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5pages, 246 results in yourMediumsearch for"Faience"Advanced Search
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Amulet of the God Pataikos, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period-Late Period, Dynasties 25-31 (abt 747-. Creator: Unknown.
Ring: Hieroglyphs, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18 (about 1350 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti of Psamtek, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-31 (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Ushabti (Funerary Figurine) of Horudja, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 30 (380-343 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 30 (380 BCE-343 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 30 (380 BCE-343 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti of Padipepet, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti of Psamtek, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-31 (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti of Tchenetipet, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21 (1069 BCE-945 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti of Tchenetipet, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21 (1069 BCE-945 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti, Overseer of Tchenetipet, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21 (1069 BCE-945 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti, Overseer of Tchenetipet, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21 (1069 BCE-945 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti of Henuttawy, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21 (about 1069-945 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Overseer Shabti of Isetemkheb, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21 (1069-945 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Eye of Horus (Wedjat) Amulet, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep III... Creator: Unknown.
Eye of Horus (Wedjat) Amulet, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep III... Creator: Unknown.
Eye of Horus (Wedjat) Amulet, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 18, reign of Amenhotep III... Creator: Unknown.
Eye of Horus (Wedjat) Amulet, Egypt, Late New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period (abt 1550-664 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Scarab, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti of Osiris, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-30 (664 BCE-343 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Scarab, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Figurine of a Seated Man, Egypt, Middle Kingdom? (about 2055-1650 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Ring: Bezel inscribed "Happy New Year", Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26 (664-525 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Ring with Hieroglyphs, Egypt, New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period?, Dynasty 18-25... Creator: Unknown.
Ball Bead, Egypt, Middle Kingdom-New Kingdom (about 2055-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Plaque Amulet with the Name of the God Ptah, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque Amulet with the Name of the God Ptah, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25... Creator: Unknown.
Plaque Amulet with the Name of the God Ptah, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25... Creator: Unknown.
Eye of Horus (Wedjat) Amulet, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (about 1069-664 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Eye of Horus (Wedjat) Amulet, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (about 1069-664 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Four Eyes of the God Horus (Wedjat) Amulet, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25... Creator: Unknown.
Pectoral Amulet of the Goddess Bastet, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (1070-656 BCE Creator: Unknown.
Winged Scarab Amulet, Egypt, Late Period (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasties 21-22 (about 1069-715 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasties 21-22 (about 1069-715 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasties 21-22 (about 1069-715 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Pectoral Amulet of the Goddess Bastet, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21-25 (1070-656 BCE Creator: Unknown.
Shabti of Pinudjem II, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21 (about 1069-945 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Rosette, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 20 (about 1186-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Rosette, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 20 (about 1186-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Rosette, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 20 (about 1186-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Rosette, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 20 (about 1186-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Rosette, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 20 (about 1186-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Rosette, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasty 20 (about 1186-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 21 (about 1069-945 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Shabti of the Supreme Chief of the ?nr.t of Amun Nesikhonsu, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period... Creator: Unknown.
Scarabs with Plain Base, Egypt, First Intermediate Period, Dynasties 9-11 (about 2160-2055 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Mummy Net with Amulets, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 23-25 (818-656 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Winged Scarab Amulet, Egypt, Third Intermediate Period, Dynasty 23-25 (818-656 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Pendant in the Shape of a Lotus Blossom, Egypt, New Kingdom-Late Period (about 1550-664 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Pendant in the Shape of a Lotus Blossom, Egypt, New Kingdom-Late Period (about 1550-664 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Foundation Deposit: Calf's Foreleg (khepesh), Egypt, New Kingdom? (about 1550-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Foundation Deposit: Ox Head, Egypt, Late New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1500-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of a Crocodile, Egypt, New Kingdom-Third Intermediate Period (?) (about 1550-664 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Foundation Deposit: Ox Head, Egypt, New Kingdom, Dynasties 18-20 (about 1550-1069 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Eye of Horus (Wedjat) Amulet, Egypt, Ptolemaic Period (305-30 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of a Hare, Egypt, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (7th-1st centuries BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of the God Horus (?) with Double Crown, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasty 26-31 (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of the God Mahes, Egypt, Late Period, Dynasties 26-31 (664-332 BCE). Creator: Unknown.
Amulet of the Goddess Isis, Egypt, Late Period-Ptolemaic Period (7th-1st century BCE). Creator: Unknown.