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The Actor Nakamura Nakazo I as Tezuka no Taro Mitsumori Disguised as the Monkey Trainer..., c. 1769. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo I as the thunder god, an incarnation of Kan Shojo, in the pla..., c. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actors Ichikawa Danjuro V as Momonoi Wakasanosuke (right), and Nakamura Nakazo I as..., c. 1771. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Bando Mitsugoro I as the Shinto Priest Goinosuke Disguised as the Spirit of a..., c. 1781. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actors Ichikawa Danjuro V as Watanabe Kiou Takiguchi (bottom), and Nakamura Nakazo..., c. 1770. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actors Ichikawa Komazo II as Soga no Juro Sukenari (right), and Ichikawa Danjuro V..., c. 1771. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro V as Godai Saburo Masazumi Disguised as Rokuju-rokubu in the..., c. 1776. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Tomijuro I as Hangaku Gozen Breaking Down the Gate in the Play Wada..., c. 1777. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Danzo IV as Kamakura no Gongoro Kagemasa, in the Fifth Scene of the..., c. 1778. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Matsumoto Koshiro IV as Sagami Jiro Disguised as Ambaiyoshi Gorohachi in the..., c. 1772. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro V as Taira no Masakado Disguised as the Pilgrim Junjo in the..., c. 1777. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro V as Akushichibyoe Kagekiyo Disguised as a Beggar, in the..., c. 1777. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo I as Hakamadare Yasusuke or Watanabe no Tsuna (?) in the Play..., c. 1781. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro V as Prince Koretaka Disguised as the Courier Izutsu Chuji ..., c. 1781. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro IV as Taira no Tomomori disguised as Tokaiya Gimpei in the..., c. 1767. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actors Ichikawa Danzo III as I no Hayata Tadazumi (right), and Matsumoto Koshiro II..., c. 1770. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Danzo III as the holy hermit Narukami in the play "Narukami", perfor..., c. 1768. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actors Nakamura Nakazo I and Ichikawa Komazo I in the dance scene "Shakkyo” ("The..., c. 1768. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Matsumoto Koshiro II as Osada no Taro Kagemune Disguised as the Woodcutter Ga..., c. 1770. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo I as Nagasaki Kageyuzaemon Disguised as Gorohachi the Sake Se..., c. 1776. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Bando Mitsugoro I as Abbot Saimyo-ji Tokiyori, Disguised as a Monk, in the..., c. 1773. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Arashi Otohachi I as Numataro Kyusei Disguised as the Burglar Ipponzaemon in..., c. 1768. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actors Ichikawa Danzo III as I no Hayata Tadazumi (right), and Matsumoto Koshiro II..., c. 1770. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro V as the Buddhist Deity Fudo in the Final Scene from Part On..., c. 1771. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Danzo IV Doing a Quick Change Between the Roles of Sadakuro and Yoic..., c. 1781. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichimura Uzaemon IX as Soga no Goro Tokimune Disguised as Agemaki no Sukeroku..., c. 1782. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Otani Hiroemon III as Hige no Ikyu in the scene "Sukeroku” in the play "Hitok..., c. 1764. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Ebizo III as the Thunder God, an Incarnation of Sugawara Michizane ..., c. 1776. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Matsumoto Koshiro IV as Ogata no Saburo Disguised as Matsuura Saemon in the..., c. 1774. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo I as Onmaya Kisanda Disguised as the Lion Dancer Kakubei in..., c. 1777. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Otani Hiroji III as Hata no Daizen Taketora Disguised as Shikishima Wakahei..., c. 1784. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III as Hito-maru Disguised as the Courtesan Chiyozaki, in the..., c. 1775. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo I as Chinzei Hachiro Tametomo Disguised as an Ascetic Monk..., c. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Yaozo III as Kusunoki Uraminosuke Disguised as a Male Fox from Tsuka..., c. 1786. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Juzo II as Asahara Hachiro Disguised as the Servant of a Princely..., c. 1773. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro V as Sakata Hyogonosuke Kintoki, in the Play Shitenno Tonoi ..., c. 1781. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Onoe Tamizo I as Oiso no Tora or Kewaizaka no Shosho, Disguised as a Female..., c. 1774. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actors Segawa Kikunojo III as Aigo no Waka (right), and Ichikawa Yaozo II as Hachio..., c. 1774. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Juzo II as Asahara Hachiro disguised as the servant of a princely..., c. 1773. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actors Ichikawa Monnosuke II as Karigane Bunshichi, Bando Mitsugoro I as An no,..., c. 1780. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III as the Spirit of Joro-gumo (Harlot Spider) Disguised as..., c. 1781. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Ichikawa Raizo I as Hanakawado no Sukeroku in the scene "Sukeroku” in the pla..., c. 1764. Creator: Shunsho.
Three Komuso Monks: The Actors Ichikawa Ebizo (Danjuro V) as Kudo Suketsune (right)..., c. 1792. Creator: Shunsho.
The Actor Nakamura Nakazo I as a Monk, Raigo Ajari, in the Play Nue no Mori Ichiyo no M..., c. 1770. Creator: Shunsho.
Matsumoto Koshiro IV and Nakayama Tomisaburo, the left hand sheet of a triptych entitle..., c. 1784. Creator: Kitagawa Utamaro.
The Actor Segawa Kikunojo III and his attendant making cermonial rounds at New Year's, c. 1783. Creator: Torii Kiyonaga.
The Actor Ichikawa Danjuro V as Sansho Dayu (?), c. 1780. Creator: Torii Kiyonaga.
A Priest Sweeping in the Snow, 1731. Creator: Torii Kiyonobu II.
The actor Ichikawa Tomiemon as Inokuma Monbei, 1794. Creator: Tôshûsai Sharaku.
The actor Iwai Hanshiro IV as Otoma, 1794. Creator: Shunsho.
The actor Ichikawa Tomiemon as Inokuma Monbei, 1794. Creator: Tôshûsai Sharaku.
The actor Ichikawa Danjuro VI as Fuwa no Bansaku, 1794. Creator: Utagawa Toyokuni I.
Sakata Hangoro III in the Role of Yahazu no Yadahei, 1794. Creator: Tôshûsai Sharaku.
Segawa Kikunojo III in the Role of Courtesan Katsuragi, c. 1795. Creator: Tôshûsai Sharaku.
Morita Kan'ya Vll in the Role of Yura Hyogonosuke Nobutada, c. 1794. Creator: Tôshûsai Sharaku.
Ichikawa Yaozo III in the Role of Fuwa no Banzaemon Shigekatsu, 1794. Creator: Tôshûsai Sharaku.
Nakamura Nakazo II in the Role of Aramaki Mimishiro Kanetora Disguised as Saiwaka, 1794. Creator: Tôshûsai Sharaku.
The actor Ichikawa Ebizo as Abe no Sadato in the guise of the itinerant monk Ryozan, 1794. Creator: Tôshûsai Sharaku.
The actor Sakakiyama Sangoro as Princess Odae, the daughter of the Senior Regent Michinaga, 1794. Creator: Tôshûsai Sharaku.
Susano-o no Mikoto Killing the Eight-headed Dragon, 1748. Creator: Torii Kiyomasu.