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Oviform Ginger Jar with Bell-shaped cover, 1878. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Oviform Ginger-Jar with Bell-Shaped Cover, 1878. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Attendant que le linge sèche! Cologne, 1858. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Succes d'Ernesti a Cologne, 1858. Creator: James Abbott McNeill Whistler.
Toy Bank: William Tell, c. 1937. Creator: George File.
Trinket Box, 1939. Creator: Marie Famularo.
Vase (Blue and White), c. 1936. Creator: Albert Eyth.
Vase, 1936. Creator: Marie Famularo.
Wall Clock, 1937. Creator: Marie Famularo.
Walnut Screw Clamp, c. 1937. Creator: George File.
Warming Pan, 1937. Creator: Marie Famularo.
Warming Pan, 1937. Creator: Marie Famularo.
Window Seat, 1939. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Woman's Bonnet, 1935/1942. Creator: Marie Famularo.
Wooden Cross, c. 1940. Creator: George File.
Wooden Shoe, 1939. Creator: Samuel Faigin.
Wooden Spoon Rack, c. 1941. Creator: Sarkis Erganian.
Shelf Clock, c. 1940. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Side Chair, 1936. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Side Chair, 1936. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Sideboard, 1935/1942. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Sideboard, c. 1953. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Skid Shoe for Horse, c. 1938. Creator: Samuel Faigin.
Snuff Box, 1936. Creator: Marie Famularo.
Sofa, c. 1940. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Spindle Settee Chest, 1935/1942. Creator: Roberta Elvis.
Stage Props for "Punch", c. 1937. Creator: George File.
Stove (Model), c. 1939. Creator: George File.
Stove, c. 1940. Creator: Sarkis Erganian.
Sturgeon Spear, c. 1938. Creator: Samuel Faigin.
Sugar Bowl, c. 1936. Creator: Roberta Elvis.
Sugar Bowl, c. 1936. Creator: Albert Eyth.
Table Cover (Chenille), c. 1936. Creator: Albert Eyth.
Table Lamp, 1935/1942. Creator: Samuel Faigin.
Table, c. 1937. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Table, c. 1953. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Tavern Table, 1936. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Teapot, 1935/1942. Creator: George File.
Tin Oblong Box, c. 1938. Creator: George File.
Toy Bank, 1935/1942. Creator: Sarkis Erganian.
Toy Bank: "Paddy and the Pig", c. 1938. Creator: Sarkis Erganian.
Plate, 1935/1942. Creator: Samuel Faigin.
Plate, c. 1936. Creator: Albert Eyth.
Plate, c. 1936. Creator: Albert Eyth.
Plate, c. 1936. Creator: Albert Eyth.
Plate, c. 1936. Creator: Albert Eyth.
Portrait Case, 1935/1942. Creator: Marie Famularo.
Posset Pot, c. 1936. Creator: Roberta Elvis.
Quaker Doll, 1938. Creator: Max Fernekes.
Rabbet Plane, c. 1937. Creator: Samuel Faigin.
Rosette, 1938. Creator: Max Fernekes.
Roundabout Chair, c. 1940. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Ruby Mug, c. 1936. Creator: Albert Eyth.
Sailor's Sewing Kit, c. 1938. Creator: Samuel Faigin.
Sander, c. 1939. Creator: Aaron Fastovsky.
Scissors, c. 1936. Creator: Roberta Elvis.
Scouring Board, 1939. Creator: Max Fernekes.
Scroll, 1938. Creator: Max Fernekes.
Settee, 1940. Creator: Harry Eisman.
Settee, c. 1936. Creator: Harry Eisman.