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'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Les femmes dans l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la constituante Allemande; Premiere séance solennelle de l'Assemblee..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; le bolchevisme en Hongrie; une premiere tentative communiste a Budapest...,1919 Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; le gouvernement bolcheviste..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; le "directoire" bolcheviste..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; un arc de triomphe, place Andrassy..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; distribution des cartes de vivres..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; Le regime communiste a Budapest; une actrice du Theatre National..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; La propagande en Hongrie; la parole communiste prechee en plein air...,1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; La propagande en Hongrie; A Budapest, devant le monument du Millenaire.., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; L'exil des Habsbourg; sur une terrasse dominant le lac Constance,..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; L'exil des Habsbourg; dans uncoin du parc de Wartegg, les petits arch..., 1919. Creator: Willy Schneider.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la republique Polonaise; Le general Pilsudski, qui chassa les Allemands...,1918 Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la republique Polonaise; M Ignace Paderewski appele aux fonctions..., 1919. Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la republique Polonaise; Le general Pilsudski revenant de sa captivite... Creator: Unknown.
'La Nouvelle Europe; la republique Polonaise; Apres la proclamation de la Republique polonaise... Creator: Unknown.
Plan of the City of Canton, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Bombardment of Canton: the Suburbs on Fire - from a sketch by an officer engaged in the..., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Fort and Town of Alessandria, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from Naples - the Island of Nisida, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches from Naples - Castle of Ischia, 1857. Creator: Edmund Evans.
The Dutch Folly Fort, Canton River - from a painting by a Chinese artist, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Part of the Destroyed Walls of Canton, from the Dutch Folly Fort -  from a sketch by an..., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Chinese soldiers, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Chinese Passage Boats, near Canton, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
"A Fete Champetre" painted by Watteau, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
"The Entrance to the Texel - Stormy Weather", painted by William Vandevelde, from..., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Right Rev. Dr. Bickersteth, the New Bishop of Ripon - from a photograph by Sharpe..., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
New Congregational Chapel at Hobart Town, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Portion of an old broadcloth manufactury, Cranbrook, Kent, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Map of the London Postal District with its Subdivisions, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Late Capt. Montriou, of the Indian Navy, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Sir John Malcolm, in Westminster Abbey, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
View in the Punjaub: Banks of the Ravee, at Shapore, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Shipwreck of "The Northern Belle": the Crew of "The Mary White", in their Life-boat, drawn through B Creator: Unknown.
Private Theatricals at Tavistock House - scene from "The Frozen Deep", 1857. Creator: Unknown.
"Bringing Home the Deer" - painted by Bottomley, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Ladak, the Capital of Little Thibet: Party of Punjaub Irregulars, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Grand Cairo to Gaza - Village on the Borders of the Desert, 1857. Creator: Smyth.
Mid-day Encounter in the Desert, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
"Grief" - painted by Schlessenger, 1857. Creator: Schlessenger.
New Church of St. John the Baptist, Isleworth, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Testimonial presented to Capt. Fitzgerald, Ex-Governor of Western Australia, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Royal West India Mail Steamer "Tyne" on shore at St. Alban's Head, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Holyhead Harbour Works...the Face of the Mountain after the Grand Blasting Operations..., 1857.  Creator: Unknown.
Arica, in Peru, attacked by the Squadron of General Viranco, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Islay, in Peru, the Head-quarters of General Viranco, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Returning from Market, a Scene in the County of Kilkenny - drawn by E. Fitzpatrick, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
The Irish Schoolmaster - drawn by E. Fitzpatrick, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Whale stranded at Winterton, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Progress of the Embankment of the Thames at Chelsea, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Specimens of Fossils recently found at Tingewick, Bucks., 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of the Earl of Chatham, in St. Stephen's Hall. MacDowell, sculptor, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Monument to Sir James Mackintosh, in Westminster Abbey. Theed, sculptor, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Statue of Charles James Fox, in St. Stephen's Hall. Baily, sculptor, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
New Buckingham-Gate, St. James's Park, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches in Australia - Mode of Climbing a Tree, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Sketches in Australia - Aboriginal Mode of the Disposal of the Dead, 1857. Creator: Unknown.
Capture of French Folly Fort, near Canton, by H.M.S. "Barracouta" and "Coromandel"..., 1857. Creator: Unknown.