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Arethusa pursued by Alpheus and turned into a fountain, 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
Atlas supports the heavens on his shoulders, 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
Enceladus buried underneath Mount Etna, 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
Cygnus transformed into a swan and Phaeton's sisters into poplars, 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
The giants attempt to scale Heaven by piling mountains upon one another, 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
Prometheus tortured by a vulture, 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
Atlas Supports the Heavens on his Shoulders, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Bellerophon fights the Chimera, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Phineus is delivered from the Harpies by Calais and Zethes, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Amphion builds the walls of Thebes by the music of his violin, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Arion saved by a dolphin, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Alcyone and Ceyx transformed into birds, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The Fall of Icarus, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Leander Swims Over the Hellespont to Meet his Mistress Hero, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The nymph Echo changed into sound, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The Palladium, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Ixion in Tartarus on the wheel, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The House of Sleep, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The giants attempt to scale Heaven by piling mountains upon one another, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
The Chaos, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Cygnus transformed into a swan and Phaeton's sisters into poplars, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Enceladus buried underneath Mount Etna, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Phaeton struck down by Jupiter's thunderbolt, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Pan pursues Syrinx who is transformed into a reed, 1665. Creator: Unknown.
Semele is consumed by Jupiter's fire, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Actaeon turned into a stag and devoured by his hounds, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Achelous in the shape of a bull is vanquished by Hercules, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Iphis hangs himself in despair that he could not gain Anaxarete, 1655. Creator: Unknown.
Sisyphus pushing his stone up a mountain, 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
Cossack rug, Bordjalou district, Caucasus. Artist: Unknown
Sarouk rug, Persia. Artist: Unknown
Cossack rug, Fachralo district, Caucasus. Artist: Unknown
Prayer rug from Dagestan, Caucasus. Artist: Unknown
Interior of an arch, Mosque of Sheikh Lutfullah, Isfahan, Persia, c1615. Artist: Unknown
Islamic silk fragment, 9th-12th century. Artist: Unknown
'Ménécée', 1615. Creator: Leonard Gaultier.
'Memnon', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Amphion', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'The fall of Phaeton', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Ajax the Lesser', 1615.  Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'The Nile', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Scamander', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Jason and the Argonauts', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'River Meles', 1615. Artist: Bernard Picart
'Pindare', 1615. Artist: Bernard Picart
'Lycaon Metamorphosed into a Wolf', 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
'Apollo and Diana Kill Niobe's Children with their Arrows', 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
'Oeneus, King of Calydon.. is Punished for his Impiety', 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
'Phineus is Delivered from the Harpies by Calais and Zethes', 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
'The Nymph Echo Changed into Sound', 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
'Penelope at Her Loom', 1733. Artist: Bernard Picart
'The Good Shepherd', (detail), c1650. Artist: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
'The Boys with the Shell', c1670. Artist: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
'The Good Shepherd', c1650. Artist: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
'St John the Baptist as a Child', c1665. Artist: Bartolomé Esteban Murillo
'The Witch', c1830-1857. Artist: Alfred de Musset
'Self Portrait', 1838. Artist: Alfred de Musset
'The Dying Slave', 1513-1515. Artist: Michelangelo Buonarroti
'The Forum of Pompeii'', c1816-1822. Creator: Achille Etna Michallon.
'Death of Roland', c1818. Artist: Achille Etna Michallon