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Ornamental fountain design, 1664. Artist: Georg Andreas Bockler
Ornamental fountain design, 1664. Artist: Georg Andreas Bockler
Ornamental fountain design, 1664. Artist: Georg Andreas Bockler
Hydraulic machine IV, 1678. Artist: Athanasius Kircher
Title page of Oeuvres Diverses by Bernard Fontenelle, 1728. Artist: Bernard Fontenelle
Poetry pastorales, 1728-1729. Artist: Bernard Picart
Title page of Arca Noe, 1675. Artist: Athanasius Kircher
Characters of Chemistry, 1751-1777. Artist: Valentina Baratti
Chemistry, furnace utensils, 1751-1777. Artist: Denis Diderot
Interior of a Printing Works, type setting, 1751-1777. Artist: Denis Diderot
Interior of a Printing Works and Plan of a Press, 1751-1777. Artist: Unknown
Interior of a Ironmongers, and plans of instruments, 1751-1777. Artist: Denis Diderot
Interior of a Ironmongers, and plans of instruments, 1751-1777. Artist: Denis Diderot
Interior of a Ironmongers, and plans of instruments, 1751-1777. Artist: Denis Diderot
Interior of a Confectioner, 1751-1777. Artist: Valentina Baratti
Case-makers, 1751-1777. Artist: Denis Diderot
Shoe tree makers, 1751-1777. Artist: Denis Diderot
Furrier's shop with muff-lined walls and pelts hung from the rafters, 1751-1777. Artist: Denis Diderot
Feather-dresser, 1751-1777. Artist: Unknown
Embossed fabric maker, 1751-1777. Artist: Unknown
Roman decumanus. Artist: A Lorenzini
Etain, statue from the Roman period, Madhia, Tunisia. Artist: Unknown
Agon, statue from the Roman period, Madhia, Tunisia. Artist: Unknown
Roman mural, House of the Vettii, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Mosaic of a satyr and nymph, House of Faun, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Mosaic of a satyr and nymph, House of Faun, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Person killed by the Pompeii eruption, 79 AD. Creator: Unknown.
Roman mural, House of the Vettii Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Roman mural, House of the Vettii, Pompeii, Italy. Creator: Unknown.
Roman statue of a drunken Hercules. Artist: Unknown
Children's cemetery, Carthage, Tunisia, 3rd century BC. Artist: Unknown
Etruscan or Roman sword. Artist: A Lorenzini
Sacrifice scene from the Ara Pacis, Rome, 9 BC. Artist: Unknown
Roman relief of an elephant. Artist: Unknown
Pyrrhus of Epirus. Creator: A Lorenzini.
Roman mosaic of a ram, a cow and calf, 4th century AD. Artist: Unknown
Temple of Heliopolitan Zeus, Baalbek, Lebanon, 10-249 AD. Artist: Unknown
Games, Roman mosaic from Carthage, 2nd century AD. Artist: Unknown
Ulysses and the sirens, Roman mosaic, 3rd century AD. Artist: Unknown
Daniel in the lions' den, Roman mosaic from Bordj El Loudi, Tunisia, 5th Century AD. Artist: Unknown
Mosaic of Tanit, Cartaginian, 3rd century BC. Artist: Unknown
The Virgil Room, Bardo Museum, Tunisia. Artist: Unknown
Ulysses and the sirens, 2nd century AD. Artist: Unknown
Viking ship, Norway, 9th Century. Artist: Unknown
Torso of an unidentified Roman Emperor wearing a cuirass, 2nd Century AD. Artist: Unknown
The Temple of Antoninus and Faustina, Rome, 141 AD. Artist: Unknown
The Emperor Titus leading his troops, wall relief, Rome. Artist: Unknown
Gallo-Roman crypt. Artist: Unknown
Gallo-Roman stone tablet. Artist: R Guillemot
Scarab and Ra, Tomb of Seti, Egypt, 1910. Artist: Walter Tyndale
A fight between a human Lapith and a Centaur, metope from the Parthenon, c440 BC. Artist: Unknown
Nereid Monument, Lykian, 390-380 BC. Artist: Unknown
Assorted Greek and Roman jewelry, 4th century BC-17th century. Artist: Unknown
Greek vase depicting a chariot, c5th-6th century BC. Artist: Unknown
'A representation of March', 1757.  Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'A representation of April', 1757.  Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
A representation of May, 1757.  Artist: Bernard de Montfaucon
'Portrait of a Man', c1780-1845. Artist: Louis Leopold Boilly
'Egypt', 19th century. Artist: Frances Anne Lee
'Egypt', 19th century. Artist: Frances Anne Lee