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Osman Khan, Wuzeer to Shah Soojah - from a drawing by W. Carpenter, Jun., 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Waverley Abbey, Surrey - from a photograph by Mr. Liddiard, of Farnham, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Swift's Cottage, Moor Park, Surrey - from a photograph by Mr. Liddiard, of Farnham, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
The Ship "Bengal" rescuing the crew of "The Child of the Regiment", 1858. Creator: Smyth.
Farmhouse and steading for a Farm in Oxfordshire, belonging to the Duke of Marlborough, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Moose-hunting in Canada - en route for the Hunting Ground, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Moose-hunting in Canada - the Encampment, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Moose-hunting in Canada - a Bull Moose feeding, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Moose-hunting in Canada - the Attack, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from Madagascar - Antananarivo, the Capital of Madagascar..., 1858. Creator: Josiah Wood Whymper.
Sketches from Madagascar - the Traveller's-tree (Urania speciosa), 1858. Creator: Josiah Wood Whymper.
Sketches from Madagascar - Bread-fruit - the Artocarpus integrifolia, or Jack-tree, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Opium-smoking in China - from drawings by a native artist, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Opium-smoking in China - from drawings by a native artist, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Major-General Sir Edward Lugard, K.C.B. - from a photograph by Beard, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Hindoo Festival, Cashmere - from a photograph by W. J. Carpenter, Jun., 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Villafranca - from a sketch by Leclerc, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Nice, 1858. Creator: Allen Meason.
The Metropolitian Baths - the Douche and Shower Bath Room, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
The Metropolitian Baths - the Vapour Bath, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
The Metropolitian Baths - the Ladies' Bath, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
The First Windmill at Jerusalem, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Revolution House, Whittington, Derbyshire, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
The Christmas Carol Singer - from a painting by Harrison Weir, 1858. Creator: Harrison Weir.
"Chota Haziree", or Little Breakfast, in India, from a photograph by A. Williamson, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
"Rebecca" - by E. Davis - in the South Kensington Museum, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Mausoleum in Memory of Assheton Smith, Esq., at Tedworth, Wilts, 1858. Creator: Harvey Orrin Smith.
Mortuary Chapel in Memory of Assheton Smith, Esq., at Tedworth, Wilts, 1858. Creator: Harvey Orrin Smith.
St. Nicholas' Church, Durham - interior, 1858. Creator: Murray.
St. Nicholas' Church, Durham, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Mont Cervin (or Matterhorn) from above Gumont, Val Tournanche, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
The Ascent of the Great St. Bernard - loading wood for the Hospice near St. Pierre, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Messrs. Gibson and Bright at the Free-Trade Hall, Manchester, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches in China - Heads of the People - a sketch at the Rev. Mr. Huleatt's Rice..., 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches in China - a Thief whipped through the Streets of Canton, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Drury-Lane Theatre - Engaging for the Pantomime - drawn by M'Connell, 1858. Creator: McConnell.
New Hydraulic Lift at the Victoria Docks, 1858. Creator: Walmsley.
The Shepherd's Christmas - a sketch on Brighton Downs - drawn by E. Duncan, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
Bethlehem - from Laborde, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
"The Star in the East" - painted by H. Warren - the picture in the Royal Collection, 1858. Creator: Mason Jackson.
The Christmas Tree - drawn by J. A. Pasquier, 1858. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Christmas Holidays at the Polytechnic: the Electric Machine - drawn by H. G. Hine, 1858. Creator: Mason Jackson.
Snapdragon - drawn by C. Keene, 1858. Creator: Unknown.
The Magic Lantern - drawn by H. G. Hine, 1858. Creator: Mason Jackson.
"Hymn of Universal Harmony", 1858. Creator: Smyth.
"Hymn of Universal Harmony", 1858. Creator: Smyth.
'Les Americains en Ligne; Les prieres funebres dites par un pretre-soldat francais devant ..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Americains en Ligne; Le dernier salut du clairon', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Americains en Ligne; L'inscription sur les tombes', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Americains en Ligne; En route pour le front', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Americains en Ligne; Le paquetage est roule a la descente du train', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Americains en Ligne; Une piece de 75, sous son camouflage, et ses servants americains', 1917 . Creator: Unknown.
'Les Americains en Ligne; Le savant camouflage d'une piece de 75 appartenant a une..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Americains en Ligne; La corvee de soupe', 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Les Americains en Ligne; L'apprentissage de la vie de tranchee au contact des vieilles..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Par Dela les Alpes; L'hiver sur les pentes de l'Adamello: les honneurs au cercueil d'un..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Par Dela les Alpes; Sur le front italien: l'explosion d'un shrapnell sur une tranchee..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'M. Baker en France; Le ministre de la Guerre Americain manoeuvre la Culasse d'une Piece..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'M. Baker en France; En inspection sur une voie ferree, M. Newton D. Baker, le general..., 1917. Creator: Unknown.
'Le Premier Coup Allemand; Les premieres lignes britanniques ont cede: derriere un repli... 1918. Creator: Unknown.