Unknown
Postcard from golfing resort, Switzerland, c1930. Artist: Unknown
Postcard for gollfing resort, St Raphael, France, c1930s. Artist: Unknown
The President of the Republic of France on his way to Algeria, 1902. Artist: Unknown
General Kuropatkin touring the Russian lines by car, Russo-Japanese War, 1904. Artist: Unknown
Troops on skis on alpine manoeuvres, Norway, 1902. Artist: Unknown
A Convoy on the Marchand Mission in 1898, (1899). Artist: Henri Meyer
The Marchand Mission travelling from the Congo to the Nile, 1899.  Artist: Henri Meyer
In the mud of Manchuria, Russo-Japanese War, 1904. Artist: Unknown
Ostriches attacking a car, California, USA, 1904. Artist: Unknown
A French faience plate with aeronauts with flags, 1785. Artist: Unknown
A French faience plate depicting Jean-Pierre Blanchard's balloon trip. Artist: Unknown
English firemen going to an emergency, 1897. Artist: Henri Meyer
Fire engine on the way to a fire, Paris, 1896. Artist: G Busson
A ball on board the battleship 'Formidable', Villefranche Harbour, France, 1896. Artist: Henri Meyer
American inventor Thomas Alva Edison on board an electric railroad, 1892. Artist: Unknown
Departure of the Emperor of Japan, Korea, 1900. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian papyrus, 11th-10th century BC. Artist: Unknown
Japanese officials on board a ship, Korea, 1900. Artist: Unknown
Aerostat, 1887. Artist: Gaston Tissandier
Caricature on the direction of the Aerostat, 1887. Artist: Gaston Tissandier
Mosque of Muhammad Ali under moonlight, Cairo, Egypt, 1928. Artist: Louis Cabanes
The First Benzine Automobile, 1875, (c1900). Artist: Unknown
Ulysses and the sirens, Roman mosaic, 3rd century AD. Artist: Unknown
Ulysses and the sirens, 2nd century AD. Artist: Unknown
'The Cairo Old Man, Egypt', 1880. Artist: G Heuer
'The Pyramids', Giza, Egypt, 19th century. Artist: E Finden
German soldiers on a railway platform awaiting transport, France, August 1940. Artist: Unknown
German soldiers in a railway wagon, France, August 1940. Artist: Unknown
Liberation of Paris, 25 August 1944. Artist: Unknown
Busy road, World War I, 1915. Artist: Unknown
Ancient Egyptian model of a boat carrying a mummy to its tomb. Artist: Unknown
'25 June 1916 - Serbia Day', French World War I poster, 1916. Artist: Charles Fouqueray
The road to the German offensive, Russia, 1942. Artist: Unknown
French conscript labour departing for Germany for service in the STO, Paris, 1943-1944. Artist: Unknown
Liberation of Paris, August 1944. Artist: Unknown
German soldiers on a railway platform awaiting transport, Paris, August 1940. Artist: Unknown
German troops arriving by train, Paris, August 1940. Artist: Unknown
'Wedding Procession', Russia, 1820. Artist: Unknown