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123pages, 7,348 results in yourPartnersearch for"Art Media"Advanced Search
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'A representation of December', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Seven days of the week. Twilight, morning, dawn, the evening', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Jupiter', 1757. Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'The Argonauts Pass the Symplegades', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'Hercules and the Hydra', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'Aristeus Compels Proteus to Reveal his Oracles', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'The Death of Hercules', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'Castor and Pollux', 1655. Creator: Unknown.
'Palemon', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Themistocles', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Hercules', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'The Palestre', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Phorbas', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'The Tyrrhenians', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'The Burial of Abdère', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Atlas', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Pelops', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Pan', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
Title page of Les Images .. Des Deux Philostrates, 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Thiodamas', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Pasiphae', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'The Fisherman', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Semele', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Midas', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Olympus', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Satyrs', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Pelops and Hippodamia', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Hippolytus', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'La Nourriture', (Food), 1615.  Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Weaver', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'The Hours or Days', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Cupidons', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'The Bosporus or Bosphorus', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Marsh', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Amor', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
'Fables', 1615. Artist: Leonard Gaultier
Head of the Roman Emperor Tiberius. Artist: A Lorenzini
Roman Temple of Bacchus, Baalbek, Lebanon, 2nd century AD. Artist: Unknown
Relief depicting Roman shields and armour. Artist: Unknown
Mural of Mercury, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Mural of Mercury, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Egyptian Fayum portrait of a man, Roman Period. 2nd century AD. Artist: Unknown
Roman Theatre, 41-54 AD. Artist: Unknown
Right hand from a colossal statue of Emperor Constantine, 330 AD. Artist: Unknown
The Basilica Aemilia, Rome, Italy. Artist: A Lorenzini
Ishtar Gate, Babylon. Artist: Unknown
Detail of one of the hands from a statue of the Roman Emperor Titus. Artist: A Lorenzini
Roman thermopodium, 3rd Century AD. Artist: A Lorenzini
Head of Julius Caesar. Artist: Unknown
Coastal Roman ruins, Tunisia, 3rd century AD. Artist: Unknown
Carthaginian masks, Tunisia, 4th-3rd century BC. Artist: Unknown
Lions, from Kerkouane, Tunisia, 3rd century BC. Artist: Unknown
Roman statue, Temple of Mars Ultor, Rome. Artist: A Lorenzini
Money, Kerkouane, Tunisia, 3rd century BC. Artist: Unknown
Heads of dignitaries, Kerkouane, Tunisia, 3rd century BC. Artist: Unknown
Quadriga, Kerkouane, Tunisia, 3rd century BC. Artist: Unknown
Ceramic vase in the shape of an anthropomorphic head, El Aouja, Tunisia. Artist: Unknown
'The Chase', c1513-1553. Artist: Augustin Hirschvogel
'The Eiffel Tower', 1900. Artist: Louis Welden Hawkins
'Hughes Felicite Robert de Lamennais', (1782- 1854)', 1827. Artist: Paulin Jean Baptiste Guerin