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Sketch for the Saint-Séverin church, St Clement, 1857. Creator: Pierre-Auguste Pichon.
Esquisse pour l'église de Vanves : L'Adoration des Mages, 1875. Creator: Oscar-Pierre Mathieu.
Esquisse pour la chapelle de la Compassion de l'église Saint-Roch : "La Vierge..., before 1870. Creator: Sebastien-Melchior Cornu.
Esquisse pour l'église Saint-François-Xavier : Saint-François-Xavier présentant au Christ..., c.1876 Creator: Romain Cazes.
Esquisse pour l'église du Saint-Esprit (12e arr.) : La Pentecôte, l'Eglise romaine..., c.1935. Creator: Maurice Denis.
Intérieur d'église - Effet de nuit, c.1657. Creator: Pieter Neefs.
Esquisse pour le Panthéon : Le voeu de Louis XIII, between 1874 and 1876. Creator: Jacques Ferdinand Humbert.
Virgin and Child with angel and donor, after Memling, between 1499 and 1509. Creator: Unknown.
Intérieur d'église, between 1600 and 1661. Creator: Peeter Neeffs the Elder.
Esquisse pour le déambulatoire de la chapelle de la Vierge de l'église Saint-Roch: "Jésus..., c.1817 Creator: Pierre Claude François Delorme.
Adoration of the Child, between 1475 and 1510. Creator: Master of the Saint Bartholomew Altarpiece.
Sketch for the church of Saint-Etienne-du-Mont: Pentecost, 1864. Creator: Felix Giacomotti.
Madonna and Child with Saint John the Baptist, between 1445 and 1510. Creator: Workshop of Sandro Botticelli.
Poets and Immortals after Du Jin ?? (active 1465–1505). Creator: Unknown.
Leopoldine's first communion at Fourqueux, September 8, 1836, 1836. Creator: Auguste de Chatillon.
Allegory. The Triumph of Religion. Creator: Sebastiano Conca.
A Saint in the Desert, c1879. Creator: Gustave Moreau.
Young woman praying, 1860. Creator: Henry Scheffer.
Esquisse pour l'église Sainte-Elisabeth : Sainte Elisabeth, reine de Hongrie, déposant..., 1824. Creator: Merry Joseph Blondel.
Maquette du décor de la chapelle des Morts (dite chapelle des Ames) église Notre-Dame..., c.1836. Creator: Merry Joseph Blondel.
Maquette du décor de la chapelle des Morts (dite chapelle des Ames) église Notre-Dame..., c.1836. Creator: Merry Joseph Blondel.
La Communion, c.1860. Creator: Jean-Baptiste Carpeaux.
Les Pélerins, ca. 1834. Creator: Anon.
Suppliant Kneeling before the Virgin and Child, c. 1519. Creator: Albrecht Altdorfer.
A Boy Gazing Upward in Adoration, c. 1594. Creator: Bartolomeo Cesi.
L'Annonciation, 1652. Creator: Charles Poerson.
La Nativité, 1652. Creator: Charles Poerson.
Le repos pendant la fuite en Egypte. Esquisse pour le carton de la tapisserie tissée..., c1652. Creator: Charles Poerson.
La Vallée des larmes, 1883. Creator: Gustave Doré.
La Vallée des larmes, 1883. Creator: Gustave Doré.
L'Ascension, 1879. Creator: Gustave Doré.
Allegory: People of the World Paying Homage to the Supreme Being, c1794. Creator: Jean-Jacques Forty.
Mass at the Chapelle expiatoire (Expiatory Chapel), 1835. Creator: Lancelot-Theodore Turpin de Crisse.
The chapel of the Virgin at Saint-Gervais-Saint-Protais church, c1860. Creator: Unknown.
"Time of the Persecution of the Christian Reformers in Paris, in 1559"..., 1854. Creator: Harvey Orrin Smith.
'Moorfields Chapel; Easter Sunday', 1854. Creator: Unknown.
Blanche Sweet(?) in costume, 1923. Creator: Unknown.
Hero worship. Creator: Heine, Thomas Theodor (1867-1948).
Church, Pie Town, New Mexico, 1940. Creator: Russell Lee.
'Worship in Roumania; A Visit to the Danubian Principalities', 1875. Creator: Nelson Boyd.
'Tomb of Ferdinand and Isabella in the Cathedral, Granada; An Autumn Tour in Andalusia', 1875. Creator: Gustave Doré.
Sun-worship of Amazon Indians; A Trip up the Trombetas', 1875. Creator: Unknown.
Deacons' corner in the Church of God in Christ, Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Reverend Vondell Gassaway, pastor of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church..., Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Congregation of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church, Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Reverend Vondell Gassaway, pastor of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church..., Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Congregation of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church, Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Worshippers before the altar in the St. Martin's Spiritual Church, Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Worshippers before the altar in the St. Martin's Spiritual Church, Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
"Saints" in the congregation of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church, Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Worshipper before the altar of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church, Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Sitting beneath the emblem of the crucifixion of Jesus on Calvary, Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Reverend Vondell Gassway, pastor of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church..., Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
A disciple of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church keeping vigil at Saint..., Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
Reverend Vondell Gassaway, pastor of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church..., Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
A member of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church, receiving the final..., Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
As in Moses' time, members of the St. Martins Spiritual Church remove..., Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
As in Moses' time, members of the St. Martins Spiritual Church remove..., Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
As in Moses' time, members of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church remove...Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.
A disciple of the St. Martin's Spiritual Church praying before the altar..., Washington, D.C., 1942. Creator: Gordon Parks.