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The Death of Queen Sophie Amalie, 1882. Creator: Kristian Zahrtmann.
'L'Amiral Lacaze; le chef de la marine Francaise', 1916. Creator: Unknown.
'Verdun; Bombardement de Verdun avec des obus incendiaires (nuit du 25 au 26 mars 1916)', 1916. Creator: Francois Flameng.
'La Bataille de Verdun; La hauteur de Douamont vue du fort de la Chaume', 1916. Creator: Francois Flameng.
'La Bataille de Verdun: vue prise du fort de la Chaume', 1916. Creator: Francois Flameng.
'La Bataille de la Somme; Prisonniers allemands', 1916. Creator: Francois Flameng.
'La general de Villaret', 1916. Creator: Lucien Jonas.
'Verdun; "Kamarade !"', 1916 Creator: Francois Flameng.
'Verdun; La citadelle de Verdun: les fosses', 1916. Creator: Francois Flameng.
'Verdun; La citadelle de Verdun: les casemates', 1916. Creator: Francois Flameng.
'Verdun; Sur la route de Verdun: la releve', 1916. Creator: Francois Flameng.
''Le General Sarrail', 1915. Creator: Unknown.
''Le General Pau', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
''Albert 1er, Roi des Belges', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
''Le General Dubail', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
''Le General Joffre; Commandant En Chef Des Armees', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
''Le General de Castelnau', 1914. Creator: Unknown.
Absolute Monarchy Assigned to Frederik III in 1660, 1783. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Achilles and the Daughters of Lycomedes, 1794-1798. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Apollo charging the Parcae to visit Ceres, who has fled from the Earth, 1809. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Christian I Proclaiming Holstein a Duchy in 1474 ... executed for Christiansborg Castle, 1780. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Christian III Succouring Denmark, 1780-1781. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Christian IV Aboard his Flagship "The Trinity" ("Trefoldigheden"), 1782. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Christian V Presents Danish Law 1683, 1784. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Christian VII Uniting the Ducal with the Royal Part of Holstein in 1773, 1790. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Death of Achilles by Paris' Arrow, 1794-1798. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Fingal Sees the Ghosts of his Forefathers by Moonlight, 1780-1784. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Fotis sees her Lover Lucius Transformed into an Ass, 1809. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Frederik II Builds Kronborg Castle at Elsinore, 1781-1782. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Frederik V as Patron of Science and the Arts, 1787. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
From Ludvig Holbergs´s The Journey of Niels Klim to The World Underground, 1785-1787. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Hamlet and his Mother, Episode from Shakspeare's Hamlet, 1776-1779. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Hamlet Delivering a Letter Written by Himself to the Queen of Scotland, 1776. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Hierarchy at its Peak at the time of the Crusades, 1784. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Ismene and Antogone Plead with Theseus, 1790-1799. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Jurisprudence. Allegorical Figure, 1800. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
King Priam Pleading with Achilles for the Corpse of Hector, 1794-1798. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Magnus Stenbock Surrenders the Fortress of Tonningen to Frederik IV in 1714, 1785. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Male Figure. After Michelangelo's "Last Judgement" in the Sistine Chapel, 1774. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Nature Untamed, 1784. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Niels Klim Receives the Homage of the Quamites, 1785-1789. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Niels Klim thinks he hears the Deacon when he is awakened by a Bull, 1785-1787. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Ossian Singing His Swan Song, 1780-1782. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Pamphilius and his sevant Davus, 1802. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Philosophy. Allegorical figure., 1800. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Rome as Ruler of the World, 1784. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The robber gang's housekeeper comforts the young girl by telling the myth of Cupid..., 1808. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Simo and his former slave Sosia, 1803. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
Standardization of Weights and Measures in 1683, 1784. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Abolition of Adscription in 1788, 1790. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Construction of Copenhagen´s Dock in the Reign of Christian VI, 1786-1787. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Doctor´s Wife Reveals her Husband´s Intention of Anatomising Niels Klim, 1785-1787. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Establishment of Schools, 1779-1782. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Foundation of the Copenhagen Fire Insurance, 1786. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Foundation of the Royal Library, 1781-1784. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Greek Poet Anacreon and Bathyll;Anacreon and Amaryllis (Bathyll), 1808. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Greek Poet Sappho and the Girl from Mytilene, 1809. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Journey of Niels Klim to the World Underground, 1785-1786. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Midwife Taking Leave of the girl from Andros, 1801. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.
The Oath of Fealty in 1660, 1806. Creator: Nicolai Abraham Abildgaard.